
People's democracy: definition, principles and features

People's democracy: definition, principles and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

People's democracy is a concept that was widespread in Soviet social science after the end of the Great Patriotic War. This type of government existed in a number of pro-Soviet states, mainly in Eastern Europe. It was formed as a result of the so-called "people's democratic revolutions". In this article, we will define this concept, reveal its principles, and give specific examples

The conflict in Northern Ireland: the cause, the chronology of events and the consequences for the participating countries

The conflict in Northern Ireland: the cause, the chronology of events and the consequences for the participating countries

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The conflict in Northern Ireland is an ethno-political confrontation provoked by a dispute between local national republican organizations, which were left-wing and Catholic, and the central British authorities. The main force opposing the United Kingdom was the Irish Republican Army. Her opponent was the Protestant Orange Order and right-wing radical organizations that acted on its side

Millard Fillmore is the 13th President of the United States

Millard Fillmore is the 13th President of the United States

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A prominent American politician became the last US president from the Whig party, which collapsed shortly after the end of his term in the country's top post. Millard Fillmore became the 13th head of state after the unexpected death of his predecessor. In the history of the United States, he remained the man who signed the odious Fugitive Slave Act (1850), which caused outrage among supporters of the prohibition of slavery

Second State Duma: structure, deputies, interesting facts

Second State Duma: structure, deputies, interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Second State Duma was formed in the Russian Federation in 1995. It became the 2nd democratic election to the lower house of the Federal Assembly in the history of the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Her powers began on December 17, 1995, and ended on January 18, 2000. At the same time, the meetings were held from January 96 to December 99

The period of detente in international relations: political background, chronology of events and consequences

The period of detente in international relations: political background, chronology of events and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The 1970s were a time of great hopes and no less significant disappointments in international politics. After the real threat of a global nuclear conflict in 1962, the world community gradually came to a period of detente in the Cold War between the USSR and the USA. Both sides clearly realized that serious changes had taken place in international relations

Politician - who is this? Meaning of the word

Politician - who is this? Meaning of the word

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In any dictionary "politician" is defined as an unscrupulous statesman, indiscriminate in the means used to achieve the goal, weaving intrigues, demagogue and populist. By "politicking" is meant the behavior of a person rushing into power structures in order to satisfy his personal, selfish motives

Aleksey Evgenievich Repik is the main supplier of medicines in Russia

Aleksey Evgenievich Repik is the main supplier of medicines in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A rare entrepreneur at the age of 31 manages to become the main supplier of medicines to such a large state as Russia. However, the company of Alexei Evgenievich Repik was able to win the most tenders in this area. So far, the press and experts have not finally decided who he is - a business genius or just a dummy figure behind which high-ranking officials stand. The businessman prefers to be thought of as a "boot" under the "roof" of the FSB

Political scientist Alexander Khramchikhin: biography

Political scientist Alexander Khramchikhin: biography

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Russian political scientist Alexander Anatolyevich Khramchikhin is the main author of the books "Elections to the Sixth State Duma: Results and Conclusions" and "Elections of the President of the Russian Federation: Results and Conclusions", published by the Institute of Political and Military Analysis in 1996. In this article we will talk about the most interesting moments in the life of a Russian political scientist

Russian socialist movement as a left direction in politics

Russian socialist movement as a left direction in politics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Socialism is one of the manifestations of the left direction in politics. The Soviet encyclopedia interprets it as a social structure in which there are no opposing classes, no exploitation of man by man, and labor power is not a commodity

The Lord Chancellor is the most important post in the UK

The Lord Chancellor is the most important post in the UK

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The person holding this position is endowed with important functions in all three branches of government: judicial, executive and legislative. As head of the legal department, he takes part in the selection of royal judges, lawyers and heads of the High Court of England and Wales. He is Chief Legal Adviser to the UK Government and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. As a member of the government directs the judiciary of the United Kingdom, is a member of the Privy Council and the Cabinet

Stabilization policy: basic concepts, types, methods, goals

Stabilization policy: basic concepts, types, methods, goals

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Stabilization policy - a system of government measures implemented to ensure sustainable economic development of the country. Accordingly, both active and passive stabilization policies are being developed

Crimes against humanity: definition, types, international cooperation and responsibility

Crimes against humanity: definition, types, international cooperation and responsibility

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Crimes against the peace and security of mankind are contrary to the idea of humanism and the development of civilization along this path. For thousands of years our society has been gradually striving for a brighter, more peaceful existence, the evaluation of a person and his rights according to his merits. Progress in this direction has been especially noticeable in recent centuries

Contra - what is it? Interpretation of the concept

Contra - what is it? Interpretation of the concept

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

K. Marx noted that by its very development, a revolution gives rise to a counter-revolution. In modern science, counterrevolution is viewed as the inevitable second stage of the entire revolutionary process. One of the clearest examples is the White Guard movement in post-revolutionary Russia

China National People's Congress: elections, term of office

China National People's Congress: elections, term of office

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The National People's Congress is the Supreme State Authority of the People's Republic of China. Among its members is the Standing Committee (PC NPC). We will describe in detail the powers, terms, work and deputies of the National People's Congress in this article

Japan, Navy: general information

Japan, Navy: general information

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Japanese Navy today is defensive. It has a clear structure. The armament of the Japanese Navy is at a fairly high level, while it is in the process of development and improvement

Vladimir Vlasov is a popular politician in the Sverdlovsk region

Vladimir Vlasov is a popular politician in the Sverdlovsk region

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Vladimir Vlasov has long gained popularity among the inhabitants of the Sverdlovsk region. For three terms he was the mayor of the city of Asbest, then he worked in the regional government. Today Vlasov Vladimir Alexandrovich - Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region

Transition period of the state: problems, politics, society

Transition period of the state: problems, politics, society

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Emile Durkheim defined the concept of "anarchy" as the complete absence of power within a particular state. Over time, some researchers began to identify anarchy with the state of transition. There is, of course, some truth in this, but this is far from all that society faces during this period

President of Colombia (Juan Manuel Santos) - 2016 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

President of Colombia (Juan Manuel Santos) - 2016 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In 2016, the President of Colombia received a world award. This was due to his activities to end the Civil War in the state, which lasted more than fifty years. He was announced the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in autumn

Boston Marathon 2013: aftermath and facts

Boston Marathon 2013: aftermath and facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Boston Marathon is an annual sporting event that spans several cities in Massachusetts. It is always held on Patriots' Day, the third Monday in April. The first race took place in 1897 and was inspired by the success of the first marathon at the 1896 Summer Olympics

Unitary state - what is it? Signs of a unitary state

Unitary state - what is it? Signs of a unitary state

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Unitary form of state is a type of state structure in which the country is divided into several administrative entities that do not have the status of state entities. But in some cases, individual regions of the country may have some degree of autonomy in decision-making

How federal ministers work in Russia

How federal ministers work in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

What do we know about how federal ministers work in Russia? Let's figure out what they lead, who appoints them, what duties they perform and what responsibility they bear for their work

Russian governors: all-all-all 85 people

Russian governors: all-all-all 85 people

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Governor of Russia is the highest official at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heading the local executive state power. Due to the federal structure of the country, the official title of the position of a person performing the functions of a governor may be different: governor, president of the republic, chairman of the government, head, mayor of the city. The regions and territories equated to them are eighty-four. So who are they - the governors of Russia?

Where was Vladimir Putin born and who are his parents?

Where was Vladimir Putin born and who are his parents?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Journalists around the world are intrigued by the story that the current president of Russia was adopted, and his real mother lives in Georgia… Many articles have been written about where Vladimir Putin was born and raised, books have been released and films have been made. Today we'll talk about who Putin's real parents are, where he was actually born and raised

National Democracy yesterday and today

National Democracy yesterday and today

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

We have all heard about the terms "democracy" and "nationalism" in one way or another. In the world of politics, they are extremely popular. And if everything is more or less clear with the first, then the second extremely often causes misunderstanding and heated debate among people. And not only today, but also in the past, and in the century before last. What can we say about those cases when these two terms are combined. So what is national democracy? What does this political trend reflect and what is its origin

Political management: definition, methods, bodies

Political management: definition, methods, bodies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There is no need to explain that every person living today has, in one way or another, encountered and continues to encounter various forms of political governance. This is especially true for those who, by virtue of their activities, either work with politicians or are themselves a politician. Sometimes people tend not to understand the essence of the phenomenon that they face every day. This is exactly what is happening with the phenomenon of political governance. Everyone knows that it exists, but not many people know exactly how it is carried out

Qualified majority. Truth and fiction

Qualified majority. Truth and fiction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

It's no secret that in the modern world in most countries of the world (the Russian Federation, the United States and others) a democratic legal regime has been established. One of its main characteristics can be called the supremacy of human rights and freedoms. Hence the elections. But not everything is so simple. Many laws require special discretion on the part of voters. This is where the qualified majority comes into play

Pakistan's nuclear weapons: features, history and interesting facts

Pakistan's nuclear weapons: features, history and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Now Pakistan, without a doubt, is one of the most promising and rapidly developing countries in the world. In many ways, this country has reached such heights thanks to Pakistan's nuclear weapons. There are only nine nuclear powers in the world. To become one of them, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. But in the end, Pakistan became the fifth most powerful nuclear power

Prime Minister of Georgia: appointment, political goals, tasks, contribution to the development of the country and conditions of resignation

Prime Minister of Georgia: appointment, political goals, tasks, contribution to the development of the country and conditions of resignation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The post of Prime Minister of Georgia is the most unstable job in the country. The first prime minister was chosen during the short period of Georgia's independence after the collapse of the Russian Empire. Unfortunately, today, torn apart by various contradictions and problems, suffering from corruption and clannishness in power structures, the country is not the best example of democracy. The ardent Georgian people are impatient, which is why the prime ministers of Georgia, as a rule, do not stay in office for a long time

English Queen Elizabeth 2

English Queen Elizabeth 2

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The current English Queen Elizabeth 2 is a representative of the Windsor dynasty. Elizabeth received the throne in 1952. The future English queen was born on April 21, 1926 in London and grew up in an atmosphere of care and love

Increasing political literacy: what is the difference between a referendum and an election?

Increasing political literacy: what is the difference between a referendum and an election?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Citizens who have reached the appropriate age are invited to the ballot boxes at a certain time. They are required to express their own opinion on a particular issue. But voting is different. Let's see how a referendum differs from an election so that we never again get confused about the purpose of a poll of citizens

US Electoral College

US Electoral College

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The most democratic country in the world (USA) has created a very strange electoral system. It is distinguished from other Electoral Colleges. No other state on the planet has a system of electing a leader, which is carried out in two stages

Accession of Crimea to Russia in 2014: how was it?

Accession of Crimea to Russia in 2014: how was it?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The accession of Crimea to Russia in 2014 caused a great resonance in the world community. Someday this will become a great historical event, but today many questions remain. Russia is under pressure from sanctions and attempts at economic and political isolation. In Crimea, infrastructure, economy, life, and trade will be improved for several more years. But these are only difficulties that will be resolved in time

Civil war in Somalia. Causes, course, consequences

Civil war in Somalia. Causes, course, consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The civil war in Somalia is a local conflict, not international in nature. It would seem that what could be unusual in the confrontation between government forces and the opposition? However, historians should take note of much of what happened

Presidential decrees as the highest legal document

Presidential decrees as the highest legal document

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The highest document in any state is the Constitution, which sets out in detail the rights and obligations of all citizens. After it and federal laws, decrees of the leader of the state have supreme power

Doyen is the elder of the diplomatic corps

Doyen is the elder of the diplomatic corps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

What role does the doyen play, what rights does he have and what does he do on the territory of the diplomatic mission of the country he represents? What is a doyen, who appoints him and what political weight does he have?

1996 Presidential Election: Candidates, Leaders, Repeat Voting and Election Results

1996 Presidential Election: Candidates, Leaders, Repeat Voting and Election Results

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The presidential elections in 1996 became one of the most resonant political campaigns in the history of modern Russia. This was the only presidential election where the winner could not be determined without a second vote. The campaign itself was distinguished by a tough political struggle between the candidates. The main contenders for victory were the future president of the country, Boris Yeltsin, and the leader of the communists, Gennady Zyuganov

Israeli intelligence: name, motto. What are members of Israeli intelligence called?

Israeli intelligence: name, motto. What are members of Israeli intelligence called?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In this review, we will look at the history of the emergence of Israeli intelligence. We will pay special attention to the tasks of the Mossad intelligence organization

How does the government work? Is it a secret or not?

How does the government work? Is it a secret or not?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

We often hear on TV that this or that decision was made by the government. It is presented as a direct instruction to do certain things. But, besides the government, there are other bodies vested with powers. How among them to figure out who to listen to? Let's try to find out

What is the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation

What is the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The article tells about what the Academy of National Economy is, and also reveals the history of this educational institution, structure, achievements and role in education

Anatoly Sobchak: biography and personal life

Anatoly Sobchak: biography and personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Politician and mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak, whose cause of death is still periodically the subject of media publications, lived an eventful and vibrant life. He was a model of decency and political integrity, he had a unique ability to see the potential of people and contribute to its realization. Sobchak's activities left a significant mark on Russian history, and his descendants will remember his name for a long time to come