We often hear on TV that this or that decision was made by the government. It is presented as a direct instruction to do certain things. But, besides the government, there are other bodies vested with powers. How among them to figure out who to listen to? Let's try to find out.
Most likely, to understand what a government is means to sort out its functions and powers. That is, it is necessary to reveal the essence of this body. First, let's open the dictionaries.

They argue that the government is the highest state body, endowed with executive and distributive functions. That is, its decisions are binding, but in certain areas. The state has many tasks. If you do not go into details, they can be divided into the creation and implementation of laws. It is also necessary to monitor the work of organizations and enterprises in order to identify and punish violators. All this is represented in the information and political field by the so-called branches of power. The government is the body that heads the executive ifjudge from this point of view. It is responsible for ensuring that the laws adopted by the representative body are put into practice, into the life of society.
For whom does the government work?
On the one hand, the question looks a bit strange. After all, it is clear to anyone that the government works for the population. The latter, however, does not always feel it. Here, try to remember at least one government decree that affected you personally.

Probably there are. Usually they concern the social sphere. Only people are not very familiar with them. So who is the government for? Let's approach the issue from the other side. It seems that in order to understand, you need to open and read any government decree. It usually indicates the addressee. That is, several semantic parts can be distinguished in the document. One is the content itself. The second is the addressee, namely the body entrusted with the execution of the decision. It turns out that the government does not govern society by itself. It carries out its functions through state bodies.
What issues does the government decide?
Here is another question causing unrest and indignation in society. After all, flaws and shortcomings are visible to everyone. For example, prices are rising. Whom to appoint as last? Government, of course! But whether this government body has the ability to influence pricing, few seek to figure it out.

But we are in thisWe won't dig either. The example is given only to make the reader understand that the Government of the Russian Federation cannot deal with all problems in a row. The terms of his powers are strictly defined and spelled out in the legislation. Especially when it comes to the work of private enterprises. And they are the ones who set the price. Here the government has the right to regulate only the cost of strategic products. And about the prices of other goods, it can give recommendations. They are not mandatory for private traders. So it turns out that the government can not do everything, despite the belief in the opposite by most of the people.
How does the government make decisions?
The mechanism is clear enough. He worked in the USSR and has not changed much. The first step is to identify and characterize the problem. This is done by ministries and departments, each in its own area. These bodies employ specialists whose duties include monitoring the situation in a particular area, analyzing, comparing, thinking and proposing solutions. When a problem is identified, they look for ways to solve it. They are formulated in the draft resolution. This document must also be subjected to a comprehensive analysis. This is done by specialists and special organizations. In some important cases, entire institutes or other specialists are involved. Another draft resolution is being considered from the point of view of compliance with current legislation. It is clear that the document cannot violate it. Only after a comprehensive analysis and checks, the decision of the government of the Russian Federation is adopted. This process takes a lot of time. We want problems to be solvedinstantly. This can lead to chaos. It is desirable for the people to have patience.

Decision passed, what next?
When the document is signed and registered, it is sent to the executors. It is clear that the decision of the government of such a huge country as Russia has many addressees. Here they are sent to fulfill it. Only not immediately to the places, but to regional centers. There, on its basis, they create their own paper. In it, again, the performers are determined and the task is sent to them. Approximately so there is a "circulation" of documents. It turns out that quite a lot of time passes from the signing of the resolution to the first results of its implementation. It is necessary so that the performers understand what needs to be done, and begin to swing. Although there are areas where the government's decision is implemented in a matter of days. Usually this is the work of special or regulatory bodies. For example, a ban on the import of certain types of products into Russia is implemented within a few hours. But in organizations dealing with this issue, the discipline is almost military, and there are not so many of them.