Explanatory dictionaries explain the meaning in different ways, but always note the negative emotional coloring of the term. Based on the root “watered”, it becomes clear that this is the name of a person engaged in the activities of precisely the field of politics. Let's figure out what the negative connotation of the term is connected with, and what use it has received in our time.
Explanation of the concept
In any dictionary, he is defined as an unprincipled statesman, unscrupulous in the means used to achieve the goal, weaving intrigues, demagogue and populist. A politician is a person who rushes into power structures in order to satisfy his personal selfish motives.

Always, from ancient times to the present day, two categories of people aspired to power. Some wanted the prosperity of the state, others pursued only selfish goals; such as personal enrichment or the opportunity to become famous. Politicking involves the use of dishonest methods of struggle. How does it manifest itself? Everyone knows the situations when unreasonable arguments are often given in the election race.promises that cannot be kept. They are called "populist" (from the Latin populus - the people), as their only goal is to attract the attention of the largest possible number of electors.
The Oxford Dictionary of Politics interprets the concept of "demagoguery" as statements and statements in which lies, speculation and methods of manipulating consciousness are used to achieve political goals.
Populism and demagogy in the struggle for power are often supplemented by political intrigues (games). This concept means a hidden activity aimed at achieving the desired visible result.
A lot has been said about the manipulation of public consciousness. It is worth noting only the factor that in our age of information technology and the unlimited availability of mass media, the capabilities of manipulators also increase many times over.
So, a politician is a person who uses to satisfy his own selfish interests:
- populist statements;
- demagogy;
- political games;
- manipulating the consciousness of the masses.
Famous politicians
The annals of history forever included people whose activities have become classics of the genre. Suffice it to recall Gaius Julius Caesar and his adversary Mark Junius Brutus, who were not shy about choosing means in their confrontation.
Synonymous with dishonesty in the political struggle of the Middle Ages was the surname of the Borgia family, which at the cost of extreme measures held power in Italy for several centuries.

Application in current realities
In modern Russia, the political term became widespread in the post-perestroika years, when people who were absolutely incompetent in matters of state structure gave out false promises to a politically illiterate electorate and speculated on public consciousness in order to gain power in a morally fragmented country. That's when the expression came into use: "So this is another politician!".
Fortunately, the days when it was easy to deceive the people have passed. Today's population of Russia is better versed in matters of state structure and has acquired some "immunity" to the activities of politicians, although, undoubtedly, individuals in this category will always strive for the Olympus of political power.