Vladimir Vlasov went from an electrician at a large enterprise in a small Ural town to a government official in the Sverdlovsk region. For several years he served as the head of the city of Asbest, where he was well remembered by the locals for his democracy and deeds.
Vlasov Vladimir Alexandrovich - a native of the city of Asbest, Sverdlovsk region. His date of birth is February 13, 1958. In 1977, after graduating from high school in the city of Asbest, he went to work at the Uralasbest plant as a well driller. From 1978 to 1980 he was called up for service in the border troops, where he was awarded the badge "Excellent worker of the border troops" of the first and second degree.

Having been demobilized, Vladimir Vlasov, whose biography has long been associated with the city of Asbest, returned to work at the Uralasbest plant again. In the southern mining department of this mining enterprise, he started as an electrician at a car repair depot and rose to the position of deputy head.
In parallel, he studiedin the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute, having received in 1986 the speci alty of a mining engineer in electrification and automation of mining operations.
Transition to party work and further career growth
1987 was a turning point: Vlasov Vladimir was invited to work in the Asbestos City Committee of the Communist Party. This was facilitated by the first secretary of the city party committee A. Gusev, who was later transferred to the regional committee, and later headed the city council of the city of Asbest.
In 1990, Vladimir Vlasov took the post of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Asbest City Council. Y. Pinaev, who later headed the administration of the regional governor, led the city executive committee at that time.

In 1992, Vlasov was appointed to the post of deputy mayor of Asbest, he was in charge of social issues. In the election of the head of Asbest in 1996, Vladimir Vlasov won a landslide victory. He was also elected mayor in 2000 and 2004.
Work in regional structures
12.12.2005 Chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional government Alexei Vorobyov invited Vlasov to the post of his deputy. Vladimir Vlasov replaced S. Spector in this position, who has reached retirement age.
In the middle of 2007, the government of the Sverdlovsk region was headed by Viktor Koksharov, Vlasov remained his deputy.

At the end of 2009, the new governor Alexander Misharin and the new chairman of the regional government Anatoly Gredincontributed to the reshuffle in the highest echelon of power, as a result, the post of the first deputy chairman of the government was combined with the ministerial position for social protection of the population.
Reforms in the regional government
2011-13-04 Sverdlovsk Governor Alexander Misharin, reforming government structures, issued a decree according to which Vladimir Vlasov, while remaining in the post of regional vice-premier, received the post of Minister of Social Protection of the Population.
18.04.2012 Vlasov was appointed chairman of the regional government. In May 2012, the governor was replaced in the Sverdlovsk region. This post was taken by Kuyvashev Evgeny Vladimirovich. Vlasov became acting head of the regional government, and from 2012-23-06 he again took up the post of first deputy in the regional government, where he was until September of this year.

In October 2016, Vladimir Vlasov, for whom politics has become an integral part of life, took the position of Deputy Chairman in the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.
Participation in various activities
Residents of the Sverdlovsk region know Vlasov for organizing various events on a regional scale. In August 2013, preparations were made for the all-Russian environmental clean-up "Green Russia", one of the initiators of which was the former world chess champion A. Karpov.
Vlasov V. A. as the first deputy chairman of the regional government led the organizing committee for the preparation of "Green Russia" inregion.

The purpose of this large-scale event was to improve the state of the environment in the cities and towns of the Sverdlovsk region. The organizers involved the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Energy, the regional educational system.
Vlasov stressed that it is necessary to focus on cleaning up the trash from settlements, in particular, to clean the coastal strips of reservoirs in cities, parks, squares, and other protected areas. He urged each municipality to carefully prepare for the action, take care of everything necessary in advance: find bags where garbage is to be collected, prepare enough vehicles to take out the filled bags.
A good organization allowed everyone to find a worthy application for their work, show civic engagement and enjoy the real result of their efforts.
In total, more than two thousand residents of the capital of the Urals and the region took part in the "Green Russia" campaign.
Child care
The first deputy chairman of the regional government did not stand aside during the outbreak of an intestinal infection, when in July 2013 more than fifty children from the Rassvetnoy camp in the Sysert district of the Sverdlovsk region fell ill with high fever and abdominal pain.
The Vlasovs instructed the employees of the Ministry of Regional He alth to urgently send a group of medical workers to the camp, who investigated the reasons that contributed to the massdisease.
Samples of food, water samples were taken for analysis, and other appropriate measures were taken. As a result, the outbreak of infectious disease was eliminated. Preventive work was also carried out in other children's camps.