Kirilenko Andrei Pavlovich: biography, family, relatives, photo

Kirilenko Andrei Pavlovich: biography, family, relatives, photo
Kirilenko Andrei Pavlovich: biography, family, relatives, photo

The man who led the industry of a huge country and developed the industrial power of the state, political and state leader - Andrei Pavlovich Kirilenko.


He was born in the Voronezh province in 1906. From the age of nineteen he began to work, early on he learned the hellish work of a miner in the Donbass. An ordinary activist, he rallied the younger generation around him.

Since 1929 - a member of the Komsomol organization, since 1931 - a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In 1936, he successfully graduated from the Aviation Institute, worked hard as an ordinary engineer at a specialized plant in Zaporozhye.

The political repressions of 1938 naturally led to an acute shortage of managerial personnel, and the initiative communist was attracted to party work. Andrey Pavlovich Kirilenko has successfully shown himself to be a strong-willed, purposeful and energetic leader.

Further prospects were serious. A year later, Andrei Pavlovich was appointed second secretary of the regional committee of Zaporozhye. He works with full dedication. The country was on the verge of severe trials, was not ready for war, and there was less and less time left. At this time there was an acquaintance with Leonid Brezhnev, secretary of the regional committeeDnepropetrovsk.

The Crucibles

In 1941, the war began … The merciless enemy was rapidly approaching, it was necessary to immediately evacuate the industry to the rear areas of the country. The second secretary competently organized the transportation of plants in the shortest possible time.

The leader thoroughly developed an unmistakable plan for moving back in 1939 - he thought so far-sightedly and rationally. Since November 1941, he has been a member of the Army War Council.

Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich
Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich

An active strong business executive and organizer, in 1943 Andrei Pavlovich Kirilenko was sent by the authorized representative of the State Defense Committee to an aircraft factory in Moscow. Thanks to the work of a talented manager and his practical ability to mobilize, output for the front has increased significantly.

The communist did not spare himself. In 1944, an experienced leader was immediately sent to restore industrial facilities in Zaporozhye in the post of second secretary of the regional and city committees of the party.

Dnepropetrovsk team

In 1946, Leonid Brezhnev was officially approved for the party leadership of Zaporozhye, appointing Kirilenko as the first assistant. Joint work brought them together and made friends, until the end of their lives they remained faithful companions.

Andrey Pavlovich, as his closest friend, said catchphrases at the anniversary that 70 years for a leader is the middle age. In 1947, Leonid Ilyich transferred to the party administration of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Committee, in 1950 Andrei Pavlovich Kirilenko took over the post. The photo below was taken during a factory visit.

Andrey Pavlovich Kirilenko
Andrey Pavlovich Kirilenko

This area is a strategic center of metallurgy and mechanical engineering. Here, under the general leadership of the secretary of the regional committee, they immediately began the serial production of military strategic missiles.

Later, when Brezhnev became the head of the country, the career advancement of reliable people with whom he had previously worked successfully began. The vast majority of proteges worked in the regional committee of Dnepropetrovsk, which is why the expression “Dnipropetrovsk team” went for a walk.

The ability to take the right step

The secretary's success in managing the region was noted by the Center, so Kirilenko was entrusted with the industrial heart of the USSR - the Sverdlovsk region. An experienced, effective manager who went through the war and is restoring the industry from the ruins began to actively lead the territory.

As L. I. Brezhnev moved further to the heights of power, Andrei Pavlovich also moved. In 1955-1962. he became head of the Sverdlovsk regional committee. It is said that he was the initiator of the construction of mansions for the reception of Moscow officials.

Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich biography
Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich biography

Having learned about this initiative, the nearest neighbors often came to the region with a request to share the project documentation. Under his leadership, workshop methods of construction from individual dimensional parts were actively used in the region.

Blocks and panels were mass-produced by an industrial method, which guaranteed the quality. Construction industry enterprises were built,new and obsolete Ural factories were created.

Intrigue in leadership

At that time, there was a behind-the-scenes struggle for power in the Center, in which representatives of the regions also participated. In 1957, in Moscow, Andrei Pavlovich Kirilenko, together with a group of high-ranking comrades, signed a paper on the convocation of the Central Committee and the removal of Khrushchev. True, speaking at the Plenum, he defended the first secretary of the party and denounced the "opposition".

In June 1962, Kirilenko urgently flew to the city of Novocherkassk, where the workers staged a spontaneous unauthorized rally. The situation gradually got out of hand.

Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich family
Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich family

Andrey Pavlovich deliberately exaggerated when he personally reported on the situation. By decision of Nikita Khrushchev, troops were brought into the city, and later consent was obtained for the use of weapons.

In 1962 Andrei Pavlovich Kirilenko was assigned to the Politburo. The intra-party struggle was in full swing, the political monsters were gradually removed: Molotov, Malenkov and Kaganovich. Soon Nikita Khrushchev's turn came.

Head of Industry

Since 1966, Andrei Pavlovich has been in charge of Soviet industry, he does not sit in his office, but rushes into the midst of the people, to where the great construction sites are. The manager completed the task: the giants of mechanical engineering and energy have finally been built.

Kirilenko had unquestioned authority, he is considered - he is the third person in the party. Andrei Pavlovich is a representative of the Brezhnev group in the political leadership. In the 70s it was considered likelyI. Brezhnev's successor as General Secretary.

Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich photo
Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich photo

Kirilenko Andrei Pavlovich got acquainted with the activities of the Stavropol Regional Committee in 1978 and spoke extremely negatively about the work of N. S. Gorbachev. Kirilenko considered it inappropriate to transfer the latter to Moscow.

Relations with Kosygin deteriorated after Alexei Nikolaevich documented the decision to send troops to Afghanistan, as adopted by the Central Committee in full force. Even though it was discussed only by three people in a narrow meeting.

Recent years

In the early 80s, Andrey Pavlovich's he alth deteriorated sharply. At the XXVI Party Congress in March 1981, he could not read the list of names correctly, without distortion - those sitting in the hall were shocked: behind the podium was a sick, infirm old man. But this did not become an obstacle to the inclusion of Kirilenko in the Politburo.

Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich relatives
Kirilenko Andrey Pavlovich relatives

After the death of Brezhnev, Andrei Pavlovich goes on a well-deserved rest. He lives in Moscow, every morning he goes to work out of habit - he does not understand what is happening … He died in May 1990, was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. After the death, the heirs had nothing left. So the son of the communist era Andrey Pavlovich Kirilenko left.

Family: wife - Elizaveta Ivanovna, daughter Valentina and son Anatoly.

A talented leader re-created the country. He raised from the ruins after the war and rebuilt the factories. That was Andrey Pavlovich Kirilenko, whose relatives keep the memory of him.
