A doyen is a person who is the head of the diplomatic corps in a certain country, he is considered the senior diplomatic representative of the highest level. An ambassador cannot be a doyen if the country where he serves has accreditation of diplomatic ambassadors.
Role of the Doyen

According to the law, the doyen is not the real head of the diplomatic corps, so he has no right to interfere in real politics. At the same time, he has the opportunity to make official statements at press conferences and other events. To understand what a doyen is, you need to understand what role he plays in a diplomatic mission.
Usually, the doyen is engaged in acquainting newly arrived diplomats with the situation in their country of residence, and also tells them about its customs, etiquette and culture. Congratulations, condolences, representation at holidays, awards, ceremonies - these are all the tasks of this person.
The doyen's political weight
Diplomatic representation is in any case the formal highest governing body in another country, so all speeches and statements, as well as visits to events by the doyenmust be agreed with the diplomatic corps.

Despite the fact that the doyen is not officially engaged in the activities of a diplomat, he helps in organizing meetings of official guests, events, and leisure activities for the entire corps. Since the doyen is a highly respected position, they hire trusted and highly educated employees who know the language, customs, and etiquette of the country in which the diplomatic mission is located. In addition, he must provide the arriving diplomats with all the latest news, so the duties of the doyen also include monitoring the situation in the host country.
In fact, the doyen is the protocol foreman of the diplomatic mission. At the same time, in the Vatican, this role is played by the papal nuncio. In other countries, a doyen is chosen within the diplomatic corps or the ministry of foreign affairs.