David and Goliath are two biblical characters whose battle is one of the rare battle scenes in the Old Testament. Before becoming the king of Israel and completely defeating the ancient enemies of the Jews, the Philistines, David gained fame thanks to one amazing victory. When he was still very young, the Philistines once again attacked Israel. The troops stood opposite each other, just about ready to rush into battle, but then a huge and powerful giant, whose name was Goliath, stepped forward from the slender ranks of the enemy army, and made an offer to the Jews: to decide the outcome of the battle by single combat. He called for anyone who wanted to fight him personally. If the Jew wins, then the Philistines will be their eternal slaves. If Goliath wins, then the fate of the sons of Israel will be the same. I must say that the legend of "David and Goliath" formed the basis of many feature films and served as a plot for beautiful paintings.

So, Goliath was a mighty and terrible giant. He was chained in armor, and not a single Israelite could muster up the courage to fight him, even despite the promise of King Saul to pass off hisonly daughter, Michal. For forty days Goliath spoke, laughing at the Jewish people and blaspheming God. It was at this time that a young man named David appeared in the camp of Israel. He came here to visit his older brothers and give them the gifts that his father gave. He heard how Goliath slanders the Israeli soldiers and God, and was indignant to the core. He asked permission from King Saul to fight the impudent one. The king was extremely surprised by such courage, because the difference even in the weight category of the opponents was obvious: a huge, armed and in armor, Goliath and David, who, apart from a few stones and a shepherd's weapon, had nothing with him. But the young man did not retreat, he wanted to join the battle and was firmly convinced that he would defeat the gigantic Philistine.

Then Saul asked him how he was going to defeat Goliath? After all, he was used to wars from childhood, and David is so young and inexperienced in military affairs. To this, the young man replied that, as a simple shepherd, he had more than once beat off the sheep that had lagged behind the herd from the predators who attacked them. And the Lord Himself helped him in this. And if God delivered him from the bear and the lion, then he will also deliver him from the hand of this ignorant Philistine. Then the Jews understood where this young man draws strength: he trusted in the Lord entirely and it was with his help that he hoped to defeat such a serious and powerful opponent.

And now David and Goliath are standing on the battlefield: a modest, virtually unarmed young man who has only a few stones in his bag, picked upby the river, and in the hands of a sling for throwing them, and a formidable giant, clad in copper, armed to the teeth. With a habitual and well-aimed hand, young David threw a stone from a sling. Goliath, who was hit right in the forehead, collapsed unconscious. Like lightning, a young man jumped up to the just defeated giant and, grabbing his sword, cut off his head with a single blow. The army of the Philistines, seeing this miraculous feat for the Jewish people, rushed to flee in confusion. The Israelis pursuing them finally drove the enemies out of their land.
It was a glorious victory that lifted the spirit of the children of Israel and strengthened their faith in God. The battle that David and Goliath staged was forever remembered by the Jews. King Saul fulfilled the promise: David, as the winner, received Michal as his wife, and was also appointed commander of the army. True, the activities of the brave young man in the name of his country did not end there, because one day the king harbored a grudge against him, thinking that he wanted to take his throne, and began to persecute him in every possible way. But that's another story.