Russian political scientist Alexander Anatolyevich Khramchikhin is the main author of the books "Elections to the Sixth State Duma: Results and Conclusions" and "Elections of the President of the Russian Federation: Results and Conclusions", published by the Institute of Political and Military Analysis in 1996. In this article, we will talk about the most interesting moments in the life of a Russian political scientist.

Childhood and youth
Khramchikhin Alexander Anatolyevich was born in 1967 in the Moscow region. Educated at Moscow State University. He was a student of the Faculty of Physics. In 1990 he received a diploma of his graduation. 1995-1996 is the period of work in the analytical structures of the NDR Executive Committee. Khramchikhin also worked at the headquarters for the election of Boris Yeltsin as President of the Russian Federation. In 1999, Alexander Khramchikhin was an active participant in the election campaign of the SPS Kiriyenko, when elections were held for the State Duma and for the post of mayor of the capital.
How is Khramchikhin doing today?

To dateAmong political scientists and experts, the name of Khramchikhin Alexander Anatolyevich is widely known, as he heads the work of the information and analytical department of the IPVA (Institute of Political and Military Analysis). He came to work there in January 1996. The formation of the Institute took place before his eyes and with his direct participation. The creation of an information database on the regional situation in all corners of the country remote from the center is directly related to his name.
Until the early 90s, Alexander Khramchikhin lived in the suburbs. Then he moved to the capital of Russia. St. Petersburg became the second hometown. The expert has repeatedly expressed the opinion that life in Moscow and St. Petersburg is fundamentally different from life in the regions. The differences concern not only the pace, but also its level. The difference is too significant. In order not to be wordy, for five years Alexander Anatolyevich visited thirty regions of the country, he himself called business trips trips “in the field.”
Khramchikhin Alexander Anatolyevich, whose biography will be associated with the work of the Institute for many years, within its walls becomes a co-author of the books “Elections to the Sixth State Duma: results and conclusions”, “Elections of the President of the Russian Federation: results and conclusions”, which were published in 1996.
Support for the candidacy of B. N. Yeltsin in the elections was the first project of the IPVA. Already later, under the leadership of Alexander Khramchikhin, the employees of the scientific analytical institution entrusted to him were directly involved in the campaign for the election of candidates for legislative and executive bodies in the Central District, the Far East, and the Siberian Federaldistrict. Political scientist Alexander Khramchikhin and his staff developed programs and statutory documents for political parties. On their list: "Our Home is Russia" and "Democratic Choice of Russia". The same package of documents was developed for the Union of Right Forces and the Unity Party.
His works are published in newspapers and magazines: Znamya, NG, NVO, LG, Vremya MN and Domestic Notes. In them, he covers military and political issues.
Periodically, he participates in TV shows on TV channels: VGTRK, REN-TV. Performs on radio waves "Mayak" and "Estonian Radio".
Articles by Alexander Khramchikhin with discussions about the policy of the leadership within the Russian Federation and about interaction with other countries on such portals as russ, globalrus, ima-press became known not only to political scientists, but also to ordinary citizens. He raises issues of military development and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and foreign countries. Interested in politics both at the federal level and at the regional level.
Alexander Khramchikhin in NVO often talks about the situation in Syria, Ukraine and writes articles for the “Reports from Donbass” column.
Main postulates of the political scientist's theory

Khramchikhin Alexander adheres to the theory of a disarming strike by the United States of America against carriers of Russian nuclear weapons. Alexander Anatolyevich explains the essence of the theory in the possibility of the United States to give the Russian Federation a reason to call NATO troops to its own territory so that they protect the Russian Federation from China.
Alexander Khramchikhin, whose biography is closely relatedwith military analytics, devoted a lot of work to China. In the book The Dragon Woke Up, the political scientist compared the pace of modernization of the Chinese army, the ongoing exercises of the PRC troops with the internal problems of the country. In his opinion, the problems are quite serious. To write the book, he studied 400 sources, including the work of specialists in the study of China. On the basis of the research done, Khramchikhin deduces a theory: in China, there will be an acute shortage of natural resources and territory. Trying to raise the popularity of the CCP will push it into armed conflict. In this way, the population will be distracted from the internal problems of the country, from the wasteful use of resources.
Pessimistic views about the prospects of the Russian army, the development of the military industry, and the aircraft industry were reflected in the 2011 publication “The Memorial Cemetery of the Russian Aircraft Industry.”
Today, the opinion of a political scientist boils down to the fact that discussions about the prospects for the development of the army are an eternal topic, since the situation is changing within the country. At the same time, the means and methods of armed struggle are changing. Alexander Khramchikhin's harsh criticism of Russia's army-related policy has been softened by events in neighboring Ukraine. Now the political scientist calls, like the majority: "Give war!".
Critical responses to political scientist's statements

In 2008, on August 7, the political scientist declared his disbelief in the approaching war in South Ossetia. The military events that soon followed gave Khramchikhin a reason to be criticized by other military experts. Criticized andhis opinion about the threat to Russia from China.
Book publishing
In 2010, the book "Military Affairs" was published. The management of the publishing house in the comments about the author wrote a lot of good words. In their opinion, the author of the book is the brightest publicist of recent years, who specializes in military topics. The book combines deep knowledge and analysis of the situation with the desire to show everything objectively. The book is written with a brilliant command of the Russian language. Therefore, all the material presented in it is interesting and easy to read. The information in the book does not leave anyone indifferent. A lot of material related to the country's military history has been collected. The political scientist gives a description of a certain period and an analysis of the situation.
Alexander Khramchikhin, whose photo is presented in the article, is one of the well-known analysts and military experts. He is not afraid to speak his mind and make predictions for the future, despite criticism from other political scientists.
A book with the statements of a political scientist

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles published a book with political commentaries on the situation in the country in different periods of time by political scientist Alexander Anatolyevich Khramchikhin. The book contains all his publications from Internet sites.
Recent issues raised in the political scientist's articles
The issue often raised in Khramchikhin's publications is the situation in the Donbass. According to the political scientist, Ukraine in the hands of the West could not become an instrument against the Russian Federation. Constantly accepting money from Western countries, Ukraine could notwin over the citizens of Russia. Alexander Anatolyevich expresses the opinion that the United States will soon stop “loving” such a Ukraine. And in order to regain its favor, its leadership will decide on a war. Everything can happen according to the Croatian scenario of 1995, when the Serbian Krajina was liquidated.
Russia and Turkey

The political scientist has repeatedly spoken about the problems of interaction between Russia and Turkey: "Erdogan will stab Russia in the back at the slightest opportunity." According to the political scientist, a favorable situation has “turned out” for Russia in Syria. As per the Stalinist slogan, a mighty blow was struck on foreign territory against a most dangerous enemy. During the war, Russian diplomacy also showed itself. The plans of the enemies for unification were foreseen, and their alliances fell apart under the onslaught of the work of Russian diplomats. The political scientist insists that, despite the success in the Syrian war, one must be careful with Erdogan. He may not forgive Russia for making him play by his own rules.
Deutsche Welle
Deutsche Welle, asking a political scientist questions about the country's national security strategy, received comprehensive answers. Alexander Anatolyevich is critical of Moscow's ignoring real threats to the country.
The strategy has been developed until 2020. The political scientist tried to analyze why this document appeared and how the country's leadership plans to ensure security.
The political scientist claims that he did not see anything new in the document. Still an enemyAmerica. But the authors do not raise the issue of China. It would be more correct to say that China is seen as an ally on three fronts. Such a position is not understandable and not acceptable by the expert.

It is especially interesting to read analytical articles. For example, the arguments of a military expert on the prospects for military technology. Nuclear weapons, according to the expert, are rather weapons of psychological influence. The direction related to the development of ballistic missiles is the direction of future development. The expert claims that the opinion about the tank as an obsolete weapon is completely erroneous. The development of artillery cannot be ignored. This is confirmation of its use in the Donbass. The direction of development of combat robots is considered promising. Of course, the question of analyzing the development of aviation will also be touched upon. The political scientist calls her the new god of modernity. Today is the time for drones.