Today, there are a lot of social, political, economic associations and movements that in one way or another affect the lives of ordinary citizens. This factor is determined by the fact that society does not stand still, but tends to develop. Unfortunately, this process does not always bring exclusively positive results. Deviant behavior is inherent in any society, but it is the extreme manifestation of this term that can give rise to such concepts as extremism and terrorism.
In order to understand the question of how extremism differs from terrorism, it is necessary to study in detail the essence of these concepts. In fact, not all terrorists are extremists by definition. In this article, you will not only get acquainted with the characteristic features of these concepts. You can also learn how extremism differs from terrorism in criminal law.
The essence of the concept of extremism
Becausethis word has recently appeared in modern Russian everyday life, scientists and sociologists have not yet given a clear and fixed meaning of the concept of extremism.
In general, this current can be regarded as a person's inclination to achieve the desired result in various areas by illegal methods and prohibited methods. These methods can act as: physical and moral violence, propaganda, encroachment on the rights of other citizens.
Extremists adhere to extreme ideologies and beliefs, usually based on national or religious traditions. It is precisely because of their ideology that extremists are the most terrible criminals, ready to do anything for the sake of their belief in their own rightness.

Because this concept has a wide range of influence on different areas, the motives of extremists can also be different. The main tasks of “ideological people” include the following motivating factors:
- ideology;
- religion;
- political factor;
- material factor;
- desires of power;
- modern romanticism;
- heroism;
- self-affirmation motive.
As a rule, the motives of extremists are divided into personal and group. If a potential "ideological person" is in a certain group of extreme views, then this can contribute to the emergence of specific behaviors and the construction of new tasks. Each member of an extremist group convinces and inspires another comrade with certain views and beliefs, due towhich is easier to commit a crime.

Extremism in criminal law
According to the law of the Russian Federation "On counteracting extremist activity", the implementation of extremist ideology includes the following characteristics:
- forced change of the constitutional foundation and non-observance of the unity of the Russian Federation;
- publicly explaining actions and defending extremist views;
- incitement to social, national, racial or religious hatred;
- dissemination of information about the superiority of a particular racial, national, religious affiliation;
- promoting Nazi or racist symbols or similar paraphernalia to the point of confusion.
It is worth noting that the law also fixes the concept of an “ideological organization” - a social or religious group that commits illegal actions based on certain beliefs or beliefs. Such associations are subject to total liquidation by efforts established by federal law.
Below in the article you will learn the difference between extremism and terrorism.

What is terrorism?
Terrorism is a type of political violence that involves the planning and deliberate attack on non-combatants and civilians, depending on the initial goals and factors that members of specific groups want to influence. Typically has three key elements:
- Political violence orviolent actions aimed at conveying a specific political message.
- Intentionally targeting non-combatants (journalists, officials, medical personnel, clergy and lawyers).
- Dual nature, when one group is attacked to terrorize another.
According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for causing an explosion, arson or other actions that may harm the he alth or life of people, as well as for moral influence and intimidation, a punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 2 to 20 years is expected, depending on the scale of the inflicted damage.
On the question of how extremism differs from terrorism in criminal law, there is no significant difference between the pen alties for these violations.

How are these two terms related?
In short, what is the difference between extremism and terrorism, then there is not much difference between them, since there are some similarities in the ideology and psychology of representatives of extreme associations. In general, extremism is a broader concept that includes terrorism.
Initially, terrorist attacks were associated with extremism. Since they were aimed primarily at non-combatants.
Extremists and terrorists are firmly convinced of their point of view and hold extreme views that are almost impossible to destroy.
Are all extremists terrorists?
Highlight. The main difference between extremism and terrorism is thatthat "ideologists" have certain beliefs and convey them to the public in various ways, not necessarily extreme ones. As for the terrorists, they see the realization of their plans only in violence and murder. Below in the article you will learn how extremism differs from terrorism using a specific example.

In fact, some types of extremism have nothing to do with terrorism. For example, pacifism has two incarnations: conditional pacifism, where the use of violence is allowed under certain circumstances, such as physical self-defense; and absolute pacifism, where the use of violence is unacceptable. Absolute pacifism is actually a form of extremism, and is even sometimes referred to as "extreme" or "extremist" pacifism. People who hold this view are seen as extremists in that particular ideology. However, they are not terrorists and are in fact opposed to violence.
The State of Russia takes daily preventive measures against terrorism and extremism, but much also depends on society as a whole. Various religious, national and public associations should definitely control manifestations of extremism and terrorist trends and prevent possible conflicts.