Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the head of the Russian Federation, a strong and bright person who has been needed by our state for a long time. After Vladimir Vladimirovich appeared on the political arena as head of state, all the world's media wondered where Putin was born. The president's biography caused a lot of controversy and doubts, and at the beginning of the 2000s, information about his Georgian roots appeared at all.
The historical roots of President Putin
The origin of the family begins in the Tver province. Of course, restoring the entire genealogical tree of any non-noble family in tsarist Russia is an extremely difficult task. Many peasants constantly moved from village to village, villages died out completely due to fires or wars. And there were no records of some of the peasants at all.
As you know, Putin's paternal line originates in the village of Bordino, Tver province. Later, in the 18th century, Semyon Fedorovich, the ancestor of Vladimir Vladimirovich, moved to Pominovo. His great-grandfathers, hereditary peasants, andlived in the village of Pominovo, which now houses the dacha of Putin's relatives. The village is not numerous, no more than 20 permanent residents live there, but in the summer there are many summer residents, including those from St. Petersburg.

Moving to St. Petersburg
Vladimir Putin's grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich, like many peasants at that time, came to St. Petersburg to work. There he achieved great success. Having trained as a cook at a young age and gained significant experience in the then-famous Astoria restaurant, he rebuilt a house in Pominovo. Having survived the First World War there, Spiridon Ivanovich finally returned to St. Petersburg, getting a job in the dining room of the People's Commissar of the Party. Putin's grandfather cooked for Lenin and Stalin and probably did not suspect that his grandson would achieve such heights.
Putin's father
One of the four children of Spiridon Putin, Vladimir, was born in 1911. Having served in the Navy as a submariner, the father of the future president of Russia returned to his native village, where he got married. After the wedding with the first-born Albert, Putin's parents move to St. Petersburg. There they have another son, Victor. Unfortunately, the first son of the Putins died before the start of the Great Patriotic War.
Vladimir Vladimirovich's father fought at the front and was seriously wounded in the defense of Nevsky Piglet. He has proven himself to be a brave soldier. He raised his son in strictness, but he did not deprive him of love either.

Putin's mom
Maria Ivanovna Shelomova was born in 1911. Also fromhereditary "non-yard". The nationality of Putin's mother, like his father, is beyond doubt: they are both Russian.
During the Second World War, Maria Ivanovna was in besieged Leningrad. She managed to survive the blockade, but there she lost her second son Victor, he died of diphtheria.

Vova Putin. Where was born and raised
For a long time, Maria and Vladimir lived without children, worked at the factory. At the age of 41, Maria Ivanovna became pregnant, and in 1952 her son Vladimir was born.
The city where Putin was born was then called Leningrad. For several years, the three of them lived in a communal apartment on Baskov Lane.
Putin's father insisted on studying music, and even forced his son to play the Amur Waves w altz on the button accordion. But young Vladimir already preferred sambo to music. His first wrestling coach had to have a serious talk with Putin's parents so that they would give him the freedom to play sports. As a result, the parents approved of their son's hobby, which later bore fruit.
Vladimir Putin's school friends describe him as outgoing and outgoing. He had many friends, they often visited him. Vladimir Putin's mother was a very economic and ambitious woman. Sometimes she made her son change his shirts three times a day. Putin's father always gave the impression of a strict man, but he never allowed himself to raise his voice.

Gaining power and losing parents
Did not findPutin as president is his parents, but they have witnessed the rise of his political career. They were proud of their son, but did not brag about it. The loud statement of Father Putin shortly before his death, "My son is the king!" can be called prophetic. Now this comparison is really appropriate. However, this is the only thing that was leaked to the press.
Putin's parents died in 1998 and 1999. They were buried nearby, at the Serafimovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.
Georgian mother of Putin and the beginning of provocations
On the eve of 2000, in order to undermine the image before the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, someone spread false information through the media about the birthplace of Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich. Georgian newspapers came out with sensational information: "The Russian presidential candidate has Georgian roots, he is adopted, and his mother lives in the suburbs of Tbilisi." The activities of the media in Russia were under secret control. The elections went smoothly and Putin was elected president.
No wonder Western newspapers are full of information about where Putin was born and who his parents are. A huge number of correspondents reached out to the village of Metekhi to meet with "Putin's mother." The book "The Secret Biography of the President of Russia", sponsored by the Chechens, was published. The Greek and German TV companies even released a joint film about the life of a biological mother. However, its broadcast in Russia was banned.
Who is Vera Putina
Vera Putina is a 74-year-old resident of the Georgian village of Metekhi in the Kaspi region, not far from Tbilisi. She claims that although she did not see herson for many years, I am convinced that it is he who is the president of Russia. All residents of Georgia are sure that she is right and have no doubts about the veracity of the story she tells.
Journalists have become frequent guests in the house of Vera Putina, but mostly they are citizens of foreign countries (rarely from Russia). She does not tell her story very willingly, fearing that they will not believe her. She is already an old woman, but still, she has common external features with the president. Vera Putina also points to an undeniable similarity in gait and identical gray eyes.

She has four adult daughters, who also do not deny kinship with the President of Russia. However, they are even more reluctant to contact the press than Vera Nikolaevna. It is connected, first of all, with fear for the life. The women claim to have received threats from unknown Russian men.
Birth of Vladimir
Vera Nikolaevna Putina was born in the Perm region in the RSFSR. She grew up there and entered the school, where she met Platon Privalov. The unlucky student led a wild life and turned the young girl's head with compliments. During her pregnancy, Vera found out that Plato was married and wanted to steal Vera's son after giving birth. Then she decided to run away from him. She never saw him again.
The son was born in September 1950, since he did not have a father, Vera gave him her last name. She left for undergraduate practice in Tashkent, left her son with her parents. Soon Vera meets Georgian GeorgeOsipashvili, marries him and moves to Georgia with Volodya.
Parting of Vera and Vladimir
After the birth of two girls in a joint marriage, the financial situation of the Osipashvili family was shaken. Vladimir remained constantly deprived. Things were worn and in patches, sometimes he received a stick from George.
Vova was nine years old when his mother, under pressure from her husband, sent him to the Urals to live with his grandparents. But, unfortunately, they also did not need it. His grandfather placed him in a boarding school in Perm, secretly from Vera Nikolaevna. After that, the boy was adopted, and his biological mother did not try to look for him.
After many years she saw him on TV, her mother's heart told her that this was her son. Yes, and all the villagers came to Vera and talked about the incredible similarity.

Photos and documents
Vera Nikolaevna also claims that immediately after the appearance in the world of information that Putin is an adopted son, and she is his real mother, people of Chechen nationality came to her. They turned the whole house over and took away all his photographs and documents so that presidential candidate Putin could be blackmailed. She also says that unknown people who speak Russian came to her and tried to convince her that Putin was not her Vova. Vera Putina is convinced that all this was done in order to hide the fact of where Vladimir Putin was born. After all, the story is not the best.
From documents that could somehow confirm this version of where he was bornVladimir Putin, there is only a birth certificate for Vera Nikolaevna Putina. Now she is Osipashvili, and she gave her maiden name to her son. However, the fact that the adoptive parents also turned out to be Putins, Vera Nikolaevna considers it a coincidence and nothing more.
Refutation of relatives
Indeed, some believed the story of Putin's Georgian mother. Many were greatly embarrassed by the lack of any information about Vova before he entered the first grade. Moreover, the age of his mother was too big for those times. Previously, after forty years, women rarely gave birth.
Where and when Russian President Putin was born, his neighbors in a communal apartment in St. Petersburg know exactly. Putin's uncle and aunt have already moved to Ryazan. However, they very clearly remember Vova's discharge from the hospital and his childhood years. In one of the interviews, Anna Putina described in great detail some details from the life of little Vova, told how she helped him raise and care for him, since his mother was often sick.

Documentary rebuttal
In the Perm region, in the archives of the orphanage where the son of Vera Nikolaevna Putina was once brought up, there are records of the release of Vladimir Platonovich Putin and his admission to GPTU No. 62 in 1968. After graduation, Vladimir Putin got a job as an assistant driller at drilling exploration office No. 7. His work colleagues confirm that this is not the president of Russia, but a person with the same name and surname. In addition, at the end of the 80s, this Vladimir went to work to the north, and the futurethe Russian president was already a member of the KGB.
According to these data, the version that the current president of Russia is adopted, and his own mother lives in Georgia, is a fiction. It is not clear why Western journalists fell for this "duck". Checking the version of where Putin was born, in what city he lived, is not difficult. It is enough just to turn to the archives of the educational institutions where he was brought up.

Injured mother
Most of all in this situation, Vera Putin suffered, whom journalists and interested people convinced that the President of Russia was her son. A woman sleeps with a photo of 14-year-old Vova under a pillow she cut out of a newspaper. She is also troubled by curious people who want to know and see with their own eyes where Vladimir Putin was born. These are journalists who became famous after the publication of their articles, and people who organize excursions to her house for big money, show the places where President Putin was born, where he fished and practiced sambo. But all of them failed to undermine the image of Vladimir Vladimirovich.
A few more versions about the origin of the President's family
The number of versions of the origin of the Putin family is constantly changing. In addition to the provocative one that Putin is the illegitimate son of Vera Putina, there are several others.
According to one version, the Putin family comes from the famous Putyatin nobles. Moreover, this branch is considered illegitimate, because in official records there are no those who could be a grandfather or great-grandfatherPutin.
The origin of the Putin family is attributed to Siberian, St. Petersburg, and Ukrainian peasants. One of the most ridiculous and unsupported versions is the origin of the Putin family from the Rurik dynasty.
But still, the majority adheres to the official version of the origin of his kind. Now you know the truth about where President Putin was born.