The government of the Russian Federation is the highest executive body in the country and is responsible for many issues of everyday life of citizens. Ministries headed by federal ministers work in priority areas. The state of affairs largely depends on the head of the ministry, for example, in education, science, he althcare, etc. Which areas are headed by government ministers, who appoints them, what are their powers and responsibilities?
Ministries in the structure of the Government of the Russian Federation
The government of the Russian Federation is headed by a chairman. At the moment, he has 9 deputies who oversee the most important projects for the country, such as the implementation of a defense order or the development of the Far Eastern territories. The structure of the government includes 21 ministries, which are headed by federal ministers. Information on ministries can be easily found on the website of the government of the Russian Federation. The number of ministries and Deputy Prime Ministers is not constant and may change depending on current needs.
In addition to the ministries, the structure of the Russian Government includes the Open Government, which is also headed by a federal minister. federal servicesand federal agencies are bodies under the government that carry out the direct implementation of public policy developed by ministries.

Who appoints federal ministers
Ministry in the Russian Federation is an executive body that is located at the federal level. Federal ministers head the ministries and are responsible for planning and implementing state policy, developing the legislative framework, each in their own industry.
Ministries are created according to the order of the head of state. Ministerial nominations are selected by the prime minister and submitted to the president for consideration, who then signs the appointment. Not all ministries in our country are under the jurisdiction of the prime minister. Some of them are directly subordinate to the head of the Russian Federation. These are the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The remaining ministries are directly subordinate to the Prime Minister.

Structure of the ministry in Russia
Ministries are headed by federal ministers. Each of them has several deputies, who are approved by either the president or the prime minister, depending on who appoints the federal ministers to these ministries. The minister, his deputies, ministerial specialists, as well as specially invited third parties form collegiums atministries. During the work of the collegiums, protocols are created on any issues, on the basis of which the minister can prepare an order.
The minister, his deputies and colleges form the main governing body of the ministry. It also includes a lot of subdivisions, such as departments, departments, main departments, departments. Ministers approve the structures of only those ministries that report directly to the Prime Minister. The structures of those ministries that are subordinate to the president are approved by the head of state himself. The Ministry is a legal entity and has its own official seal, balance sheet, etc.

Powers of the Ministers of the Russian Federation
The head of the ministry has a fairly wide range of powers:
- issues orders, various orders and instructions within the scope of its activities;
- determines the areas of work and responsibilities of deputies and other employees of his department;
- has the right to appoint or dismiss an employee of the central office of his ministry;
- determines what will be the structure and staffing of the subordinate department, distributing the allocated financial and human resources.
The minister has broad powers within the collegium under the ministry, and he can also have a fairly tangible influence on the work of various state committees, services and other executive authorities.

ResponsibilitiesMinisters of the Russian Federation
First of all, the federal ministers of Russia run their departments on the principle of unity of command. Therefore, they bear full personal responsibility for the results of the activities of the structure entrusted to them. In addition, ministers have a number of responsibilities:
- participation in meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation with a voting right;
- preparation and enforcement of orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;
- development and implementation of government policy.
This is just the main responsibilities. In addition, there is a huge amount of work to prepare various federal events, projects, reports to the president and the chairman of the government, etc. It can be said with confidence that the ministers of the Russian Federation perform a huge layer of work, for the quality of which they are personally responsible.