Daniil Dondurey: biography, photo, family

Daniil Dondurey: biography, photo, family
Daniil Dondurey: biography, photo, family

Daniil Borisovich Dondurei - film critic. This is a man who has been analyzing the essence of the film process for more than a dozen years. A person who is able to accurately analyze films and honestly express his position proved the need for the profession of “film expert”. And quite deservedly, he is recognized as one of the most respected experts in this field.

Dondurei Daniil Borisovich: biography

daniil dondurei
daniil dondurei

Daniil Borisovich Dondurey was born on May 19, 1948 in Ulyanovsk. Mother Faina Moiseevna is a lawyer. Father Boris Danilovich, a graduate of the Higher Military School, went through the war, met the victory in the rank of lieutenant colonel. In 1947, Boris Danilovich was arrested, he received 10 years in the camps for "anti-Soviet propaganda." Daniil Dondurei (pictured above) saw his father for the first time at the age of 7.

Daniil Borisovich's family lived in Syzran. In 1957, his father was reinstated and worked as a chief engineer. But, according to Daniil Borisovich, his father dreamed of becoming an artist, and the day when his son Daniil entered the Academy of Arts became the happiest for him.

dondurei daniil borisovich
dondurei daniil borisovich


Dondurei Daniil Borisovich always wanted to study art theory. He graduated from art school in Penza. Was going to go toFaculty of Philosophy, but with an art education, since the general education program was rather weak, they were not admitted to the university.

I had to take exams externally, for 11 classes. As Daniil Dondurei recalls, it was difficult, but he did it. As a result, he received both a matriculation certificate and a diploma from an art school. He entered the Academy of Arts and in the same year passed the entrance exams to the Leningrad University at the Faculty of Philosophy. But, on the advice of his father, he chose the Academy of Arts.

As Daniil Dondurei says, he never regretted that he followed his father's advice. After all, he is doing what he dreamed of since childhood. PhD in philosophy, sociologist of art - he got everything he wanted. Daniil Borisovich graduated from the Institute. I. E. Repin in 1971. Then, in 1975, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Institute of Sociology.

Daniel Dondurey biography
Daniel Dondurey biography

Professional activities

From 1975 to 1981 he began his career at the Institute of Art History. From 1981 to 1986 - at the Research Institute of Culture, then worked at the Institute of Cinematography. In 1993, he continued his career as the editor-in-chief of the Art of Cinema magazine, where he currently works. Today it is the only art history analytical journal in Russia. It deals with the problems of theory and history of cinematography, publishes philosophical works, publishes reviews of festivals, memoirs of cultural figures, film prose.

Daniil Dondurei runs the Information and Analytical Firm "Dubl-D". The company is engagedstudy of the audience potential, analysis of the problems and features of the film process, identifies the priority areas of film policy and the dynamics of changes in the film audience.

Teaches the Profession Producer course and the sociology of art at the RATI. Daniil Borisovich shares with the audience his knowledge of the specific features of cinema, the ability to navigate the interests and needs of the film audience, analyze and evaluate the phenomena of cinematic culture.

dondurei daniil borisovich biography
dondurei daniil borisovich biography

Articles and monographs

Daniil Dondurey is the author of many publications, articles and monographs. Since 1972 he has been published in the journals Expert, Art of Cinema, Ogonyok, Questions of Philosophy, Znamya. He is the author of articles in the journals "Literary Review", "Notes of the Fatherland", "Change", "Decorative Art". His articles on the history and theory of art, theater and cinema are published in the newspapers Izvestia, Russian Telegraph, Kommersant-daily, Literary Newspaper, General Newspaper, etc. Daniil Borisovich acts as an art critic, publicist and analyst in many leading media.

Daniil Borisovich Dondurei is the compiler of many scientific collections that are published abroad. His work has been published in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, Vietnam, Cuba, Germany and Italy, Poland, France and the USA.

daniil dondurei photo
daniil dondurei photo

Awards and achievements

Laureate of the "Literaturnaya Gazeta", the award of the Union of Artists and magazines "Decorative Art", "Change", "Literaryreview". Winner of the National Nika Award, received an honorary award in 2016.

  • Member of the Union of Artists (since 1979). This is a voluntary association of creative workers.
  • Member of the Union of Theater Workers (since 1982). The main goal of the organization is the development of theatrical art and support for stage figures.
  • Since 1988, a member of the Union of Cinematographers, since 1990 - Secretary of the Union. The organization was created to protect the interests of cinematographers.
  • Member of the board of Goskino (from 1991 to 2000) - the organization deals with issues of management and regulation in the field of cinematography.
  • Member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Culture (since 2000), whose activity is the preservation and revival of cultural heritage sites.
  • Member of the NMG Public Council. The main task of the NMG is the revival of cultural values, the filling of media resources, the creation of educational and educational programs on TV.
  • Member of the "ART" Foundation (since 2000). The organization provides support to journalists writing about cinema, establishes the TEFI award, awards diplomas and prizes in several categories.
daniil dondurei family
daniil dondurei family

Community activities

Since 2006 - member of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art.

Since 2012 - member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of society and human rights:

  • Since 2012 in the Commission for the Modernization of the Economy;
  • Since November of the same year - Chairman of the Commission for Cultural Rights, Education and Science.
  • Bcommission on freedom of information and the rights of journalists.

Big project

Dondurei Daniil Borisovich in December 1986 organized a sensational Youth Exhibition. It was a really big project, because the XVII exhibition completely changed the exhibition mechanism of those years. A group of critics was created to manage the project (earlier the exhibition was made only by artists) and tried to find and share stylistic attachments. That is, all the artists were presented in their own way.

The second, simply revolutionary, idea was that the exhibition brought together the works of nonconformists and participants of "one-night stands". All these innovations were introduced without censorship from the exhibition committees and, most importantly, destroyed the eternal division between "official" art and "underground" art.

daniil dondurei
daniil dondurei

Point of view

  • At the Congress of Cinematographers in 2008, Dondurei called for the removal of N. Mikhalkov from the post of chairman of the Union and for the election of M. Khutsiev to this position. As a result of this dispute, all those who supported this proposal began to have professional problems. In particular, the editorial office of The Art of Cinema was required to vacate the premises that had been built specifically for the magazine in 1963.
  • In 2008, a scandal erupted around the "Report on the real situation in the cinema" made by Daniil Borisovich. One of the listeners of the report made a recording and, having taken some sharp points out of context, posted it in the public domain on the Internet. The network community was not slow to blame DanielBorisovich in the desire to introduce censorship on the Internet. Dondurei published a rebuttal.
  • In 2014, he signed a letter in support of Ukraine “We are with you!”, which KinoSoyuz addressed to his Ukrainian colleagues. At the time of sending, the letter was signed by more than 200 Russian cultural figures, including Daniil Dondurei.

The biography of this man could well deservedly serve as the basis of the plot for the film. We can safely say that he devoted his life to cinema, made a huge contribution to the development of cinematography, education and criticism. He resolutely defends his position, expresses honestly and directly his opinion on all issues, the main "film expert" of the country - Daniil Dondurei.

Family, wife and daughter Tamara, also works in cinema. Daughter Tamara directed the film "21 Days" - a documentary research about human fears and, most importantly, about the ability of a person to overcome them.
