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Flash of Light: Causes of Appearance

Flash of Light: Causes of Appearance

Those who have ever followed the sunset to the very last moment, when the upper edge of the disk touches the horizon line, and then completely disappears, could see an amazing natural phenomenon. At this moment, in clear weather and clear skies, the luminary casts its amazing last ray

Vitaly Bykov. Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District

Vitaly Bykov. Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the North-Western Federal District

Russia is famous for its strongest and most organized law enforcement agencies. But even in their ranks, unforeseen situations happen. One of them happened to General V. Bykov

Deciphering the CSTO. Composition of the CSTO

Deciphering the CSTO. Composition of the CSTO

What is the CSTO (decoding)? Who is included in the organization, today often opposed to NATO? You, dear readers, will find answers to all these questions in this article

River coarse sand in the aquarium hobby. Soil recommendations

River coarse sand in the aquarium hobby. Soil recommendations

One of the most common varieties of aquarium soil is coarse sand. Its popularity is due to the fact that it not only carries an aesthetic load, but also serves as a nutrient substrate for underwater vegetation. After reading the article, you will learn about the main features of this material

Geostationary Orbit - Battle for Clark's Belt

Geostationary Orbit - Battle for Clark's Belt

Geostationary orbit is a limited and irreplaceable resource of humanity. Possessing a number of unique characteristics, this narrow strip of near-Earth space attracts all the most technologically, economically and industrially developed states of the world. The geostationary orbit can become a real “bone of contention” in the 21st century if the leaders of the leading powers of the world fail to agree and find a reasonable compromise

Monument "First Settler" in the city of Penza: description, history and interesting facts

Monument "First Settler" in the city of Penza: description, history and interesting facts

Monument "First Settler" - one of the main attractions of Penza, which has become a kind of visiting card for the regional center. The image of the first settler is often found on souvenirs, in various thematic magazines and albums. At the regional level, the monument is an object of cultural heritage. It turns out that the place for the sculptural group was not chosen immediately, and its creators risked facing the negative attitude of the state authorities

Territories of the Moscow region: municipal districts and their sizes, photo

Territories of the Moscow region: municipal districts and their sizes, photo

Moscow Region is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, belonging to the Central Federal District. The administrative center is unofficially considered the city of Moscow. The region is located in the center of the European territory of Russia, on the East European Plain, in the Volga River basin. The territory of Moscow and the Moscow region has a complex, confusing and not entirely rational zoning

Clay (mineral): types, properties and applications

Clay (mineral): types, properties and applications

Clay is a mineral that has found wide application in various spheres of life. This rather complex rock can be represented by different composition and properties. The conditions for the formation of different types of clays also differ significantly

Vida dyeing in antiquity and the modern world

Vida dyeing in antiquity and the modern world

Vaida is a biennial plant with a height of 1-1.5 meters. It differs from other closely related varieties in the shorter length of its petals, in a different structure of the pod. It has an elongated shape with a blunt-rounded top

What does a Slav look like? Who are the Slavs

What does a Slav look like? Who are the Slavs

Many poets praised the beauty of Slavic girls. But do you know exactly what a Slav looks like? Not everyone can answer this question, so I advise you to carefully read the article below. In it you will find answers to many of your questions

Water mill: discovery value, scope, device and principle of operation

Water mill: discovery value, scope, device and principle of operation

The invention of the watermill was of great importance for the history and development of technology. The first such structures were used for overflowing water in ancient Rome, later they were used to produce flour and for other industrial purposes

Informative tour in the Tauride Palace

Informative tour in the Tauride Palace

St. Petersburg is famous for its magnificent buildings, many of which date back to the 18th century. One of them is the Tauride Palace (photo on the right). Its construction began in 1783 and lasted about six years. Its architect is I.E. Starov - one of the first representatives of the school of Russian classicism

What is this badge of honor? Award to the honorary citizen of Moscow

What is this badge of honor? Award to the honorary citizen of Moscow

What is called a badge of honor? Consider its varieties. Let's talk about the sign of an honorary citizen of Moscow: we will present its description, the procedure for presenting it, the persons who were awarded this award

Opposition party. Political parties of Russia. Power and opposition

Opposition party. Political parties of Russia. Power and opposition

Power has always been and will be the most desirable goal of any politician. Are there civilized ways of fighting for power, and is it possible for a he althy opposition to exist in modern society?

Sea of Okhotsk: Russian inland sea or

Sea of Okhotsk: Russian inland sea or

When looking at a geographical map, everything seems to be clear. The Sea of Okhotsk is surrounded on all sides by Russian territory: either by islands or by the line of the Asian coast. And only in the very southwest we will see the northern end of the Japanese island of Hokkaido

Ugra - a river in the Kaluga region

Ugra - a river in the Kaluga region

Ugra is a river flowing through the Kaluga and Smolensk regions of Russia. It is a left tributary of the Ob River. Ugra is a natural frontier on the outskirts of the capital of our Motherland - Moscow

Monument to I.A. Krylov: animals speak for the fabulist

Monument to I.A. Krylov: animals speak for the fabulist

The monument to Krylov realistically depicts human vices, once skillfully described by the fabulist. It seems that the pensive Ivan Krylov is about to start writing a new work in an open book. And the animals skillfully depicted on the bas-relief truly convey the bright characters of the characters of our favorite fables

Old scrolls: photo and description

Old scrolls: photo and description

The first written documents were found in Mesopotamia. Sumerian clay tablets were covered with pictograms. They were the prototype of the later Babylonian cuneiform. For almost 2000 years, the tablets were the only carrier of information, until in ancient Egypt they learned how to process papyrus

Wind force: measurement and use

Wind force: measurement and use

The article talks about the wind, the strength of the wind, the units in which it is measured, as well as possible ways to use it

Unusual phenomena of nature

Unusual phenomena of nature

People think that the world is already fully understood and understood. In fact, one has only to look around more closely - so many miracles will be revealed, have time to be surprised! Unusual phenomena lurk in remote corners of the world, and sometimes appear overhead. For those who are not lazy and watch closely, not only incredible beauty is revealed, but also real miracles. Let's see what unusual natural phenomena scientists usually pay attention to