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Extremism is Causes, manifestations, types and concept of extremism. Methods of combating and preventing extremism

Extremism is Causes, manifestations, types and concept of extremism. Methods of combating and preventing extremism

The problem of extremism has affected many countries. The phenomenon of discriminatory violence has a long and tragic history. Extremism is a commitment in ideology and politics to extreme positions in views and the choice of the same means to achieve certain goals

A sanctuary is a territory protected by the state

A sanctuary is a territory protected by the state

A sanctuary is an area that has been allocated to restore or preserve wildlife and maintain an ecological balance. Reserves are organized in those places and when there is no need to withdraw the entire natural complex from economic use

Self-sufficiency - is it a desire for loneliness or an escape from reality?

Self-sufficiency - is it a desire for loneliness or an escape from reality?

What is self-sufficiency? Is this quality good or bad? Self-sufficiency is independence from other influences. However, man is a creature dependent on society and largely belonging to it

Some interesting facts about the moa bird

Some interesting facts about the moa bird

Moa birds are a vivid example of what can happen to humanity if the habitat becomes as comfortable as possible and devoid of various threats

What is the normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow? What atmospheric pressure is considered normal?

What is the normal atmospheric pressure in Moscow? What atmospheric pressure is considered normal?

What is atmospheric pressure, we are told at school in the lessons of natural history and geography. We get acquainted with this information and safely throw it out of our heads, rightly believing that we will never be able to use it. But in vain

Gratitude is Words of gratitude to parents

Gratitude is Words of gratitude to parents

Today even children know that thought is material, but there are still many sick and poor people in the world. This happens because we receive not according to our thoughts, but according to the emotions that they cause in us

"Arisaka" - a Japanese-made rifle

"Arisaka" - a Japanese-made rifle

If you are at least a little interested in the history of the Russian army, then you can probably remember at least a couple of samples of foreign weapons. The first machine gun that comes to mind is the Maxim machine gun, someone may remember the Lewis, this also includes the English Vickers tanks. But the Arisaka, a Japanese-made rifle, is not known to everyone. Nevertheless, this weapon played an important role in the formation of modern Russian statehood

Indian women. Secrets of Indian beauties

Indian women. Secrets of Indian beauties

Indian women in national costumes amaze with their incredible beauty and article. They look graceful, and in terms of the originality of clothes and jewelry they have no equal in the whole world. What does the Indian national outfit consist of, how do these women always manage to look so incredible and what should we learn from them?

Vintage style is relevant

Vintage style is relevant

In this article we will try to answer this question in detail: "Vintage style - what is it?". The relevance of the topic is obvious. Modern people today very often hear the word "vintage" in various contexts. And most often its use is associated with style, fashion. Why do you need to know what kind of style - vintage?

Actor Gabin Jean: films, biography, personal life and best roles

Actor Gabin Jean: films, biography, personal life and best roles

Undoubtedly, this man left a major mark on the history of French cinema. Who knows, perhaps if the great Gabin Jean had not turned into a skilled actor, then he would certainly have a brilliant career in the field of an operetta comedian or chansonnier

Alexander Lebed: biography of the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Alexander Lebed: biography of the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Alexander Lebed entered the history of Russia as a military man and politician, whose activities fell on a turning point in the life of the country. He participated in operations known to the whole world: Afghan, Transnistrian and Chechen. He did not have long to stay at the governor's post and solve the problems of a peaceful region. The tragic death interrupted the flight of the Swan in its midst

Shakkum Martin: biography and photos

Shakkum Martin: biography and photos

Martin Shakkum (see photos below) is a Russian political and statesman, member of the State Duma of the sixth convocation from the United Russia party, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Construction and Land Relations, member of the Duma Commission on the construction of structures and buildings, which are intended to accommodate the Parliamentary Center, as well as a member of the Supreme Council of "United Russia"

Purple: a symbol of luxury through the ages

Purple: a symbol of luxury through the ages

Purple has long been considered the color of the elite, because before it was very expensive and completely inaccessible to ordinary people. Now this beautiful color is available to everyone, but you need to use it very carefully in your wardrobe

American professional wrestling promoter Vince McMahon: biography, achievements and interesting facts

American professional wrestling promoter Vince McMahon: biography, achievements and interesting facts

Wrestling in the US has long been considered part of the national pop culture. Staged fights of charismatic characters, unexpected plot twists, scandals, public quarrels of athletes - all this is of great interest to a certain part of the public. The real puppeteer of this grandiose theatrical performance is the legendary Vince McMahon, CEO of WWE, the leading promotional organization for professional wrestling

The Barents Sea. Description

The Barents Sea. Description

The Barents Sea is a marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean. Its waters wash the shores of Norway and Russia. The Barents Sea is limited by the Novaya Zemlya, Svalbard and Franz Josef archipelagos

The Balkan Peninsula. Description

The Balkan Peninsula. Description

The Balkan Peninsula is located in the southern part of Europe. It is washed by the waters of the Aegean, Adriatic, Ionian, Black and Marmara seas

Prerogative is the right of primacy

Prerogative is the right of primacy

In the family, parents also have their own "palms". Their prerogative lies in the comprehensive care of children, the safety of their life and he alth. And the state prerogative is taking care of its citizens, ensuring their rights to work, he alth care, education

How to write and where to send a letter to Santa Claus

How to write and where to send a letter to Santa Claus

How to write a letter to Santa Claus? This question is often asked by little children on the eve of the most mysterious and fabulous holiday - the New Year

Eroshchenko Sergey Vladimirovich: biography, photo

Eroshchenko Sergey Vladimirovich: biography, photo

During the governorship of Sergei Eroshchenko, the priority areas in the development of the Irkutsk region were the social sphere, environmental safety and the development of the industrial potential of the region. But it will not be about the management of the region by the governor at that time, Sergei Eroshchenko, but about himself

Circulation of capital: stages, formula. Capital flow

Circulation of capital: stages, formula. Capital flow

In various economic schools, the concept of capital is often interpreted differently. According to the writings of Ricardo, this word denotes a part of the national we alth used in production. And Karl Marx called capital goods, which, with reasonable use, allow increasing their quantitative value through investment in production