Traditions and customs of the Yakuts. Culture and life of the peoples of Yakutia

Traditions and customs of the Yakuts. Culture and life of the peoples of Yakutia
Traditions and customs of the Yakuts. Culture and life of the peoples of Yakutia

According to archaeological data, the nationality of the Yakuts arose as a result of the union of local tribes living near the middle reaches of the Lena River with southern Turkic-speaking settlers. Over time, the created new nationality was divided into several groups. For example, the reindeer herders of the northwest, etc.

Yakuts, description of nationality

Yakuts are considered one of the most numerous Siberian peoples. Their number reaches over 380 thousand people. Yakuts live in the Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, but mostly in the Republic of Sakha. The Yakut language belongs to the Turkic dialects that are part of the Altai family. The main occupations of the Yakuts are breeding horses and cattle, fishing and hunting. In modern times, the main we alth of the Yakuts is diamonds. The mining industry is highly developed. The dwelling of the Yakuts is yurts, which can be small and vice versa, different in height. Yurts are built from wood.

traditions and customs of the Yakuts
traditions and customs of the Yakuts

Who have been worshiped by the Yakuts since ancient times

Among the Yakuts, an important place in the belief is still occupied by the veneration of nature. All traditions andthe customs of the Yakuts are closely connected with it. They believe that nature is alive, and all earthly objects have their own spirits and inner strength. For a long time, the owner of the road was considered one of the main ones. Previously, they even made sacrificial offerings to him, leaving horsehair, shreds of cloth, buttons and copper coins at the crossroads. Similar actions were taken for the owners of reservoirs, mountains, etc.

Thunder and lightning in the view of the Yakuts pursue evil spirits. If a tree splits during a thunderstorm, it is believed that it has healing powers. The wind in the view of the Yakuts has four spirits that guard the earthly peace. The Earth has a female deity - Aan. It monitors the growth and fertility of all living things (plants, animals, people). Special offerings are made for Aan in the spring.

Water has its owner. Gifts are brought to him in autumn and spring in the form of a birch bark boat with a picture of a man carved on it and pieces of cloth attached. Dropping sharp objects into water is considered a sin.

The owner of the fire is a gray-haired old man who casts out evil spirits. This element has always been treated with great respect. The fire was never put out and in the old days they carried it with them in pots. It is believed that he is the patron of the family and the hearth.

dwelling of the Yakuts
dwelling of the Yakuts

The Yakuts call Baai Baiyanai the spirit of the forest. He helps in fishing and hunting. In ancient times, a sacred animal was chosen that could not be killed and eaten. For example, goose, swan, ermine and some others. The eagle was considered the head of all birds. The bear has always been the mostrevered by all groups of Yakuts. His claws and other attributes are still used as amulets.


The holidays of the Yakuts are closely connected with traditions and rituals. The most important is Ysyakh. It takes place once a year and reflects the worldview and picture of the world. It is celebrated at the very beginning of summer. According to ancient traditions, a hitching post is set up in a clearing surrounded by young birches, which symbolizes the World Tree and the axes of the Universe. In modern times, it has also become the personification of the friendship of the peoples living in Yakutia. This holiday is considered a family holiday.

Yakut people
Yakut people

Ysyakh always begins with the sprinkling of koumiss on the fire and the four cardinal directions. This is followed by a request to the Deities for grace. National clothes are put on for the celebration and traditional dishes and koumiss are prepared. The meal is always held at the same table with all relatives. Then they start to dance, sports competitions, wrestling, archery and stick pulling are arranged.

Traditions and customs of the Yakuts: families

Yakuts live in small families. Although polygamy was common until the 19th century. But they all lived separately, and each had its own household. Yakuts enter into marriage in the period from 16 to 25 years. During marriage, money is paid. If the family is poor, then the bride can be kidnapped and then worked for her.

Rites and traditions

The people of the Yakuts have many traditions and rituals, from the description of which even a separate book can come out. Often they are associated with magical actions. For example, for a fencehousing and livestock from evil spirits, the Yakuts use a number of conspiracies. Important components in this case are the ornament on clothes, jewelry and utensils. Rites are also held for a good harvest, livestock, birth of children, etc.

holidays of the Yakuts
holidays of the Yakuts

Until now, the Yakuts retain many traditions and customs. For example, the Sat stone is considered magical, and if a woman looks at it, then it loses its power. It is found in the stomachs or livers of animals and birds. After extraction, it is wrapped in birch bark and wrapped in horsehair. It is believed that through certain spells, with the help of Sat, one can cause rain, wind or snow.

Many traditions and customs of the Yakuts have been preserved since ancient times. For example, they have a blood feud. But in modern times it has been replaced by ransom. The Yakuts are very hospitable and love to exchange gifts. Birthing rites are associated with the goddess Aiyy-Syt, who is considered the patroness of children.

Tethering posts

The Yakuts have a lot of different tying posts. And this is not accidental, since they have been one of the main components of the culture of the people since ancient times. Beliefs, many rituals, traditions and customs are associated with them. All hitching posts have a different ornament, decoration, height, shape.

Yakut national costume
Yakut national costume

There are three groups of such pillars in total. The first (outdoor) includes those that are installed near the dwelling. Horses are tied to them. The second group includes pillars used for various religious rites. And in the third - hitching posts,which are set on the main Yakut holiday Ysyakh.

Yurts of the Yakuts

Yakut settlements consist of several houses (yurts) located at a great distance from each other. The dwelling of the Yakuts is created from round standing logs. But only small trees are used in construction, since cutting large trees is considered a sin. The doors are located on the east side, towards the sun. Inside the yurt there is a fireplace smeared with clay. The dwelling has many small windows. Along the walls are wide sun loungers of different heights. At the entrance - the lowest. Only the owner of the yurt sleeps on the top. The loungers are separated from each other by partitions.

For the construction of the yurt, a low place is chosen, protected from the winds. In addition, the Yakuts are looking for a "happy place". Therefore, they do not settle among mighty trees, since they have already taken all the power of the earth. There are many more such moments, as in Chinese geomancy. When choosing a place to build a yurta, they turn to the shaman. Often yurts are built collapsible so that they can be transported during a nomadic lifestyle.

National clothes

The national costume of the Yakuts consists of a single-breasted caftan. Previously, for winter it was sewn from fur, and for summer - from the skin of a horse or cow. The caftan has 4 additional wedges and a wide belt. The sleeves are wide. Leather pants and fur socks are worn on the legs. In modern times, the Yakuts use fabric for sewing clothes. They began to wear shirts with collars, belted with a belt.

Yakuts description
Yakuts description

Wedding coats for women are sewn long, to the heels. Expand to the bottom. Sleeves andthe collar is decorated with brocade, red and green cloth, silver ornaments, braid. The hem is lined with sable fur. These wedding coats are inherited. On the head, instead of a veil, they wear fur hats with a high top made of black or red decorated cloth.


Telling about the traditions and customs of the Yakuts, one cannot fail to mention their folklore. The main thing in it is the epic olonkho, which is considered a kind of poetry, and in performance it is similar to an opera. This art has been preserved since antiquity. Olonkho includes many traditional legends. And in 2005, this art was recognized as a UNESCO heritage.

Poems from 10 to 15 thousand lines long are performed by folk storytellers. Not everyone can become one. Narrators must have an oratorical gift, be able to improvise, have acting talent. Speech should be in a different tone. Large olonkhos can be performed for seven nights. The largest and most famous work consists of 36 thousand poetic lines.
