An amazing literary critic, an exceptional storyteller, an excellent TV presenter, an excellent Soviet writer - all this is Irakli Andronikov. And even that's not all. He is also People's Artist of the USSR, Doctor of Philology, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, Honored Artist of Georgia and the RSFSR. He has five orders and many medals. A planet is named after him.

Irakly Andronikov, whose biography is entirely connected with Soviet culture, was born into a noble family. Father is a prominent lawyer, secretary of the criminal department, mother is from the famous Gurevich family.
Grandfather - a famous historian and cousin of the philosopher I. A. Ilyin, great-grandfather - the founder of Bestuzhev courses, author of textbooks, editor of the Russian School magazine. Great-grandmother is the daughter of the famous I. I. Ilyin, who built the Grand Kremlin Palace. Irakli Andronikov also had a wonderful brother - he is a doctor of physical sciences, academician, director of the Institute of PhysicsGeorgia.
Biography: beginning
Born in 1908, September 15th. The family of the famous writer and artist lived in St. Petersburg, but in 1918 the head of the family was invited to teach history at the University of Tula. The times were hard, hungry, and the Andronikovs willingly moved to the village. Three years later, he moved to Moscow, then to Tiflis, where in 1925 Irakli graduated from high school and became a student at two Leningrad universities at once: the Institute of Art History and the State University. Soon he became a lecturer at the Philharmonic. After graduating from the university, Irakli Andronikov got a job in again two humorous magazines: "Chizh" and "Hedgehog".

In 1934, while working as a bibliographer in the GPB. S altykov-Shchedrin, Andronikov continued to study the work of M. Yu. Lermontov, which captivated him literally from school. Since 1936, he began publishing a series of articles, and in 1939 the book "The Life of Lermontov" was published, which was so successful that Irakli Andronikov was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR almost immediately.
During the war, he worked in the newspaper "Forward to the enemy", traveled the entire Kalinin Front, and after the Victory he returned to Lermontov and wrote a dissertation on the topic of his research. In 1948, the second book about the poet was published, which was written by Irakli Andronikov. These books were not the last - only about this poet there are at least seven full-length books, and in general - more than thirty.

Started his careerhe was still a reader in his youth - in 1935, speaking at the writers' club with his stories. Irakly Andronikov, whose oral stories still do not leave the TV screen, quickly gained, as they said then, monstrous popularity. I must say that she has not subsided so far.
Those few films that were shot for television only in 1954, the cycle "Irakli Andronikov tells", are a phenomenon of real high art. They rank among the most captivating cult comedies in terms of impact.
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky spoke very picturesquely about Irakli Andronikov as a person and creator, that if he compiled biographical directories, he would replace the words "writer", "literary critic" with "sorcerer", "sorcerer" near this name, "magician", "miracle worker". This is not an eccentric on the part of Chukovsky, he is absolutely right. Andronikov's talent is a phenomenon. This is not just a man of great charm and erudition, such, thank God, our country has not become impoverished, he is like a man-orchestra, only a man-theater, one of the most outstanding phenomena of Soviet culture.
Unusual and unique Irakli Andronikov. It opens the way to a whole range of new genres close to the widest strata of the country's population. Zhvanetsky and Zadornov, many, many comedians on our stage continue what Andronikov started with. How many new sensations from the field of literature, music, theater he brought to the listener and viewer! How alive have you becometo perceive the secrets of art after the sound portraits presented to them, literary phenomena, musical secrets. Irakli Andronikov is one of those people who will never be forgotten.

The stories of Irakly Andronikov show how rich his life was with meetings with wonderful people and interesting situations, and he told about all this incredibly exciting. Andronikov lived for a long time, probably difficult at times, but definitely happy.
Wife - a wonderful actress Viviana Robinson, two wonderful daughters - Manana and Ekaterina, art critic and journalist. And of course, Lermontov, who overshadowed with his genius the whole life of a wonderful writer, historian, artist, over a period of almost a century, became a relative not by blood - by spirit. Irakly Andronikov even caught perestroika, but did not observe the collapse of the Soviet Union that raised him. In 1990, he was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery.
Many prominent people wrote and spoke about Andronikov: Marietta Shaginyan, Igor Ilyinsky, Samuil Marshak, I can't name them all. And they unanimously noted the amazing fusion of all his talents in oral stories: an unsurpassed stage master who captivates the viewer from the first word, despite the fact that all his stories are absolutely real. His style is distinguished not only by liveliness and freshness, but also by warmth, lyricism, and any person of art can envy such observation.

Observantness of him, merging withmusicality and the deepest knowledge of the subject, give an exceptionally high ability to communicate with the audience. Irakli Andronikov both thought on a large scale and skillfully reincarnated down to the smallest details - all this at the same time. He knew how to choose a characteristic situation, the most typical features of the person he is talking about, and then find the most precise, most expressive form for this.
This quality of the artist was noted even by Maxim Gorky. Even the term "oral stories" appeared after the master praised Andronikov's published stories, but complained that they lose a lot in isolation from the author's performance, although they are still, of course, very, very good, "exceptional talent."