The history of the drink that captured the whole world is very interesting and even criminal - its seedlings were secretly taken from country to country, from continent to continent. So, it was brought to Brazil, which is the undisputed leader in the production and export of this product in the world, only in 1737, while it has been known since the 14th century, when it grew wild in Ethiopia.
The natural appearance of the museum

As you know, coffee was brought to Russia by Peter I, and the Great Empress Catherine II was his passionate admirer and started the day with a cup of this drink in bed. The last decades have become the years of the triumphal procession of mysterious grains around the world. With such a history, it is necessary and natural to have your own Coffee Museum, preferably in every country. In the meantime, well-known museums, which for the most part began to open only in the 21st century, are located in Vienna, Hamburg, London, St. Petersburg. The oldest, and naturally the most interesting, is in Santos, the port cityBrazil.
Traditional device

Almost always the Coffee Museum is combined with a coffee shop and a shop. Because it is better to try and remember forever the charming taste of one or another variety than to hear ten times about the nuances of their difference. This combination is also good because the sale is carried out by specialists, and not just sellers. A lot has been written about the favorite drink of the vast majority of the inhabitants of the planet. However, the Coffee Museum is good because it is a visual aid. After all, not every fan of this drink can afford a cup of coffee of the first category (mild) every morning, which includes the best varieties of Arabica. Grown in high- altitude plantations at an altitude of 1000-1500 meters above sea level, carefully processed and reached absolute maturity, they have a special name in international markets - "soft coffee grown in high- altitude plantations" or "difficult coffee".
Better come and try

Various articles about this unique product are written in large numbers and are widely available. But the opportunity to smell, see the size of the grains, their color will be provided only by the Coffee Museum. The city on the Neva can boast of such. Although the domestic Caffee Museum is considered young, as it was opened only in 2008. It is widely known in Russia and is one of the most favorite places for residents of the Northern capital. I would like to note that similar establishments opened in Vienna and Hamburg in 2003. That is notmuch earlier than our domestic coffee museum in St. Petersburg, which is always full of visitors. And this is despite the fact that the described object is located far from the center of the intersection of tourist flows, and access to it by metro is difficult - the nearest station is a 15-minute walk. Yes, and outwardly the museum looks discreet, but quite nice.
Informative like all museums

Of course, the distance from the metro is not an obstacle for people purposefully going to the Coffee Museum. Robespierre embankment, 14 - the address of the coffee complex. It has several halls - exhibition, demonstration and tasting, coffee terrace, located on the second floor. The external design of the museum is the most discreet, but many people know about it. Entrance to the Coffee Museum, which includes a cup of delicious espresso, costs 250 rubles. There are samples from all over the world. This drink is surrounded by legends, interesting facts, juicy details. Such as about an animal called luwak (or palm marten), which eats grains. One of the most expensive varieties - Kopi Luwak (cost $ 300 per kilogram) - is obtained by processing the droppings of this marten using a special technology.
All about coffee plus tasting
To learn all the secrets of the drink, you must visit the Coffee Museum. 14 Robespierre Embankment is the address of this institution, which is located in the old central part of the city, where, by the way, there are many mini-hotels. A cozy terrace-coffee house also has the advantage that it opens from thereamazing view of the Neva and the embankment. The complex, which includes a coffee shop, a shop and the Coffee Museum in St. Petersburg, is famous for its master classes, in which, for a fee (600 rubles per person), you can participate in the process of preparing some types of coffee elixir at home. This establishment is also remarkable because here you can buy coffee of any kind - from the most democratic, but guaranteed quality, costing 180 rubles per 100 grams, to such varieties, the price of which reaches 4,500 rubles for the same 100 grams. You can learn very interesting things by visiting the Coffee Museum. St. Petersburg, which has always been distinguished by the presence of original museums, did not disappoint the citizens and guests of the Northern capital this time either.
A wonderful museum of a legendary product
Not all connoisseurs know the details about who was the first to add sugar, milk or lemon to a bitter drink and why this was done. Who and where invented the first filter. Much is known about Voltaire and his originality, if not eccentricity, but the 50 cups he drinks a day is impressive. But Beethoven personally counted 60 grains for tea leaves every day. "Great people and coffee" is a very interesting topic.

In its long life, the coffee drink was also a panacea for scurvy and gout, and this product reached its peak as a medicine in England in the 16th century. All the details about this famous drink can be found by visiting the Coffee Museum in St. Petersburg, during the tour, which ends at the coffee shop on the terrace. OrganizersThe museum managed to show in photographs the entire path of grains from the plantation to the counter in different periods of time, taking into account the specifics of different countries. In memory of visiting this wonderful St. Petersburg landmark, you can purchase a palm marten figurine.