Biographies of Shabtai Kalmanovich usually tell that this person was very unusual for our time, distinguished by a bright personality, an expressive look and an amazing ability to see his own benefit in what is happening. He received the citizenship of the three powers and was one of the richest Russians. Shabtai went down in history as a philanthropist who happened to live a life filled with many interesting events. When he died, the heirs received a considerable fortune, but at the same time, after the man, there were mysteries and secrets that have not been solved to this day, although many specialize in the biography of Shabtai.
How it all began
From the photo, Shabtai Kalmanovich looks with expressive, beautiful eyes, but friends recall that the man's gaze was piercing, and at times even harsh. The future philanthropist and businessman was born in the Lithuanian village of Ramigala in the 47th, in the last month of this year. By this timethe family had lived in the town for several generations, and the grandfather presided over the local community of Jews. The family had their own business - a small grocery store. Parents used Yiddish in everyday life, diligently observed the traditions of Judaism. Shabtai's father received a director's position at the plant, and the meat processing plant gave work to his mother - a woman took the place of the chief accountant. For that period, such a family could safely be considered we althy, more than successful.
1959 in the biography of Shabtai von Kalmanovich is marked by a sudden plan to move. The family decided to move to their historical homeland. An official request was made, which caused significant changes in the boy's life. Shatai was expelled from the pioneers, the path to the Komsomol was closed for him. After graduating from school, the persistent young man was still able to break into the Polytechnic Institute, where he studied to be an engineer. His area of expertise was factory automation.

Career and life
Shabtai Genrikhovich Kalmanovich served in the army, after which he returned to civilian life - however, it so happened that circumstances have changed a lot. In the 71st, permission to leave was received. The family got the opportunity to move to Israel. Once in his historical homeland, the young man went to language courses in order to learn Hebrew, and after completing them, he got a job at the Propaganda Center. His task was to help those moving from the Land of the Soviets.
Shabtai Genrikhovich Kalmanovich soon discovered the talents of an entrepreneur, thereforeHe successfully combined public service with work for his own benefit. It was decided to try the talents in the field of producing. A promising man organized performances by Soviet artists in the Western powers, on Israeli territory. However, soon the authorities, dissatisfied with this development of events, began to insist on choosing only one direction of activity, and Shabtai settled on producing. Only a few years have passed since the move, and the man became the we althiest citizen among the repatriates. At the same time, the opportunity to participate in entrepreneurship in Bophuthatswana appeared, Shabtai did not miss his chance and soon received the first million.
Times and manners
Shabtai Kalmanovich ended up in places of forced detention in 1987. There are several versions of this event. The most popular tells about the accusation of spying for the Soviet Union. The man was offered to enter into joint productive work with the investigating authorities, as a result, they were imprisoned for nine years, although eleven were initially threatened. During this period, the Israeli leadership received many petitions from fairly well-known Russian figures - Kobzon, Gorbachev, Spivakov … However, although this helped to some extent, but not too much: Shabtai spent five and a half years in prison, of which a year and a couple of months - in solitary confinement. Then he will say that it was during this period that he alth suffered the most. In the future, problems will cause heart surgery. The man received a pardon in 1992, at the same time he was released.
When the media reported that Shabtai Kalmanovichkilled, many began to recall rumors about this man and the KGB. It is believed that the state security recruited the young Jew while he was serving in the army. Some believe that only thanks to this the family was able to leave the territory of the USSR and return to their homeland. Moreover, they say that it was thanks to the KGB that Shabtai was able to get such a promising job, organize a business and make it successful. But opinions differ. Some, for example, argue that in fact Shabtai crossed the path of businessmen involved in diamonds, and they decided to “get rid of” him in such an unobtrusive and quiet way. It was also said that Shabtai was never a spy, he only passed on useful information to the state security, without knowing it himself. The man, if asked about it, preferred to insist on the first version - this helped to create a particularly strong image.

New opportunities and new money
Then, when the media will speculate and wonder why Shabtai Kalmanovich was killed, many will focus on his condition. The man really had money - by nature he got the gift to feel where the most promising opportunities open up. By the time he was released from places of forced detention, Russia was distinguished by such prospects. Having received freedom of movement, the former spy immediately headed here. Collaborating with Kobzon, he opens a production center and organizes concert activities of world-class stars. It was due to his efforts in the capital's halls that the audience could listen liveJackson, Minnelli.
Having received sufficient finances to be able to invest in promising projects, Shabtai Kalmanovich begins to place his funds in various areas and industries. His attention is attracted by the pharmacy business and trade, the construction of new capital buildings. The entrepreneur took part in the creation of several large-scale shopping centers, organized a network of medical centers. The means at his disposal increased day by day. With the support of the mayor of the capital, Shabtai opens kiosks with pharmacy goods near the metro, rebuilds, reconstructs the largest markets of the capital.
Don't miss anything
Then, when they talk about the murder of Shabtai Kalmanovich, they will definitely remember his participation in the sports field. The businessman chose the Zalgiris basketball team and actively supported it. In addition, he owned a team of women basketball players assigned to the city of Vidnoye. For the women's national basketball team, the entrepreneur acted as the main manager.
In those days, it was not customary to talk about this, but after the murder of Shabtai Kalmanovich, many began to recall various incidents that suggested his connection with the Solntsevo organized criminal group. Even during the life of the entrepreneur, journalists often suspected that he had strong connections in the criminal community, but no evidence could be found.

Not a business alone
From a young age, Shabtai was a loving person. If you believe the rumors, he had so many connections and novels thatit is simply impossible to calculate. The entrepreneur had three official wives. He married for the first time in 1975, while still in Israel. His first choice was a Leningrad gynecologist. They say that Shabtai was proud of his family, and especially loved his daughter - they chose the name Liat for her. Later, when the businessman moves to Russia, he will name his first company after the child.
Ten years after the birth of the eldest girl, Anastasia Kalmanovich and Shabtai Kalmanovich met and married. Nastya was a quarter of a century younger than her husband, by this time she was already known for her acting and journalistic career. Taking advantage of the opportunities of her husband, she quickly got access to producing, she had a chance to work with Zemfira and Tokyo. A girl, Daniela, was born in the marriage, and the father immediately decided that his two daughters should live together. Soon Shabtai learned rumors about his wife and Zemfira, whose relationship was supposedly much closer than just friendly. On this, the family broke up.
Life goes on
Some time later, Shabtai Kalmanovich and Anna Arkhipova met. The woman was a fairly famous basketball player. Soon after the marriage, the couple had children - a pair of twins. Anna was the last official chosen one of a citizen of three countries.
Sudden Violence
About why Shabtai Genrikhovich Kalmanovich was killed, many journalists are guessing to this day. The sad event happened in the late autumn of 2009, on the second of November. The man at that moment was in his car, territorially - in the capital's center. How will they describemedia incident, he was brutally shot - in total there were 18 shells in his body. Despite the serious injury, the driver of the car tried to catch up with the attackers, but it turned out to be impossible.
There are several versions and options, assumptions and reasons that could explain the death of Shabtai Kalmanovich. Some are firmly convinced that the reason for everything is active participation in the construction business - allegedly Shabtai did not share something with competitors. Others believe that basketball was to blame and the entrepreneur's interest in sports, not only as a spectacle, but also as a method of making money.
Some believe that Mishka Yaponchik became the cause of Shabtai Kalmanovich's death. It is believed that it was he who “ordered” the businessman.

What happened?
The official investigation of the case did not yield any sane results. About why and from whose hands Shabtai Kalmanovich died is still unknown today. But from the news reports of 2009, you can find out that a civil memorial service for the murdered gathered businessmen, entrepreneurs, athletes, civil servants. All famous representatives of the national scene came to see off the famous person. The Israeli funeral was organized in strict adherence to Jewish traditions.

What will be left of me?
About the wives of Shabtai Genrikhovich Kalmanovich, many heard and learned only after his death. The man left behind a legacy that was more than impressive in size, and potential contenders for it began a real war among themselves. However,they had certain reasons for this, because the entrepreneur left no less than three wills, and each of them differed in its will from the other two. Certain parts of the estate were bequeathed to different children. For example, the eldest daughter received all the property of the entrepreneur and his business in Israel. Daniela was to get numerous paternal millions. From the third will it followed that Anna and her boys would live comfortably all their lives - everything passed to them. When the will of the murdered was announced, the eldest daughter did not hesitate to apply to the court - she considered the document that signed the inheritance to Daniele wrong. Liat soon found a sympathizer in Anna.
Many people knew how Shabtai Kalmanovich and his wife Anastasia broke up, so few people were surprised by the very fact of the trial. The hearings dragged on for about two years, but the law enforcement authority determined the will of the entrepreneur as fully consistent with the laws of the country. Until Daniela reaches adulthood, five guardians are responsible for managing the property, including the girl's parent.
This is interesting
It is known that Shabtai Kalmanovich was a fan of Alla Pugacheva, moreover, he loved her wholeheartedly and actively participated in the career of the singer and her life. When the collapse of the "Lords" significantly hit the artist's financial situation, it was Kalmanovich who came to her aid. At a certain point in his life, he even expressed a desire to marry Alla, but Philip Kirkorov became his rival.
It was Shabtai Kalmanovich who organized the first concertVysotsky outside his native country. When Gromov was the governor of the Moscow region, Shabtai served as an adviser to him. The Russian, Lithuanian and Israeli citizen spoke more than ten languages. He organized the funeral ceremony for Sobchak, fully providing the financial side of the event.
It is known that Shabtai Kalmanovich collected masterpieces of art. The silver collected by him is especially famous - Shabtai was interested in ritual objects associated with Jewry. The largest synagogues in the world dream of many exhibits of his collection. In addition, Shabtai owned some paintings by the Wanderers, works of Faberge.

Death of an entrepreneur: what did the media write about?
When Shabtai Kalmanovich died as a result of a brutal attack, journalists immediately seized on the news - it became a real sensation. At the time of the murder, the entrepreneur was 61 years old. The journalists who de alt with the case found friends of the murdered man, from whom they learned that the entrepreneurial activity of the man was probably the reason. It was immediately assumed that he crossed the road to someone strong and aggressive, entered into a conflict relationship or even an adventure. From the very beginning it was no secret to anyone that the murder was clearly ordered. Journalists immediately dubbed the case one of the results of the "conceptual" business, which means that the probability of a fair identification of the perpetrators was reduced to vanishingly small.
As numerous publications wrote ten years ago, about half past five in the evening Shabtai Kalmanovich went to a new meeting. by carmanaged by Peter Tumanov - he was 32 years old at that time. On the same day, a flight from Russia was scheduled, and the day before, Shabtai was in a restaurant in the company of Spartak basketball players until late. About half an hour passed from the moment of leaving the house to the attack. They started shooting at the car when Shabtai Kalmanovich was in Novodevichy Proezd - the driver was forced to slow down at a traffic light. The investigation will later establish that the killers used submachine guns. The shell casings will show that it was a 9mm weapon. Judging by the trajectories of the shots, the shooting was carried out from two points.
Details and subtleties
Mostly the shooters aimed at the passenger door on the right, shot at the glass. The choice was not accidental, everyone knew that Shabtai Kalmanovich prefers to ride in the driver's seat next to him. When the shots had just begun, Tumanov immediately made an attempt to leave the dangerous territory, but one of the first bullets hit him under the collarbone, which made it difficult to drive the car, and the car crashed into a pole.
When the perpetrators considered that the number of shots was sufficient to be sure of the death of the victim, they fled using the Lada Priora car or something resembling it - eyewitnesses of the case will tell about this. Several shell casings were found not at the scene of the murder, but at some distance, which suggested that the killers fired directly from the car and got rid of the evidence, already moving away from the scene. The weapon was never found. It was assumed that he was thrown into the river.

On the casethe murder of Shabtai Kalmanovich immediately opened criminal proceedings, and representatives of the investigative department went to the scene. Without delay, they opened a case under three articles. They admitted that they would consider all options for the murder, although no one had any doubts about the ordered nature of the crime. In the first days of the case, the operatives explained to journalists that the key object in the case is considered the figure of the murdered person, it is from her that they start in their work, methodically interviewing relatives and friends of the victim of a brutal crime.