Taiga is the largest natural area. It occupies approximately 27% of the total forest area of the Earth. From a bird's eye view, the taiga is endless coniferous forests. She is beautiful and intimidating at the same time. The Eurasian taiga is considered the largest continuous natural zone on the planet. The relief of the taiga is mostly lowlands with a small number of hills.

General characteristics of the natural area
On the mainland of Eurasia, the taiga begins on the Scandinavian Peninsula, continues throughout the mainland and reaches the Pacific Ocean. In North America, this natural zone stretches from west to east and passes through the territory of such states as the USA and Canada.
Besides all this, the taiga is the northernmost forest zone. Therefore, it is dominated by coniferous trees - spruces and pines, since deciduous trees cannot endure such low temperatures. This natural area is called the "green lungs of the Earth" because coniferous forests produce a large amount of oxygen.
The relief of the taiga is of a glacial type, this is due to the fact thatglacier.
The climate and soil of the taiga
The climate of the natural zone in the west is maritime. There are mild winters with an average temperature of -10 degrees and relatively warm summers, at which time the average temperature is +10 degrees. In the eastern part of the taiga, the climate is sharply continental, the temperature in the winter months can reach -40 degrees. Summer here is relatively warm, but very short.

Precipitation falls from 200 mm to 1000 mm per year. Under these conditions, such an amount of precipitation cannot evaporate due to the harsh climate, so there are many swamps and lakes in the taiga.
The soil of the taiga zone is podzolic, sod-podzolic. This is due to the fact that the decomposition products of mineral and organic substances remain in the lower soil layer under conditions of high humidity. Moving north, permafrost prevails.
Flora and fauna of the taiga zone
Light coniferous taiga
Dominant: larch and pine.
Larch can withstand frosts down to -70 degrees. Therefore, this breed prevails in the northeastern part in a sharply continental climate.

Dark coniferous taiga
Predominate: spruce, cedar, fir.
Siberian spruce is the predominant species. The spruce forest has no undergrowth. Only shade-loving plants grow under the trees.
Fir grows in the western and eastern parts of the taiga in milder climatic conditions.
Siberian cedar, like spruce, is the main tree species of dark coniferousforests. Its age can reach 800 years.

Typical representatives of the fauna of the taiga are the brown bear, wolf, hare, elk, squirrel, lynx, capercaillie, eagle owl, jay, etc. Particular attention should be paid to such species as the Amur tiger, musk deer, wolverine.

Features of the relief of the taiga
The relief of the taiga is almost completely flat, since most of the taiga zone is located on the Russian Plain. The East European Plain was covered with glaciers, which significantly affected the relief of the taiga zone. The relief of the taiga in Russia is considered in more detail below.
Kola Peninsula and Karelia
Metamorphic and massive crystalline rocks are widespread here. In the north of Karelia, heights reach 650 m. Pronounced glacial landforms of the peninsula: sheep foreheads, eskers, drumlins, domed hills.
Scientists suggest that during the retreat of the glacier, the Gulf of Finland, the White Sea and Lake Onega were one.
The Timan Ridge reaches a height of 325 m in the upper reaches of the Vychegda. The maximum heights of the Kola Peninsula are the Khibiny and Lovozero Tundras (1300 m and 1120 m, respectively). Coniferous forests grow up to 350 m.
West Siberian Lowland
Features of the relief of the taiga in Russia are that lowlands prevail here. In the West Siberian Lowland, one can find horizontal deposits mainly of the Quaternary and Tertiary periods, only in the north, in the area of the Ob and Sosva rivers,find Lower Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous deposits.
It is assumed that two glaciations took place in Western Siberia.
From the side of the right bank of the Yenisei River, the Yenisei Ridge stretches, which is composed of Lower Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks. The ridge reaches a height of 1132 m.
Central Siberian Plateau
The plateau extends to Aldan, bounded by the Taimyr tundra in the north. Its height ranges from 300 m to 500 m. Within the Central Siberian Plateau are the Tunguska Mountains, the Vilyui Mountains - of erosional origin. In the Cambrian and Silurian, there was a sea in this area, which is confirmed by marine sediments at the present time.
The relief of the taiga is not very diverse, but the passability in this zone is very difficult due to the large number of swamps, small lakes and thickets.
Economic use of the taiga
In addition to high-quality wood and furs, mining is carried out in the taiga. Geologists discover new deposits every year.
Ore and coal are being developed, as well as oil, diamonds, gold and apatite. Railroads are being built to improve communication between extractive regions and processing regions. It is the single most cost-effective way to transport minerals from their mining site to major processing centers. This is how the Baikal-Amur Mainline was built, which stretches across the entire south of Eastern Siberia.
The White Sea-B altic Canal is laid through the taiga zone, which connects the White Sea with the B altic. Thus, tankers can carry cargo from St. Petersburg to other cities located on the shores of the Barents or White Seas.
Opportunities for livestock and agriculture
The taiga in Russia is mostly low-lying. There are many floodplain and upland meadows in the taiga, which are perfect for grazing cattle. Good soddy soils make it possible to grow crops: rye, barley, as well as flax, potatoes, fodder crops.
But do not abuse the we alth of this natural area. This can lead to irreparable environmental problems. It is worth remembering that the forests of the taiga are the green lungs of the Earth.