Galina Lobanova: biography and photo

Galina Lobanova: biography and photo
Galina Lobanova: biography and photo

Truly the legendary actor of the Soviet cinema Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov won universal audience love during his lifetime. Once, in an interview, some time after the death of the great artist, his close friend and colleague in the theater stage, Sergei Nikonenko, said: “If every person who loved and revered Abdulov would give him at least an hour from his own life, then Sasha would have lived another five hundred years, no less.

In the life of the talented and charming Alexander Abdulov there were many romantic encounters and serious hobbies. He was loved by women, he had a natural charm and had excellent manners. Everyone with whom the actor has ever crossed speaks extremely positively about him and does not hold grudges against him. Today's conversation will concern Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov only in part, because we will talk about a woman who was the common-law wife of a famous Russian actor for 9 years. Her name is Galina Lobanova.

Lobanova galina
Lobanova galina

Romantic meeting on a cruise to the island of Rhodes

In 1994, a hugethe number of famous people. The number of invitees has exceeded the mark of 350 people. The reason for such a mass accumulation of talents per square meter was the desire of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon to organize a two-week cruise in Greece with a stop on the island of Rhodes. Among the guests of "Fyodor Chaliapin" was Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov, as well as a young girl - Galina Lobanova, about whom little was known at that time.

A pretty blonde with a thin chiseled figure in the very first days of the trip attracted the amorous and lightning-fast Abdulov. Given the fact that there is absolutely nowhere to hide on a cruise ship, the girl and the famous, and by that time already honored actor of the Russian Federation, met and even began to spend time together. Before the charm and charisma of Alexander Gavrilovich, few women could resist, so a romantic relationship quickly began between Galina Lobanova and the universal favorite of the people. Many of Abdulov's friends believed that this romance would only be a resort, but upon arrival at their native shore, the couple went down, holding hands tightly.

galina lobanova children
galina lobanova children

Attitude of a girl to ballet

As it was written above, there was little information about the new young darling of Alexander Abdulov at the time of their acquaintance. In secular circles, it was said that Galina Lobanova is a ballerina who is at the very beginning of her path to success. However, later Larisa Steinman (we will talk about her below), in a frank interview regarding the artist, noted that Lobanova had nothing to do withgreat ballet. She just practiced this type of dance, but did not show much hope in it. How to know? Perhaps this is just female envy, because Steinman herself had plans for a talented actor when he was still in a relationship with Galina Lobanova.

Confessions of a young journalist

Larisa Steinman is a journalist who appeared in Abdulov's life in 1999. She, too, could not resist the charm of the artist and was for some time, rather short, in a romantic relationship with him.

galina lobanova ballerina biography
galina lobanova ballerina biography

When she came to meet him to take the first interview in her life, the girl fell into deftly placed nets. This novel was short. According to her confessions, in the civil marriage of Abdulov and Galina Lobanova, by that time, not everything was going smoothly. Due to the constant scandals on the basis of the woman's attempts to remake the joker Abdulov for herself, their relationship cracked. Everything pointed to the inevitability of parting.

Galina Lobanova Abdulov's wife
Galina Lobanova Abdulov's wife

Family life and the inevitable problems of a young couple

According to the recollections of the actor's close friends, of whom he had a huge number, we can conclude that from the very beginning, relations with Galina Lobanova brought Alexander Abdulov only positive emotions and happy moments. The honored artist often went on tour to different cities of our vast country and was easily carried away by other women, which is why his common-law wife was very jealous of him. This did not bring prosperity to family life, on the contrary, a constantshowdown and search for the truth led to scandals and frequent quarrels of a young couple. Ballerina Galina Lobanova, whose biography is of interest to fans of Alexander Abdulov's work, wanted the usual calm family happiness, like most Russian women. Alexander Gavrilovich, on the contrary, loved friendly noisy gatherings over a glass of wine until the morning and did not want to change anything in his life in any way.

Lobanova Galina Abdulov
Lobanova Galina Abdulov

Reason for separation

Another problem in the relationship between Lobanova and Abdulov was the unwillingness of the actor to legitimize the relationship. Being married to his first wife Irina Alferova, he believed that he had no right to violate what was enshrined in the church.

Galina Lobanova personal life
Galina Lobanova personal life

Uncertainty is always scary, so Galina did not see the continuation of their relationship with the artist, did not feel their sincerity. The actor directly said that he would not marry her. For Galina Lobanova, children were proof of true love, but the couple never had them. After almost 9 years of marriage, there was a painful break for both. Abdulov and Lobanova found the strength to survive the breakup, and subsequently each of them met their love.

What do the press say?

In the media, you can stumble upon articles that say that Galina Lobanova is Abdulov's wife. The information is only half true, because the couple was not officially registered. However, during their life together, the artist called Lobanova his wife in public, treated her, according toaccording to the couple's inner circle, as to a real legal wife, trying to protect from negativity and everything that could upset a young woman.

Galina Lobanova, whose photo can be seen in today's material, was considered a ballerina. This was mentioned at the beginning of the article. However, the girl did not achieve great success in this form of art, although she studied diligently. She devoted her life (albeit a very short episode of it) to the theater, working there as a manager. By the way, this choice was not accidental: the girl did not want to sit at home doing nothing, and Alexander Gavrilovich contributed to her being hired by the theater.

Some famous facts from Galina's current life

After the breakup with the famous actor, Galina Lobanova's personal life remained a mystery with seven seals. The woman practically evaporated, disappeared from the field of view of journalists. She did not come to any television program dedicated to the life of the legendary talented actor of the Russian Federation Alexander Abdulov. She never gave an interview that would concern her ex-civil husband. As it turned out, Lobanova married a successful businessman and left for permanent residence in the United States of America. Unfortunately, nothing more is known about the family of Galina Lobanova. Perhaps this is a conscious choice of a woman who does not want to remember the failed attempt to build a family with a celebrity.

galina lobanova photo
galina lobanova photo

The ways of the Lord are inscrutable

Talking about today's heroine, I would like to note that, having met enough at a young age witha legendary person who was revered and idolized by the whole country, the girl was doomed to an unenviable position. General attention and excessive interference in personal life turned out to be a real test for Galina. At first, she immediately plunged into the bohemian noisy atmosphere with her head, and at the very beginning she seemed to like this lifestyle.

However, the calm nature and strict upbringing of her parents, who were an example of a real strong family, made the girl reconsider her attitude towards the union with a famous actor.

Galina Lobanova and Abdulov wanted absolutely different things: she - a quiet family hearth, he - noisy friendly gatherings. She dreamed of children, he did not need them. She wanted to remake him, and he declared that no woman could re-educate him. How to know? Perhaps fate simply had other plans for these people?
