What kind of city, where eighteen square kilometers concentrated attractions of great importance? Mozhaisk is a city whose life for many centuries has constantly acquired one of the most glorious moments of its history for the motherland. Located on the Moscow Upland, in the upper reaches of the river of the same name, to the borders of the Gzhatskaya depression, this city has not been bypassed or bypassed by any major political event, not a single war, starting much earlier than the thirteenth century, when Mozhaisk was first mentioned in the annals.

Prince Yaroslav
Sightseeing Mozhaisk has been accumulating for a very long time. Even when he was part of the Smolensk principality, the fortifications of the hill near the Mozhaika River helped repel the raids of neighbors. Prince Yaroslav of Vladimir-Suzdal also wanted to capture the city.
It was then that the dense forests of this area were completely cut down, otherwise it would be impossible to defend the city, and a wonderful view opened from the hill, which did not interfere with the flight of the arrow. The forest went to fortifications, to buildings - these landsquickly mastered, they are quite fertile and rich in crops.
Posadas grew rapidly and after a short time already reached the Moscow River. The only bad thing is that due to the lack of forest, Mozhaika became very shallow, and today it is generally a barely noticeable stream. The close proximity to the center of the country strongly connected the city with the fate of Russia, Mozhaisk has preserved many sights, testifying to this. The first heir to this land - Fedor (Black) Rostislavich - became the first prince in 1239, making this city an autonomous principality.
Rus was very finely fragmented at that time, so it was difficult for her to resist foreign invaders. Almost twenty cities were devastated during these years by Dudenev's army, including Mozhaisk. The sights kept in the museums of the city are extremely eloquent. Yes, and local, living in the neighborhood, the princes rarely coexisted peacefully. It was incredibly difficult to maintain autonomy, the principality weakened a little - then it was crushed.

Already at the beginning of the XIV century, the struggle between neighboring princes ended with the forcible annexation of Mozhaisk to the Moscow principality of Yuri Danilovich, under his strong hand. Ivan Krasny ruled the city for a long time. In general, this century brought not only sights. Mozhaisk experienced innumerable disasters. Twice it was completely destroyed: Olgerd from Lithuania, who burned the city in 1314, and then the horde of Tokhtamysh, after only forty years, defeated, plundered and burned it just again with a hugehard-won city. This blow was crushing.
Nevertheless, the sad events did not eliminate Mozhaisk from the role of a key settlement in Russia. First of all, it has always been a great religious center, the custodian of the famous icon of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk, the holy intercessor of prayer for all the soldiers of the Orthodox land. Of course, not all of Mozhaisk has preserved its sights: now this image, revered by everyone, is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, since it is also a unique treasure of domestic artistic traditions of the fourteenth century.
Andrey Dmitritch
In 1389, Prince Andrei, the son of the conqueror Donskoy, sat on the throne. Then the sights of Mozhaisk and its environs were replenished with widely built stone temple complexes. It was then that Ferapont Belozersky was able to build the famous Luzhetsky Monastery, and now it is called the Ferapont Monastery.
At the same time, all kinds of crafts began to flourish in Mozhaisk, so by the sixteenth century the city had become a developed trading center. In addition, Mozhaisk was touched by many trade routes stretching to the west.
These difficult years, of course, could not bypass the city or go unnoticed. For at least three years, an ally of False Dmitry II, the arrogant Pole Vladislav, ruled here, at the hands of which the city of Mozhaisk suffered many troubles. The sights collected in museums testify to this time, how much work and what losses the expulsion of the invaders cost.
Only in 1618 foreigners, shamefully expelled from the native Russianslands, again returned for revenge, but it was no longer possible to take Mozhaisk: the resistance was heroic, and Boris Lykov-Obolensky commanded it. Many sights have become evidence of these times, and the museums of Mozhaisk keep them in awe.

In the seventeenth century the city was decorated with a stone kremlin under the patronage of Dmitry Pozharsky, the former governor of Mozhaisk. To our great regret, only a small part of this ancient brickwork has survived to this day, because for some unknown reason Catherine II ordered the Kremlin to be dismantled. The Novo-Nikolsky temple complex was erected from the surviving brick. Nevertheless, both Mozhaisk itself and the Mozhaisk region were getting prettier and developing. Sights preserved from those times can be seen everywhere.
And in 1723 Mozhaisk set foot on the path of industrial development. The Manufactory Board ordered the creation of glass production in the county. It was the Mozhaisk glass factory and the Mozhaisk crystal factory that very soon gained fame throughout Russia. But, like the Kremlin, Mozhaisk has lost this glory. In order not to cut down the already almost exterminated forests, after a couple of decades, the Senate ordered to move production. Now all Mozhaisk glass glory - on the Gus River, not far from Vladimir, products under the Gus-Khrustalny brand still characterize themselves remarkably well, but are not included in the sights of Mozhaisk. Addresses, reviews of which were passed by word of mouth by the inhabitants of this city of the eighteenthcentury, no longer exist.

Patriotic War
The nineteenth century Mozhaisk met with a rich and fairly prosperous city, albeit a provincial one. The orderly system contained fifteen settlements, which were connected by several dozen lanes and streets. Historical documents say that Mozhaisk then had more than three hundred large wooden houses, sixty shops, as many as three drinking houses with restaurants, more than ten forges, several factories: tanneries, breweries. So it was in 1812. By the way, even now Mozhaisk has preserved the original layout of the eighteenth century. You can also see ancient buildings, many interesting structures.
The French invaders occupied the Luzhetsky Monastery, Napoleon was headquartered exactly there, a hundred meters from the famous Novo-Nikolsky Church. Retreating, they set fire to this ancient monastery in Russia. The unique interior of this monastery will never be restored. For the people of Mozhaisk, this was a huge tragedy, since the veneration of the monastery was enormous. In 1908, when the 500th anniversary of this monastery was celebrated, many thousands of Orthodox Christians, including the governor of Moscow, the leaders of the nobility and, of course, the Metropolitan himself, made a religious procession.

Twentieth century
The city of military glory Mozhaisk is an example of valiant resistance to the enemy who came under fascist flags. The occupation is the saddest page in the history of Mozhaisk, but also the most heroic,famed for guerrilla and underground activities throughout the region. The memorial complex, which is dedicated to the fearlessness of the liberators of the motherland during the Great Patriotic War, is the most significant monument in this territory.
Already at the entrance to the city, it is clear that nothing alien has penetrated here along with foreign raids and even occupations: in terms of architecture, in terms of cultural characteristics, the city of Mozhaisk is Russia. Attractions characterize it as a historical memory of the heart of the country. There are several memorial museums here, in addition to this, there is also a historical and architectural museum. In addition, all tourists and guests of the city note how picturesque it is, how beautiful the nature of the Moscow region is, especially the so-called Mozhaisk Sea. To see all these beauties, equestrian and cycling tourism has been created and well developed here. Tourists also praise Mozhaisk beaches and fishing.

Come to Mozhaisk
From Moscow to get to the city, marked for special valor with the honorary title of military glory, can be very easy and simple, there is an excellent highway and railway - only one hundred and ten kilometers, can be reached in an hour and a half either from the Belorussky railway station or by bus from Victory Park. The weather in this area is no different from Moscow, the same temperate continental climate, the same precipitation and the same seasonality.
The Mozhaisk Sea, which appeared half a century ago, after the installation of a dam on the Moscow River, is not only useful for management, it is now herea favorite place for vacationers both from Mozhaisk and from afar. Fishing is excellent here, coniferous forest is grown along the banks. Water sports and beach recreation flourish. It should be noted that ecologically the Mozhaisk district is the cleanest among all the settlements of the Moscow region, the quality of the water in the reservoir is remarkable. That is why the most comfortable sanatoriums are located here. However, there is plenty of space for camping.

Kremlin Hill
Here tourists see the outstanding monuments of antiquity - the main western defense post. Much more full-flowing in the twelfth century, Mozhaika protected the hill on one side, and on the other, an artificial ditch. Along the perimeter, the remains of a powerful fortress wall are still preserved, the earthen rampart - the foundation for it - is better preserved. It is a pity that you can no longer see the beautiful ancient towers of the Mozhaisk Kremlin, only in the pictures. But what has been rebuilt and restored deserves applause.
You can admire the Nikolsky Cathedral (there are also elements of the former fortress - a wall, a gate, an ancient gate temple). In the church of Peter and Paul, the original decor of the fourteenth century is still preserved, of course, not completely. And also as an attraction: a spring lake at a height of seventeen meters, it remembers ancient times. Until now, archaeological research continues here, and not without excellent finds. For example, a Greek icon from the Middle Ages was recently found. No less interesting for inspection is the Luzhetsky Monastery,preserved ancient relics and amazing beauty of the temples.