Germany (Federal Republic of Germany, or short Germany) is located in Europe. It is very easy to find on the map, as it resembles a puzzle of 16 small pieces. The capital of the state is Berlin. The population is almost 80 million people. The official language is German.

Features of the nature of Germany are that the northern part of the country was formed during the epoch of glaciation and is now a plain. To the south of it are the mountains of the Alps, and to the north - forests.
The rivers and lakes of Germany are spread over its entire area. The largest body of water is the Constance. Its area reaches 540 km2, and its depth is 250 m. The largest water flows are interconnected by channels. The most famous among them can be called Kiel.

German climate
The climate is different throughout Germany. In the north of the country - maritime, in other parts - continental with features of a moderate type. Winter,usually quite soft and warm. The temperature does not drop below -10 degrees. Summer is not very hot (no more than +20 ºС). In the northern and eastern parts, the climate is more severe: relatively severe frosts and heat.
The northern lands of Germany are suffering due to the fact that the climate in this area is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. Here, especially in the Alps, the largest amount of precipitation falls, most of which usually falls on the hot season. In the spring, after warming, it can get colder.

Germany's wildlife thrives in this climate. It is in all respects suitable for the development of agriculture and tourism. Most of the visitors are in the summer season (July-August). In winter, the country is visited by a smaller number of people and only by those who like to spend time on skis. The rivers and lakes of Germany are numerous, we will talk about them further.
The weather is constantly changing. In the summer, it is possible that yesterday it was hot and the sun was shining, and today it is raining and the temperature has dropped to the minimum. The most dangerous "gifts" of nature here occur quite rarely. Due to the fact that Germany is located in a temperate climate, even those large and large-scale floods that have occurred over the past few years can be called the exception rather than the pattern.
In 2003, for the first time in centuries, there was a very hot summer. And you will hardly meet earthquakes here, all this is due to the corresponding relief: the country is located on the Eurasianlithospheric plate.

Coniferous plantings, consisting of spruce, larch, fir and pine - Germany is rich in all this. The nature of the country is extraordinary. A few kilometers from the mountains, broad deciduous forests begin, where birch, chestnut, beech and oak, as well as maples grow.
Unfortunately, at the moment, most of the meadows and fields have been reduced to a minimum. This is due to the fact that the government of the regions decided to build up these territories. Near the Alps are lichens, mosses and common grasses. Here grow orchids, roses, edelweiss and other flowers. In some places there are mushrooms and berries. However, almost all of them are poisonous.

Unfortunately, one of the countries with poor fauna in Europe is Germany. The nature of Germany is very poor in terms of animal diversity. Here you can see hares, various rodents, deer, wild boars. In the mountains you can meet cats and marmots. Previously, a few years ago, there were a large number of lynxes in Germany, but at the moment, due to poaching, they are practically gone. In the same areas, the golden eagle occasionally appears. Cuckoos, partridges, swallows, owls and others live here. In the reserves you can see eagle owls, storks and herons.
Some major rivers in Germany can "boast" that otters have settled in their waters. However, due to the fact that they are very polluted, the existence of these animals in Germany is under great threat. Germany is one of the largest developed countriesindustry, and this affects the ecological state of the environment.

Rivers of Germany
More than 700 rivers flow on the territory of this state. Their length exceeds 7 thousand km. Some of them are considered quite important arteries not only of this great power. Most of the water flows belong to the B altic and North Seas, only the Danube - to the Black. That is why Germany is considered one of the major river countries, the nature of its rivers is very diverse.
The largest water flow in Germany is the Rhine. The source of the river is located in the Alpine mountains in one of the largest lakes in Switzerland and Germany - Lai da Tuma. The water stream has several major tributaries. High water is most often found in the upper reaches of the river. In the lower and middle reaches, it remains full of water all year round.
An interesting incident occurred in 1932. One authoritative publication made a mistake and published information that the length of the river is 1320 m, and not 1230 m, as stated in the official documents of hydrologists. As a result, false data were transferred to some encyclopedias, school textbooks and other significant publications. The typo was only discovered in 2011.
The largest rivers in Germany: the Danube, Oder, Rhine, as well as the Elbe and Weser.

Lake State
While visiting the lakes of Germany, you can enjoy the view, shopping and just swimming. Reservoirs are located evenly throughout the state, from south to north, from east toWest.
One of the most beautiful lakes is Tegernsee. It is located in Bavaria and looks impressive thanks to the mountain peaks. The Koenigssee pond is distinguished by its color. Its water has an emerald green hue.
On one of the islands of Lake Chiemsee is the castle of the last king of the federal state of Bavaria, namely Ludwig II.
One of the largest lakes in Germany - Hohenwarte and Bleiloch. Because of their large size, they are called the Sea of Thuringia.

Germany, whose nature is popular all over the world, is famous for its large number of rivers, scenic horizons and the beauty of the Alps. Bavaria can be called the largest federal state of Germany. It is famous for its lakes, mountains, castles, and huge forests. Its capital, Munich, is the center of beer and baroque art.