Culture 2024, October

Baksheesh - what is it? What does this word mean?

Baksheesh - what is it? What does this word mean?

Often in crossword puzzles, books and programs about the East, you can meet the unusual word "bakshish". What is it, not everyone knows

"Hamburg rooster": the meaning and history of the phrase

"Hamburg rooster": the meaning and history of the phrase

"Hamburg cock" - this expression is familiar to many, but not everyone knows what it means and how it got into our everyday life. There are many versions of the appearance of this catch phrase, but we will consider the most popular

Unusual houses of the world - the height of architectural excellence

Unusual houses of the world - the height of architectural excellence

There are many interesting buildings in the world that few people know about. This article aims to tell people about the most incredible architectural structures around the world

Sergey Ud altsov: "I'm not going anywhere!"

Sergey Ud altsov: "I'm not going anywhere!"

In the summer of 2014, the Moscow City Court indicted the leader of the Left Front opposition party Sergei Ud altsov and his associate Leonid Razvozzhaev. Who is Sergey Ud altsov? The article contains information about the position held by the politician and his biography

Best chocolate quotes

Best chocolate quotes

Chocolate… The word itself has a special charm, doesn't it? Chocolate has always occupied an exceptional position. The ancient Aztecs attributed magical properties to the cold and spicy "chocolatl". In Renaissance Europe, a cup of hot cocoa was a symbol of luxury and respectability

Museum of mittens in St. Petersburg

Museum of mittens in St. Petersburg

The most interesting exposition of all colors and sizes of mittens occupies several halls of an extraordinary museum in St. Petersburg, on the famous river embankment. Washers. Walking through the halls, the visitor finds himself in a fairyland of colors, drawings and childhood, in which, undoubtedly, there were mittens knitted by a grandmother or mother. It is difficult to call the premises a museum, because usually these are halls filled with silence, where you can’t talk loudly. Everything is different here

Monument to Alexander 3 in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities

Monument to Alexander 3 in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities

The reign of Alexander III lasted 13 years. He was called the emperor-peacemaker. It was he who, by his decree, initiated the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway in 1886. He was considered the patron of the Siberian road. He understood the importance and special nature of such a construction, so he ordered that it be laid by his son, Tsarevich Nikolai. It happened in May 1891, when the foundation of the future railway station began to be built in Vladivostok

Sports ethics: concept and basic principles

Sports ethics: concept and basic principles

What is sports ethics? How do ordinary people perceive this phrase? Is there a place for sports behavior in everyday life? What does the science of "sports ethics" study? How did it develop? How do athletes exemplify sports ethics? What is the Fair Play organization? What are its principles and what is it responsible for?

Interesting facts about Brazil. Brazil today

Interesting facts about Brazil. Brazil today

40-meter statue of Christ the Savior, which is a symbol of Brazil, Iguazu Falls, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, now referred to only as a new wonder of the world, the well-known Brazilian carnival, a real national holiday … And all this is Brazil ! Interesting facts about the country - the topic of today's conversation. History and nature, people and events, animals and children - we will pay attention to everything

The Kremlin in Moscow. Russia, Moscow, Kremlin

The Kremlin in Moscow. Russia, Moscow, Kremlin

The first found evidence of the location of ancient settlements on the territory of the Kremlin is two to three thousand years old. In fact, there is no correct answer to the question of who built the Kremlin in Moscow, since the construction of the first palisade is attributed to the time when a settlement of a diakov type was located on Borovitsky Hill.

Godfathers - who are they?

Godfathers - who are they?

Each person most often has many relatives, the names of which are difficult to understand, and here you also need to choose godparents for the child. Here the question may logically arise: "Godfathers - who are they?" Who will be the godparents to the baby's parents?

February 14 - Mental Illness Day in Germany Rumors or truth?

February 14 - Mental Illness Day in Germany Rumors or truth?

February 14… Everyone knows what this date is and what holiday is celebrated on this day. But there are several interesting points that are worth mentioning separately. For example, did you know that February 14th is Mental Illness Day in Germany?

What is a crossword puzzle and where did it come from

What is a crossword puzzle and where did it come from

Many adults and children are very fond of solving crossword puzzles, but few people know what a crossword puzzle really is and where it came from. That's what this article is about

"Sherbetli" (tobacco): description, characteristics

"Sherbetli" (tobacco): description, characteristics

For lovers of hookahs, a wide range of varieties of tobacco is presented on the modern market. The Turkish "Sherbetli" is especially popular. Tobacco of this brand in a short time became popular all over the world

The history of the creation of the aphorism "It is better to overdo it than not do it"

The history of the creation of the aphorism "It is better to overdo it than not do it"

The catchphrase "It's better to be safe than sorry" belongs to the immortal author. This person is remarkable in that, despite the lack of a great mind, he confidently refers to the descendants of the classics of Russian humor

Kalitnikovskoye cemetery: features and opening hours

Kalitnikovskoye cemetery: features and opening hours

One of the cemeteries of the Central Administrative District of Moscow and one of the most famous cemeteries of the capital is called Kalitnikovsky. What it is famous for and what its features are will be discussed below

Ascetic - is it a voluntary or forced hermit?

Ascetic - is it a voluntary or forced hermit?

Asceticism as a way of life moderate and devoid of all sorts of frills has more than one thousand years. Ascetics have always existed, at all times, from the most distant antiquity

A few tips on how to smile beautifully

A few tips on how to smile beautifully

Not all people smile beautifully. Why this happens, no one knows. But many will say: you can learn this. How to smile beautifully: what you need to know and what you need to do for this - read about this in the provided article

All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin: composition, address, opening hours, reviews

All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin: composition, address, opening hours, reviews

Visiting a museum is one of the most popular cultural activities. Today, those who wish are offered a whole range of expositions, exhibitions, excursions, from traditional to the most unexpected. But there are museums that you must visit. The All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin in St. Petersburg

The revival of morality: features, principles and ideas

The revival of morality: features, principles and ideas

The appearance of any idea has a basis, a premise. Any process occurring within society also has them. Thus, the question of whether a revival of morality is necessary arises when it is really required. The fall of the bar of morality is characterized by the absence of internal moral qualities or their substitution. It is the substitution that has been observed in recent decades in Russian society. In fact, there is only one value in the country - consumption

Oldfag - what does it mean?

Oldfag - what does it mean?

Today we will talk with you about who the oldfags are and how you can become one. The modern world is full of new terms and slang, which can be quite difficult to keep up with

The largest cemeteries in the world: list, description, features and interesting facts

The largest cemeteries in the world: list, description, features and interesting facts

According to the well-known joke, no one will get out alive from the mess called life. That is why most villages, not to mention cities, have their own cemeteries

The gene pool is the main value of humanity

The gene pool is the main value of humanity

Do you think that the existence of mankind is more dependent on ecology or wandering meteorites? It turns out not at all! The future is entirely determined by our gene pool. What is it?

Where do the Tats live? History of the nation in Russia

Where do the Tats live? History of the nation in Russia

Tats live mainly in the south - in Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, Dagestan, and in small groups in other countries and republics of the Russian Federation. The history of their origin goes back to prehistoric times, when the Persians first settled on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Tats, whose history is very confused and not fully understood, are recognized as a single, original people on the territory of Dagestan

Traditions and customs of Central Asia, culture, folk holidays

Traditions and customs of Central Asia, culture, folk holidays

Traditions and customs of Central Asia have very extensive roots dating back centuries. And before touching on their content, it is necessary to pay some attention to the historical heritage that the ancient states of Central Asia passed on to modern descendants

Wish lists: how to make a wish list and gifts

Wish lists: how to make a wish list and gifts

Wish lists: what is it, how should they be compiled correctly, what can be added there? Read about all this, as well as what an anti-wishlist is, and what nuances you should not forget about when compiling a list of gifts, read here

How to recognize a man dressed as a woman?

How to recognize a man dressed as a woman?

When you meet a charming girl on the street or in any public place, you should carefully look at the enchantress before asking her to meet you: perhaps in front of you is a man dressed as a woman. In order not to be in such an uncomfortable position, you should know a few signs by which you can determine the sex of a person

Museum of the Siege of Leningrad. Memorial Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad

Museum of the Siege of Leningrad. Memorial Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad

In modern St. Petersburg there are two rather large expositions dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and many individual memorial complexes and monuments. Everyone will be interested in visiting the Museum of the Siege of Leningrad. The collections contain authentic items, one way or another connected with the days of the war and the heroic liberation of the city

Interesting traditions of the Ukrainian people for children: list, features and history

Interesting traditions of the Ukrainian people for children: list, features and history

The traditions of the Ukrainian people are unique and varied. We will talk about the most interesting of them in this article

Grandmother's cemetery: a description of how to get there

Grandmother's cemetery: a description of how to get there

Babushkinskoye cemetery is located in the North-Eastern district of Moscow and occupies more than 11 hectares of land

Art gallery (Vladivostok) - pure art

Art gallery (Vladivostok) - pure art

Art has always been an important part of the life of every cultured person, thanks to which he can get in touch with the beautiful. That is why museums and galleries, various exhibitions have always been an integral part in the life of any nation. In this article we will talk about the pearl of the Russian Far East, which is an art gallery. Vladivostok received it for some services to the government

Monument to the Cherepanovs, Nizhny Tagil: description, history and interesting facts

Monument to the Cherepanovs, Nizhny Tagil: description, history and interesting facts

Monument to the Cherepanovs is the most famous monument in Nizhny Tagil. It was erected on the central square by decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (August 22, 1945). And the opening itself took place on November 4, 1956. The monument cost the city 251 thousand "old" rubles. In this article we will look at some facts about the Cherepanov monument (Nizhny Tagil)

Interesting museums in Odessa

Interesting museums in Odessa

Tired of lying on the hot sand and wanted to diversify your leisure time? Then it's time to visit the museums of Odessa, and there are many of them - for every taste and color

Nationality Dargin: description of appearance, origin, traditions, language

Nationality Dargin: description of appearance, origin, traditions, language

Representatives of the Dargin nationality live on the territory of the modern Republic of Dagestan. This is one of the largest nations in these places. They belong to the Caucasian type of the Caucasian race. Believing representatives of this people profess Sunni Islam

The Museum of Slot Machines is a journey into childhood. Where to find the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan?

The Museum of Slot Machines is a journey into childhood. Where to find the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan?

It is possible to return to childhood! Such a chance is provided by slot machine museums in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan

Art museums of Russia and their importance in cultural life

Art museums of Russia and their importance in cultural life

In ancient Greece, this place (museion) was traditionally dedicated to the Muses and was usually located in sacred groves or temples. In the mythology of the Greeks, the muses were the patrons of art, poetry, science - hence the meaning of the sacred space, where they had to be revered in every possible way

The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Israel, Wailing Wall

The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Israel, Wailing Wall

Perhaps there is no other place on Earth like the Wailing Wall, where thousands of pilgrims would annually seek to pray to God, make a wish, or simply touch the history of all mankind. The Western Wall (the second name of the Wailing Wall) in Jerusalem is the main religious landmark and Jewish shrine of Israel

What heaven looks like in different religions

What heaven looks like in different religions

People at all times have been looking for answers about what awaits them after death: are there heaven and hell, is there a soul, do we die completely or can we be reborn? There are currently 4 major religions on Earth. And each promises the righteous life in paradise, and sinners unspeakable hellish torments

What are jokes? Jokes and jokes. Folk jokes

What are jokes? Jokes and jokes. Folk jokes

In this article you will learn what are such small genres of folklore as nursery rhymes and jokes, and what they are for

Culture of the Early Renaissance in Italy in names and creations

Culture of the Early Renaissance in Italy in names and creations

Everyone knows that Italy was the heart of the entire Renaissance. Great masters of the word, brush and philosophical thought appeared in each of the periods of the Renaissance. The culture of the Early Renaissance in Italy demonstrates the emergence of traditions that will develop in subsequent centuries, this period became the starting point, the beginning of a great era of development of creativity in Europe