Culture 2024, October

How the matchmaking goes. How is the matchmaking ceremony among Russians and Armenians

How the matchmaking goes. How is the matchmaking ceremony among Russians and Armenians

For newlyweds, preparation for the wedding is always a stressful, very important and at the same time interesting period. There is a lot to do: choose outfits, rings, venue for the celebration, make a list of guests, menus, think over an entertainment program … a whole mess. But if the marriage is planned in the best traditions, traditional ceremonies, such as matchmaking and betrothal, must be completed at the preparatory stage. Let us tell you more about how the matchmaking of the bride goes

Arkhangelsk, Museum of Fine Arts. Arkhangelsk Museum of Fine Arts: address, exhibitions, reviews

Arkhangelsk, Museum of Fine Arts. Arkhangelsk Museum of Fine Arts: address, exhibitions, reviews

Arkhangelsk is a city that attracts tourists with its special color, historical and cultural attractions. One of these objects is the Museum of Fine Arts. Visitors can see valuable exhibits, get acquainted with the traditions of local residents, learn a lot of interesting things about the harsh northern region. In the article we will tell about the Arkhangelsk Museum of Fine Arts

Traditions and customs of the Yakuts. Culture and life of the peoples of Yakutia

Traditions and customs of the Yakuts. Culture and life of the peoples of Yakutia

According to archaeological data, the nationality of the Yakuts arose as a result of the union of local tribes living near the middle reaches of the Lena River with southern Turkic-speaking settlers. Over time, the created new nationality was divided into several groups. For example, reindeer herders of the northwest, etc

What is a nation: the essence and prerequisites for the emergence

What is a nation: the essence and prerequisites for the emergence

What is a nation? When did it come about? Is it the same with the concept of "people", or does the nation have its own properties? Why are people in the United States referred to as "fast food nation"? We will try to find answers to these questions in this article

Mitinsky cemetery in Moscow

Mitinsky cemetery in Moscow

Mitinsky cemetery is considered one of the largest operating throughout Moscow. It was founded in September 1978 and currently covers an area of more than 100 hectares

Damn - what kind of curse is that? Word meanings, interpretation and examples

Damn - what kind of curse is that? Word meanings, interpretation and examples

We all know that a pancake is a delicious treat. But we will not talk about this, or rather, not only. The noun has got to a zone of our special attention in other quality. Today we will consider “pancake” as a curse, but it will also not do without highlighting the culinary meaning

Objects of cultural heritage of Moscow: list, protection and restoration. Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects

Objects of cultural heritage of Moscow: list, protection and restoration. Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects

Moscow's cultural heritage sites are numerous. Some of them are included in the UNESCO list. It will be difficult to list all of them, but it’s worth talking about the most interesting ones

Angry, snarky person: definition

Angry, snarky person: definition

A sarcastic person is a real test for the environment. In order to make life comfortable, you need to know how to recognize an evil prankster, how to behave with him correctly and whether it is possible to change him

Casual attribution: the meaning of the concept and its application

Casual attribution: the meaning of the concept and its application

It often happens that people try to explain the strange or challenging behavior of another person, based on their own perception of the whole situation. When this happens, a person simply interprets the act and its motives in such a way as if he himself did it

"Language without bones" is a phraseological unit. Meaning and usage examples

"Language without bones" is a phraseological unit. Meaning and usage examples

When they say about a person “Yes, he has a tongue without bones”, it means that he loves to talk, and his speeches are empty and meaningless. But in fact, this is not always the case, sometimes someone not only loves, but also knows how to keep the conversation going. Let's analyze the history and examples of the use of phraseological units

Cherished is The meaning of the term

Cherished is The meaning of the term

Cherished is treasured, dear. Let's say a thing that is priceless in memories, it can be a family decoration. The treasured ring, for example. This also includes the idiom "cherished talisman". This is something secret, mysterious, magical, which gives protection and works to attract good luck in business and life

Cattle - who is this? The general and modern meaning of the word

Cattle - who is this? The general and modern meaning of the word

Today we will consider the meaning of one of the oldest words, which in our time is very popular among various kinds of citizens. We will talk about the meanings of the word "cattle". This is a multi-valued term, interpreted by each of us in different ways. Let's look at all the options for interpreting this dubious term and find out if we understand its meaning correctly, which we sometimes try to convey to one or another opponent

Museum of the Airborne Forces in Ryazan: address, excursions, opening hours, history of creation and interesting facts

Museum of the Airborne Forces in Ryazan: address, excursions, opening hours, history of creation and interesting facts

The Airborne Forces, or Airborne Forces for short, have become a real symbol of national prowess, courage and courage. The Airborne Forces are often associated with vests and berets, as well as bathing he althy men in city fountains during the celebration of the day of the same name. However, over time, the Airborne Forces Museum in Ryazan was added to this collective image. What is this attraction? What is special about her? And what is the history of its origin?

Signs of October. Folk signs of autumn

Signs of October. Folk signs of autumn

Folk omens of autumn are patterns based on subjective human observations of changes in nature, which allow us to judge how different processes of this period of the year are interconnected

What is "tin"? Origin and definition of the word "tin"

What is "tin"? Origin and definition of the word "tin"

Some slang concepts and expressions may be completely inaccessible to the understanding of the person who encountered them for the first time. What is "tin", and why is this word used for almost any reason? Where did it come from, and how to understand it correctly?

Alexander Zaldostanov: biography, personal life. Professional activity

Alexander Zaldostanov: biography, personal life. Professional activity

In the modern encyclopedia, you can safely add a new article "Biker Alexander Zaldostanov (surgeon)". The biography of this legendary personality is very blurry and consists of separate fragments. In our article, we will try to put together disparate facts and learn more about the Russian biker, nicknamed the "surgeon"

Quotes about the beauty of a Russian woman, nature and the world

Quotes about the beauty of a Russian woman, nature and the world

Beauty quotes are the sayings of aesthetes. The concept itself implies a harmonious perception of the surrounding world, one object or the perfection of several aspects

Project activities of libraries: forms, methods, stages of development and examples

Project activities of libraries: forms, methods, stages of development and examples

Today, there are no libraries left in the country that would not create various projects, would not take part in various competitions, because it is the project activity of the library that improves the financial condition of the institution, and strengthens its role in the area . Thus, the quality of services improves, and readers are satisfied

Hardware truth - what is it?

Hardware truth - what is it?

In this article we will consider the origin and meaning of the phraseological unit "homemade truth". This expression is certainly not clear to everyone. In order to understand what this phrase nevertheless means, you must first understand what the word "sermyaga" means. Having de alt with the definition of this concept, it immediately becomes clear what meaning our phraseological unit contains

Club "Begemot": address and features

Club "Begemot": address and features

St. Petersburg is a city you can't help but fall in love with. Everything here impresses with its beauty and mystery. Club "Begemot" is fully consistent with the energy and style of the city on the Neva. Here visitors are immersed in a special atmosphere of mystery and beauty

Speech etiquette. Rules of etiquette. Basic rules of speech etiquette in various speech situations: examples

Speech etiquette. Rules of etiquette. Basic rules of speech etiquette in various speech situations: examples

A person's speech is a very important character trait, it can be used to determine not only the level of education, but also the degree of his responsibility and discipline. Speech betrays his attitude towards other people, himself, his work. Therefore, any person who wants to achieve success in communicating with other people needs to work on his speech. The rules of speech etiquette, a summary of which each of us learns in childhood, contribute to a better understanding between people

Yakut national costume: description, history of appearance, photo

Yakut national costume: description, history of appearance, photo

Yakutia is the northern pearl of Russia. What climatic conditions and cultural traditions influenced the creation of the national costume? How has it changed over time? Cut options from tangalai to oolong. Shoes, jewelry, features of women's, men's and children's costumes, details of clothing that help the shaman to contact spirits - all this is said in the article

Bade is a people in Africa

Bade is a people in Africa

Despite the fact that the Bade people who live in Nigeria number more than 650 thousand people, hardly anyone has ever heard of them. When people hear this name for the first time, people shrug their shoulders in surprise, because they do not know the meaning of the word "bade" at all. We are more than sure that you are hearing it for the first time. In this article we will try to tell a little about this people living in Nigeria

Restoration of cultural heritage sites: obtaining a license, projects and work. Register of cultural heritage objects

Restoration of cultural heritage sites: obtaining a license, projects and work. Register of cultural heritage objects

What is the Register of Cultural Heritage Objects? What is restoration? Its directions, types and classification. Legislative regulation and licensing of activities, necessary documents. How are restoration works carried out?

USSR Museum in Moscow - an opportunity to return to the Soviet Union

USSR Museum in Moscow - an opportunity to return to the Soviet Union

Everyone who was born and lived during the Soviet era will be very interested in visiting the museum in Moscow, which exhibits items made during the Soviet Union. Here you can see and remember long-forgotten things that were actively used in everyday life several decades ago

Who are Arkharovtsy? Major Versions

Who are Arkharovtsy? Major Versions

Nikolai Petrovich Arkharov is a Russian official, Chief of Police from Moscow. The years of his life fall at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. According to one version, this man is the founder of the concept of "Arkharovtsy". What is meant by this word? Who are the Archers? There are several versions

Who are transvestites? Transvestites and transsexuals - what's the difference?

Who are transvestites? Transvestites and transsexuals - what's the difference?

Human nature, like animal nature, is particularly versatile. Initially, each of us has masculine and feminine traits. Based on gender differences, we all try to adhere to a certain model of behavior. However, there are those who do not want to go against their own nature. Such people are called transvestites and transsexuals

Coat of arms of Cuba. Description and characteristics

Coat of arms of Cuba. Description and characteristics

Cuba is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea. The coat of arms of Cuba was adopted back in 1906, and the flag - in 1902. They are the main state symbols that represent the republic in the world. Each of their details tells about the difficult history of the country and its geographical features. What do the flag and coat of arms of Cuba represent? Characteristics and descriptions of these symbols can be found below

Good night wishes to a man in verse

Good night wishes to a man in verse

Girls themselves are sensitive creatures, loving romance and all sorts of cute messages. When night falls, and a loved one is in another room, house or even a city, I want to send him the warmest and most tender wishes of a good night. Men, despite the fact that they are less prone to purring in correspondence, will certainly be flattered by attention

What libraries are for: history, types and reviews

What libraries are for: history, types and reviews

An amazing creation of people is a book, and libraries are an integral part of the culture of every country. Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich once correctly said that if the book depositories are properly organized, then culture can really be revived, even if educational institutions disappear. But not all people understand what libraries are for

Innovations in the library: implementation, implementation of the new and keeping the traditions

Innovations in the library: implementation, implementation of the new and keeping the traditions

Do you think libraries have no future? Nothing like this. If you properly modernize the work and introduce innovations, readers will be drawn to the library. It is foolish to destroy what has borne fruit for many years. Moreover, it is necessary to develop the horizons of young people. Despite the fact that young people spend all their time on the Internet, they do not read anything useful. What innovations should be applied in the library in order for people to reach there? Read about it below

When is Christmas celebrated in Finland? Christmas traditions in Finland

When is Christmas celebrated in Finland? Christmas traditions in Finland

Finland at first glance seems harsh and cold. But, looking closer, you are surprised how the Finns are able to celebrate holidays on a grand scale. The traditions of celebrating Christmas in Finland are sacredly honored and observed for centuries

Nearby caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra: description, history and interesting facts

Nearby caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra: description, history and interesting facts

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is one of the most popular places in Kyiv, which is visited by tourists, guests of the capital of Ukraine and believers. Nearby caves attract visitors with their mystery, ancient history and interesting legends about underground treasures and healing power

Elf flower: description, features and interesting facts

Elf flower: description, features and interesting facts

The charming name of the flower of the elves is the second name of Goryanka, fuchsia, aquilegia. All these plants have such a beautiful name. In the article we will get acquainted with them in detail. We will also present to your attention a well-known dog kennel with the same name

"Self interest": meaning, etymology, synonyms

"Self interest": meaning, etymology, synonyms

In order not to get into a mess, using any stable metaphorical expressions in a conversation, you need to know their meaning and features of use in speech. This knowledge is also needed in order to understand what your interlocutor is talking about. What does the expression "selfish interest" mean, where did it come from and when is it appropriate to use it?

Yesenin Museum in Moscow: photos, how to get there

Yesenin Museum in Moscow: photos, how to get there

In 1995, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the poet was celebrated. By this date, the Yesenin Museum was opened in Moscow

Popular cinemas in Blagoveshchensk: addresses and description

Popular cinemas in Blagoveshchensk: addresses and description

Cinemas are an integral part of any city. They are popular with both young people and older people. A large selection of films in cinemas equipped with modern technology is an opportunity to have a good time with family or friends

Are you asked not to flood? What does it mean?

Are you asked not to flood? What does it mean?

They gave him the name "Internet" and said that you can find anything on it. He knows everything, always advises, finds friends, and if you want to quarrel, then you are here too. But one has only to go to your favorite forum and hit the keys … As soon as the evil moderator with might and main shakes his finger with might and main: “Guys! Do not flood! What does it mean?

Khlynov Kremlin: a lost monument of Russian architecture with a complicated history

Khlynov Kremlin: a lost monument of Russian architecture with a complicated history

The modern city of Kirov has a long and eventful history. This locality has changed several names. Several times the city was seriously destroyed for various reasons. Once upon a time there was an incredibly beautiful Khlynovsky Kremlin

The origin and meaning of the name Martha, the character and fate of its owner

The origin and meaning of the name Martha, the character and fate of its owner

Martha is an ancient Roman name, which is marked by the special patronage of the god of war. However, its interpretation is not so simple. Therefore, in this article we will discuss in detail the meaning of the name Martha