A person realized in society always has a goal. Such a person constantly evaluates whether this or that behavior leads him to the goal. They say about such personalities: "He sets priorities in life well." What does it mean? A clear understanding of what is important and what is secondary.
Compulsory expenses

There are only 24 hours in a day. It is possible to speed up some types of work by gaining time, but there are always reasonable limits for such "compression". Here the situation is the same as in the economy with needs: resources are limited, but you want everything and indefinitely. So it is here: a person wants a lot, but there is very little time. You can’t get away from the temporary expenditure on sleep, on communication, on eating. For women, the problem of wasting time on cooking is still relevant. For many of them, the priority is family.
Refuse is a strong choice
Therefore, a successful person is not the one who does a lot, but the one who acts rationally and flexibly, first of all refusing this or that activity. Yes, success comes to those whounderstands that priority is the rejection of many things, often from the pleasant in favor of the unpleasant. You won't sit and read detective stories if your priority is making money (except if you're a detective writer studying other writers' handwriting for future sales). That is, you must consciously give up one activity in favor of another, which is not always pleasant.
It's okay to want money

Why do many people prioritize money? Which, by the way, is quite normal. Money is an opportunity to protect yourself and loved ones, to acquire funds for solving various life tasks and aspirations. Problems do not happen only in mentally undeveloped and mentally ill people. That is why he althy people should work and try for the sake of money, because they give flexibility, freedom of maneuver. A poor person is constantly in the grip of the choice "either-or". The poor man is more pleased with shopping, but such joys are rare. American scientists have found that money affects the level of happiness. The happiest people are those who earn twice the average income. Greater we alth no longer adds joy. But people who are poorer than double income also rarely experience happiness. So it still turns out that money is a "happiness-forming" factor.

Like someone else's war
Priority is the main direction of activity, what a person recognizes as a priority in his life. It is easy to guess that a person can behappy only if his priorities coincide with his values. Often in childhood, “right desires” are imposed on the child. He has to comply with those priorities that are "strangers" for him. This is the problem of "weak-willed" and "lazy" people. A person can force himself to temporarily apply force, but you cannot force yourself all your life. Therefore, if you are accused of laziness, feel free to ignore it. It simply means that you are not living up to someone's expectations.
Priorities can be at a higher level. This concept is used in various sciences - from computer science to sociology. For example, “social policy priorities” are what the state considers most important for the social protection of its citizens.