Leonid Kuravlev's filmography includes more than 300 roles in serials and films. This actor is loved and appreciated by the whole country. Do you want to know what path to success did Kuravlev Leonid Vyacheslavovich? Are you interested in the details of his personal life? You will find all this in the article.

Leonid Kuravlev: biography
The famous actor was born on October 8, 1936 in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. In what family was our hero brought up? His parents had nothing to do with cinema and theatrical art. Father, Vyacheslav Yakovlevich, worked as a mechanic at an aircraft factory. Mother, Valentina Dmitrievna, was a hairdresser.
Lenya grew up as an obedient and domestic child. He was not capricious and did not indulge. In 1941, his mother was sent into exile in the North on false charges. She took her son with her. For several years, Lenya and her mother lived in a labor camp on the shores of Lake Imandra.
After returning to Moscow, the boy was enrolled in school. In the first grade, Lenya showed an interest in knowledge. But in later years he did not study well. The boy was not givenexact sciences - physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Student life
Leonid Kuravlev, whose biography we are considering, dreamed of becoming an actor. He did not even consider other professions. In 1953, our hero received a certificate of secondary education. He immediately submitted documents to VGIK. However, he failed to enter the university on the first attempt. In order not to waste time, Lenya got a job at the Optic artel. In 1955, the guy again decides to “storm” VGIK. This time Kuravlev successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in the course of B. Bibikov.
Introduction to Cinema
On wide screens Kuravlev Leonid Vyacheslavovich appeared as a student. In 1960, he starred in the film Midshipman Panin. He got the role of sailor Kamushkin. Director Mikhail Schweitzer was satisfied with the cooperation. After all, Lenya 100% coped with the tasks assigned to him.
Vasily Shukshin played one of the important roles in the fate of Kuravlyov. After all, it was he who opened such a talented actor to the audience. But we will talk about this a little later.
In 1960, Leonid Kuravlev was awarded a diploma of graduation. Almost immediately he was hired by the Film Actor Theater Studio. From that moment on, the acting career of our hero went uphill.

Cooperation with Vasily Shukshin
In 1964, the film "Such a guy lives" was released. This is one of the sunniest and most positive pictures of Shukshin. The filmography of Leonid Kuravlev at that time was presentedepisodic and minor roles. But Vasily Makarovich decided to give the young actor the opportunity to open up. He appointed Leonid to the main role - Pasha Kolokolnikov. According to the story, his hero is a good-natured and resourceful guy, ready to help anyone.
Later actor Leonid Kuravlev starred in another film by Shukshin - "Your son and brother." He successfully got used to the image of Stepan Voevodin. His hero was somewhat reminiscent of Pashka Kolokolnikov, but there was more drama here. Voevodin escapes from the prison colony. He hides in his own house. And then suddenly a policeman comes.
Did you continue your cooperation with the famous director Leonid Kuravlev? Shukshin's films came to his liking. But he refused further cooperation. The reason is extremely simple - the roles of Kuravlev were of the same type. He wanted to try himself in different genres and directions.

Filmography of Leonid Kuravlev: 60-70s
Our hero participated in the filming of the comedy "The Golden Calf". The director of the picture, Mikhail Schweitzer, knew Kuravlev's abilities and acting abilities. Therefore, he approved Leonid Vyacheslavovich for the role of Shura Balaganov. The actor managed to create a bright and sparkling image, which was appreciated by the audience.
One more interesting role of Kuravlyov should be noted. He played Homa Brutus in the film "Viy". Leonid agreed to shoot without reading the script. It's just that N. V. Gogol has always been his favorite writer. And the actor did not let us down.
If in the 60s Kuravlev gained popularity withviewers, then in the 70s he became a real idol. In almost every Soviet apartment, posters with his image hung on the walls. And in cinemas, posters with the signature "Leonid Kuravlev" were pasted up. Representatives of different worships wanted to watch films with the participation of this actor.
If you think that Kuravlev played only positive characters, then you are greatly mistaken. Take, for example, the role of Georges Miloslavsky in the comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession." Leonid superbly played a burglar thief. But even such a negative hero won the love and recognition of the audience.

Continuing career
And now for many Russians the most favorite actor is Leonid Kuravlev. The filmography of this actor includes over 300 films. We list the most vivid and memorable films with his participation:
- "Look for a Woman" (1982) - Inspector Grandin.
- "The Invisible Man" (1984) - Marvel.
- "The most charming and attractive" (1985) - Misha Dyatlov.
- "Christmas Trees" (1988) - electrician.
- "Made in the USSR" (1990) - Ivan Moiseevich.
- "The Master and Margarita" (1994) - Nikanor.
- "Russian Account" (1994) - Major Sidorov.
- "Shirley Myrley" (1995) - American Ambassador.
- "Brigade" (TV series) (2002) - General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- Turkish Gambit (2005) - Major.
- "Heirs" (2008) - head of administration.
- "All this Jam" (2015) - Father Leonty.

Leonid Kuravlev cannot be reproached for frivolity. He never set himself the goal of winning a large number of women. In adolescence, his first love came to him. He still carefully keeps the image of this girl in his memory.
For some time, our hero decided to push his personal life into the background. However, everything did not go as planned by Leonid Kuravlev. The family wanted him to get married as soon as possible. It looks like God heard their prayers. As a 3rd year student, Lenya met a beautiful girl, Nina. She studied to be a philologist, and then taught English at school.
In 1959, Nina and Leonid got married. The celebration was modest. The relatives of the bride and groom organized a table with refreshments and drinks. The newlyweds were given a small room in a communal apartment. But they were also happy with such housing.
March 6, 1962, the firstborn of Leonid and Nina was born - daughter Ekaterina. The young father could not stop looking at his blood. He tried to come home from work early to bathe the baby and play with her. In 1978, a replenishment took place in the Kuravlyov family. The long-awaited son was born. The boy was named Vasily.
Leonid and Nina lived together for 53 years. They managed to celebrate the golden wedding. Only death could separate them. In 2012, Nina died after a long illness. The famous actor became a widower. Not a day passed that he did not remember his beloved wife. After the death of Nina, the actor leads a reclusive lifestyle. The only thing that pleases him is communication with his grandchildren - Grisha, Fedor and Stepan.
Today we reviewed the biography and filmography of Leonid Kuravlev. We wish this wonderful actor Siberian he alth and creative success!