Culture 2024, October

Tatyana Mikhalkova: biography and personal life (photo)

Tatyana Mikhalkova: biography and personal life (photo)

Tatyana Mikhalkova was not always a famous person. Probably, forty years ago, it would never have occurred to her that her life would turn out this way

Dinosaur Museum in St. Petersburg. Communication with the disappeared giants

Dinosaur Museum in St. Petersburg. Communication with the disappeared giants

The Museum of Dinosaurs in St. Petersburg is located on the third floor of the Planetarium building. In several rooms, there is an exposition of giant animals, which experts have endowed with the ability to move, make terrible sounds and open huge mouths. The museum is intended primarily for children, who will be told about the giants, their lifestyle and habitat by local guides

US National Gallery of Art: history of creation, exposition and features

US National Gallery of Art: history of creation, exposition and features

Located in downtown Washington, USA, the National Gallery of Art has collected and exhibited about 141,000 paintings, prints and sculptures, covering the period from the Middle Ages to the present day. Not surprisingly, this collection is considered one of the best in the world, and the gallery itself is one of the ten most visited places in the United States

"Children's art gallery" in Samara: description

"Children's art gallery" in Samara: description

"Children's Art Gallery" in Samara has collected more than 15,000 children's paintings. YOU museum can look at the world through the eyes of a child. In addition to drawings, you can visit exhibition halls, plunge headlong into the past. To make the most of your time, you can use the services of a guide

Greeks in Russia: history and population

Greeks in Russia: history and population

Greeks in Russia are considered one of the most ancient diasporas, since the Black Sea regions were colonized by them in the ancient period. In the early Middle Ages, Russian lands most often came into contact with the Greek population, who settled on the southern coast of Crimea, which is under the rule of Byzantium. It was from there that Russian Christian traditions were borrowed. In this article we will talk about the history of the people in the Russian Federation, their numbers, prominent representatives

Best museums in Brussels, description, interesting facts

Best museums in Brussels, description, interesting facts

The museums of Brussels are very interesting sights of the Belgian capital. Every tourist should visit them. Here you will find fascinating masterpieces for every taste: from classical art to modern art, from unique musical instruments to all kinds of chocolate

The history of the origin of the name Kondratiev

The history of the origin of the name Kondratiev

Perhaps every person at least once in his life showed interest in the origin of his last name. The secret of the surname is one of the most relevant and popular queries in various search engines, which confirms the massive interest of people in their ancestors. In this article, consider the name Kondratiev

Ireland: culture, traditions, customs

Ireland: culture, traditions, customs

Despite the relatively small population of the country, the culture of Ireland is of great importance for world heritage. For the most part, the Irish are very educated, well-mannered and polite people. And they, like every nation, have their own traditions and customs. Let's touch a little on the history and culture of this magnificent country

Is Hanurik an animal, a parasite or a drunkard?

Is Hanurik an animal, a parasite or a drunkard?

Hanurik is a hybrid of a ferret and a mink, bred in 1978. It is difficult to tame, aggressive, but very beautiful. The official name of the animal is honorik, in honor of the parents. There are other variants of the meaning of this word, far from beautiful

Cultural artifacts: what are they?

Cultural artifacts: what are they?

Cultural artifact - what is it? It is understood as everything that is created by man and can convey information about the culture of its creator, as well as its users. It has its own varieties. Read more about the fact that this is a cultural artifact, read the article

Erzi reserve - natural pearl of Ingushetia

Erzi reserve - natural pearl of Ingushetia

There are fewer and fewer corners on our planet where nature is taken care of, and not used for their own purposes, where they treat it with care, and do not suck out all possible resources. For the most part, these places are nature reserves. In Russia at the moment there are more than a hundred of them. One of the most amazing is the picturesque reserve Erzi, which is located in the Republic of Ingushetia

Museum of Soviet synthesizers. Can you play?

Museum of Soviet synthesizers. Can you play?

Do you love and are interested in music? At the same time, you not only like to enjoy the beautiful sounds of the melody, you also understand musical instruments. Or maybe you yourself are not averse to sitting down at the keys. Even if all of the above is not about you and you just like to learn something new, if you are inquisitive and strive to expand your horizons, then you should visit one of the most non-standard museums in the world - the Museum of Soviet Synthesizers

Life of Kazakhs in China

Life of Kazakhs in China

Kazakhs in China are one of the many peoples living on the territory of this country. They are less nomadic than other national minorities. Traditionally, they make a living from animal husbandry. Only a small number of them settled and are engaged in agricultural production

Anastasia: name forms, derivatives

Anastasia: name forms, derivatives

Many contemporaries consider Anastasia the most beautiful female name. There are many other forms of the name. This is one of their Slavic forms. Sounds majestic and proud. Some guys dream that their girlfriend's name is that. In our article we will talk about the different forms of the name Anastasia, its meaning, the nature of the owner

Aristide Maillol: biography, personal life, creativity

Aristide Maillol: biography, personal life, creativity

Aristide Mayol is a French sculptor, painter, graphic artist, illustrator and tapestry designer. He is best known for his classic depiction of female nudes. He began his artistic career as a painter and tapestry designer. His early work reflected his admiration for the Nabis group of French artists. The artist was almost 40 years old when vision problems forced him to give up weaving tapestries, and so he turned his attention to sculpture

Protrude the little finger: what does it mean?

Protrude the little finger: what does it mean?

Some stick out their little fingers purposefully, others unconsciously. This happens mainly at the meal, when a fork, knife, cup or glass is held in this hand. What does a protruding little finger mean today? There are several versions of this

Culture languages are Concept, types and classification

Culture languages are Concept, types and classification

Culture is a complex, multilevel and multifaceted phenomenon. Understanding culture, its codes and symbols requires people to possess a certain conceptual base, it is called the language of culture. This is a specific system of signs that people develop in the course of communication and understanding of reality. Let's talk about what the essence of this phenomenon is, what languages of culture distinguish and how they are formed

Where is the Hat of Monomakh kept? Versions of the appearance of regalia in Russia

Where is the Hat of Monomakh kept? Versions of the appearance of regalia in Russia

The Cap of Monomakh is one of the main symbols of autocratic power in Russia. This famous regalia played a special role and was endowed with a high status. Today, many are interested in where the legendary headdress is kept

A spiritual person is The concept, personal qualities, inner essence and influence on society

A spiritual person is The concept, personal qualities, inner essence and influence on society

Who can be called a spiritual person? Is it just a decent, warm-hearted person or something more? Analysis of the concept of "spiritual" from the point of view of philology, psychology, pedagogy. How secular literature and the Bible represent a spiritually moral person: a description of spiritual qualities and influence on society as a whole

Art of Ancient Greece: "Delphic Charioteer"

Art of Ancient Greece: "Delphic Charioteer"

About 478 BC e. Polyzelus, tyrant of the city of Gela in Sicily, commissioned the sculpture to express his gratitude to the god Apollo for the victory of his chariot at the Pythian Games. Now in the museum at Delphi, this bronze figure is considered one of the best surviving examples of the art of classical Greece

Museum of Fine Arts in Nizhny Tagil. Information for visitors

Museum of Fine Arts in Nizhny Tagil. Information for visitors

Nizhny Tagil is not particularly popular with tourists, few people associate it with a tourist center. And by the way, it’s very in vain, because the city has many interesting sights: architectural monuments, various monuments, galleries, museums. One of these places is the Museum of Fine Arts in Nizhny Tagil. You can learn more about it by reading this article

Cultural conflicts: definition, types of causes and ways to resolve

Cultural conflicts: definition, types of causes and ways to resolve

Conflicts occurring in the clash of cultural values have captured the modern world. This includes large-scale anti-religious persecution in the USSR, an Islamic fundamentalist political movement based on religious beliefs, the occupation of the territory of independent Tibet by China that did not cause almost any international reaction, and so on

Aesthetic perception is: definition, features and essence

Aesthetic perception is: definition, features and essence

Aesthetic perception is a reflection by a person of objects of the surrounding reality, phenomena that are endowed with value. The ability to feel the aesthetic value of all people is different, and it can be developed

Kharkov Art Museum: exposition review, visitor reviews

Kharkov Art Museum: exposition review, visitor reviews

Kharkov Art Museum is one of the largest collections of fine and applied arts in Ukraine. Its funds contain at least 25 thousand exhibits. In our article you will find detailed information about the art museum in Kharkov, its paintings and expositions

Folk crafts of Dagestan: names with photos, history of appearance and stages of development

Folk crafts of Dagestan: names with photos, history of appearance and stages of development

Folk crafts of Dagestan are special and unique. Thanks to a variety of raw materials, natural features and unique artistic techniques, one can observe various directions in the development of these crafts. These include: carpet weaving, pottery, artistic wood processing, Untsukul notch with metal, jewelry. They will be discussed in the article

French female names: list, origin, meaning

French female names: list, origin, meaning

French culture, traditions and language have long been popular in many countries around the world. This is not surprising, because the French know how to enjoy the beautiful: cooking and unique wines, exquisite etiquette and new fashion trends. This language, melodious and melodic, has always attracted with its exoticism and romance. Therefore, it is not surprising that beautiful French female names are in demand all over the world

Museum of Nature and Ecology in Minsk. Description, location, work schedule

Museum of Nature and Ecology in Minsk. Description, location, work schedule

Minsk is a city popular with Russian tourists. After all, there are many interesting museums and galleries, unusual monuments, picturesque parks. One of the sights worthy of attention is the Museum of Nature and Ecology in Minsk. Read about it in this article

Do Americans have middle names? Where is it anyway?

Do Americans have middle names? Where is it anyway?

It is especially unusual for a Russian-speaking person that in all American films and TV shows, the characters do not have middle names. Full names are built in our language according to a certain algorithm: last name, first name, patronymic. Everything, no liberties. And where are the patronymics of the Americans?

Agora - what is it? And the meeting, and the square of the ancient Greeks

Agora - what is it? And the meeting, and the square of the ancient Greeks

Agora - what is it? The first association that arises when pronouncing a word refers to Ancient Greece. And she is correct. However, this term is ambiguous. Details about the fact that this is an agora will be described in the proposed review

What is xenophobia in Russia

What is xenophobia in Russia

Everyone knows what xenophobia is and the etymology of this word: xenos - alien, phobos - fear. Therefore, we can say that xenophobia is the fear of the stranger, which gives rise to hatred of the stranger. We have inherited this fear from the animal world. The alien must be avoided, as it is dangerous, or one must be ready to fight with it. But at the same time, the xenophobia of animals is fully justified, since the danger is real

How to make a demotivator yourself?

How to make a demotivator yourself?

Network space is filled with apt statements and images, often copied and repeated on a variety of resources. Demotivators are becoming increasingly popular - Internet memes that combine the features of both. Everyone is pleased to become the owner of a unique one, to be the first to post a killer joke with a vivid illustration on a blog or on a social network page. Making it easier than you think

Female Scottish names, their diversity and meanings

Female Scottish names, their diversity and meanings

In what is now Scotland, citizens tend to choose names according to a list that was offered by the General Register Office for Scotland

Vasnetsov House Museum in Moscow

Vasnetsov House Museum in Moscow

The House-Museum of Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich has been part of the All-Union Museum Association under the single name "State Tretyakov Gallery" since 1986 and instills a sense of pride in many residents of the Russian capital

Monument "Black Tulip" in Yekaterinburg - sorrow and memory of the dead soldiers

Monument "Black Tulip" in Yekaterinburg - sorrow and memory of the dead soldiers

Monuments "Black Tulips" - memorials that began to be erected in the cities of the country after the end of hostilities in Afghanistan. Monuments that evoke strong feelings just by their name exist in Yekaterinburg, Norilsk, Petrozavodsk, Pyatigorsk, Khabarovsk

An interesting case from the lives of several people

An interesting case from the lives of several people

Everyone has stories to tell in a noisy company to turn the party up. It can be a funny incident from life or, conversely, something that is embarrassing to share. And sometimes events happen that cannot be explained, and you involuntarily begin to believe in the supernatural

Congratulations to the girl on her birthday. 3 years is a magical age

Congratulations to the girl on her birthday. 3 years is a magical age

Probably the most important thing in celebrating the birthday of a little three-year-old girl will be the desire to leave in her memory the most vivid, cheerful impressions of the holiday. You can create a mood by decorating the room with balloons, colored ribbons, soft toys. Be sure to prepare a festive table and, of course, invite a lot of friends and family

Monopoly is the opposite of a competitive market

Monopoly is the opposite of a competitive market

Monopoly is the exact opposite of a competitive market. It is characterized by the presence of only one seller and producer, which occupies the entire space in the market for a particular product or service. The reverse phenomenon is a monopsony, where only one buyer in the market for a particular product or service has power

Insinuation is slander, fiction and defamatory malicious fabrication

Insinuation is slander, fiction and defamatory malicious fabrication

From the Latin language the word "insinuation" is literally translated as "insinuation", "penetration". Insinuation is slander that denigrates someone. Information in this case is given indirectly, with a hint of some facts and circumstances. The main purpose of this technique is to undermine the trust of listeners (readers) in their opponent, in his behavior, opinion or arguments

Monument to soldiers-internationalists - an object of cultural heritage and a place of memory of those killed in local wars

Monument to soldiers-internationalists - an object of cultural heritage and a place of memory of those killed in local wars

Today there is no settlement where a monument to the soldiers-internationalists has not been erected, where relatives and simply caring people can come on memorial days to honor the memory of the dead

Recent world records in sports

Recent world records in sports

The most outstanding athletes, famous for their, often absolute, records. People who defended the honor of Russia by setting sports records at the Olympic Games. How young Russian athletes took over from the great Soviet champions