Brazil… Amazing country! It is so unusual and charming that it will not be difficult for curious people to find interesting facts about Brazil. Anyone who has visited the country remains impressed for the rest of his life. What is the 40-meter statue of Christ the Savior worth, which is a symbol of shit! And what about the Iguazu Falls, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, now referred to only as a new wonder of the world? And what about the well-known Brazilian carnival, a real national holiday? And it's all Brazil! Interesting facts about the country - the topic of today's conversation. History and nature, people and events, animals and children - let's pay attention to everything.

Through the pages of history: interesting facts about Brazil
It is interesting to know that the first official tourists arrived in Brazil in 1502, on January 1, as part of a Portuguese introductory group. The voyage led by André Gonçalves landed in the bay of Rio de Janeiro,later renamed Guanabara Bay. And Rio de Janeiro has become the main city on the Gulf.
"Brazil" in translation means "red as coal" and comes from the word Pau Brasil (caesalpinia tree). Once abundant along the coasts of Brazil, these trees were used to produce a deep red dye. Previously, the country was called Terra de Santa Cruz, which meant "Land of the Holy Cross".
No less interesting facts about Brazil are hidden by the historical processes of creating the country's statehood. It is noteworthy that in 1821 part of the Portuguese royal family left Brazil, after which riots broke out in the country.
The ambiguity of political prospects frightened the local population, they did not want to return to the status of a Portuguese colony. In this situation, King João VI, leaving for Portugal, gave the Brazilian throne to his son, Prince Pedro, with the following words: “When the time comes, take power yourself, before some impostor does it for you.”

And the son listened to his father. In 1822, on September 7 (which later became Independence Day), he declared Brazil an independent empire! Which in itself sounds unusual. On Independence Day, military parades are held in the cities of the country. The most impressive takes place in Rio de Janeiro, it is attended by ground forces, aviation and nothing less than the navy.
Not every country has been so fortunate, but throughout its history, Brazil has experienced military rule. It was both a colony andempire and republic. Today is a democratic state.
On the social life of the country called "Brazil"
Most interesting facts to know:
- Brazil ranks fifth among countries in the world in terms of area and sixth in terms of population. Today it has over 201 million inhabitants.
- On October 30, 2010, 62-year-old Dilma Rousseff became the current president of Brazil. The outgoing predecessor, Luís Inacio Lula da Silva, advocated for her election. Dilma became Brazil's first female president.
- Today it is the country with the largest number of Catholics in the world.
About state symbols
The modern flag of the country is green, symbolizing the forests of Brazil, the yellow diamond reflects its bowels, the blue circle is the sky and stars that covered Rio de Janeiro on the day Brazil became a republic.

No less interesting facts about Brazil can be found even where you would not even think to look. For example, in the national anthem. It would seem that it can be unusual? An-no. Its creator, Joaquim Osorio Duque Estrada, is a very famous person and just a real scholar. He created such a text of the anthem that it is difficult to understand it even for people who are familiar with the letter, not to mention foreigners. And all because the text of the anthem is replete with many rare words and complex syntactic constructions.
About people
Visiting the countryforeign tourists themselves find interesting facts about Brazil. Arriving home, they generously share their impressions with others. One of the traveler's observations: a characteristic feature of the people of the country is the desire to always be the first in everything and always win, and the inhabitants are cheerful, optimistic, passionate and surprisingly enterprising. Even a popular joke says Brazilians don't lie, they just exaggerate.
Football and series are integral parts of Brazilian life. That is why they are never shown at the same air time.

Interestingly, all Brazilians, even the poor, have a housekeeper. There are no carpets or wallpaper in their houses, each has several bathrooms. Brazilians can't understand how Russians can only have one bathroom. It seems that the hot climate of Brazil is to blame.
About plants
Look around - interesting facts about Brazil catch the eye of a tourist.
It turns out that this happens: in Brazil there is a tree whose juice is used instead of fuel. The tree is called Copaifera langsdorffii and it grows in tropical forests. The sap of the tree is successfully used by private farmers who more than cover their fuel needs.
About animals
Interesting facts about Brazil can also be found in the animal kingdom, one has only to look at our smaller brothers:

- An electric eel that lives in the Amazon River is capable of delivering 550 volts of current. To catch eels, the locals came up with a very ingenious move: first, they drive a herd of cows into their habitat. Eels use up their full charge, after which they can be caught even with bare hands.
- In Brazil, even dolphins help local fishermen. This happens as follows: dolphins, having huddled in a flock, drive a school of fish to the shore, and the fishermen at this time stand in shallow water. At some point, one of the dolphins gives a sign - turns over, then the fishermen throw their nets into the water. In the end, everyone is happy - dolphins eat fish that do not fall into the net, swimming right at them, and the fishermen successfully hunt. It is noteworthy that no one taught dolphins such a technique. This action takes place in a town called Laguna.
About the younger generation in Brazil
Interesting facts for children are also there. As it turned out, recently, primary school students have given their fallen milk teeth to the class teacher. “Why?”, you ask. And from them prostheses are made for those teenagers who have no molars left as a result of malnutrition and diseases.
Families with only two children are very rare in the country. Three is good, but four or more is even better, according to Brazilians.
Sweets in Brazil are much sweeter than ours, two or even three times sweeter.

Crime is quite common in the country, so children are not allowed to go for a walk one day, to say nothing of the dark time of the day. It is difficult for the younger generationsee at this time on the streets.
About cities
The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. One of the most beautiful cities in the world. Built according to the project of one of the best architects at that time - Oscar Niemeir.
Brazil is a country where more than 80% of the inhabitants live in cities. The largest are: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Brasilia, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza.
Interestingly, there is no outdoor advertising in the São Paulo metropolis. Fully. The decision to dismantle all types of advertising, as well as signs, was made in 2007. In this way, pollution is combated, in this case visual pollution. More than half of the population supported such a campaign, even though the law significantly hit the budget of the advertising industry.

Locals spend several hours to get from home to work due to huge traffic jams. Surprisingly, they consider this to be normal.
It is impossible to display all the interesting facts about Brazil in one article. Everything about Brazil, which is so unusual for our people, changing and developing, can be successfully found in various encyclopedias. Better yet, go there and see everything with your own eyes.