Culture 2024, October

Ethiopian Jews: history, ethnic and religious characteristics

Ethiopian Jews: history, ethnic and religious characteristics

There is no consensus among specialists and rabbis regarding the origin of this long-lived community in the depths of Africa. According to official legend, Ethiopian Jews moved there during the time of King Solomon. Some researchers believe that perhaps we are talking about a group of local Christians who gradually converted to Judaism. In the 80s, the exodus to Israel began, in total about 35 thousand people were taken to the promised land

The appearance of the Chuvash, features, characteristic traits of character. History of the people

The appearance of the Chuvash, features, characteristic traits of character. History of the people

Russia is a rich and diverse country. Peoples make it bright and interesting, among which there are colorful Chuvash

Culture of Switzerland: features, history and interesting facts

Culture of Switzerland: features, history and interesting facts

The culture and traditions of Switzerland attract a huge number of tourists, and it's not just about quality watches, delicious cheese and the best chocolate in the world! Thrill-seekers are attracted by ski resorts, eco-tourists are attracted by the cold landscapes of alpine glaciers, and lovers of cultural values are attracted by ancient monuments. The article contains interesting places, traditions and facts from modern life

Graphic design terminology: what is an emblem?

Graphic design terminology: what is an emblem?

"Emblem", "logo", "sign", "symbol" - many have heard these words and actively use them in their speech. But at the same time, few people know their correct meaning, and in what cases it would be appropriate to use these words. What is an emblem and sign? Why is a logo image called a sign? How to understand the customer and do exactly what is needed? In this article we will analyze the meaning of the word "emblem" and its correct use. We will also consider the

Who did Brezhnev kiss in the caricature drawn on the Berlin Wall?

Who did Brezhnev kiss in the caricature drawn on the Berlin Wall?

July 6 is World Kiss Day, a sign of love, friendship or deep affection. Some countries even hold competitions for the longest kiss. In the realm of politics, such an intimate gesture is quite rare. But Leonid Brezhnev can be considered the absolute champion. In this article we will talk about the history of the appearance of the famous photo with the Secretary General, about who Brezhnev kissed in the caricature. And also we will give some historical sketches about this political figure

What is a perdimonocle? Where did this expression come from and what does it mean?

What is a perdimonocle? Where did this expression come from and what does it mean?

Sharp expressions and verbal expressions that are able to express an emotional state more accurately than familiar words enter our lexicon in various ways. Some words and phrases were used by artisans, the appearance of others is associated with a certain event. And there are expressions borrowed from foreign languages. It is to this category that the word, which will be discussed in this article, belongs

"Asshole": the meaning of the word and its original meaning

"Asshole": the meaning of the word and its original meaning

Such a widespread (unfortunately) abusive expression as "asshole" (the meaning of the word we will consider in this article) actually has a meaningful and deep meaning. It is worth noting that initially it was not offensive. But first things first

Museum at VDNH: illusions, dinosaurs, animation, astronautics

Museum at VDNH: illusions, dinosaurs, animation, astronautics

Initially, the exhibition of achievements of the national economy was formed in order to raise the patriotism of citizens and demonstrate the power of the country. The name changed several times, but the essence of the event remained unchanged. At present, the museum at VDNKh tells about the stages of development and historical formation of Russia during the turbulent twentieth century

Reform is change

Reform is change

Reform is a process that affects the political, cultural, social, economic sphere of the country

Modern beautiful Bashkir names

Modern beautiful Bashkir names

The Bashkir language belongs to the Turkic family. And therefore, many Bashkir names have a significant similarity with the Tatar ones. However, in addition to linguistic kinship, there is also cultural kinship, as well as religious kinship. Therefore, modern Bashkir names largely come from Arabic and Persian languages

Traditions of celebrating the New Year around the world

Traditions of celebrating the New Year around the world

New Year is perhaps the most desired and beloved holiday for all people. Each region has its own customs and traditions associated with this celebration

What is "amahasala": the meaning and origin of the buzzword

What is "amahasala": the meaning and origin of the buzzword

Let's analyze what "amahasala", "amahasla", "hasl" are, and where these jargons came from in Russian

Husl: what is it? Meaning of the word

Husl: what is it? Meaning of the word

The article discusses the meanings of the slang word "hustle", examples of its use. Primary interpretation explored

Who are rastamans, and what is the peculiarity of this subculture

Who are rastamans, and what is the peculiarity of this subculture

Rastamans are a subculture that most people associate with drugs (mainly cannabis) and reggae music. In fact, this trend, which appeared at the beginning of the last century in the Caribbean, is something more than cannabis and music. But those who associate rastas with drugs and reggae are partly right.

Celebration of Slavic writing and culture: history

Celebration of Slavic writing and culture: history

One of the brightest and original holidays in Russia, and other Slavic countries - the day of writing and culture. The long history of the formation of the tradition and religious roots made it possible to make it massive. State support has turned the memorable date into a series of festivals, concerts, and readings. So where did this holiday come from and who are they - the heroes of the occasion?

Who is he - the owner of the title "The fattest man in the world"?

Who is he - the owner of the title "The fattest man in the world"?

The fattest people in the world, like the thinnest, are sick and deeply unhappy. Uncontrolled weight is a key factor in their poor physical and mental he alth. Therefore, many of us today should think about the need for regular physical activity, proper nutrition and a he althy lifestyle

Who are the most talented people in the world?

Who are the most talented people in the world?

What is history? First of all, it is time, place and, of course, people. Moreover, far from ordinary and far from simple people decided destinies and created our history, but the most brilliant, greatest, most talented people in the world

The most common surname in Russia and in the world

The most common surname in Russia and in the world

Tracking which is the most common surname in Russia is a rather difficult task, and all because there is simply no strictly defined algorithm for calculating such data. However, despite all the difficulties, experts do not leave attempts to determine what is the most common surname in Russia, and make their own ratings

Who owns the title "The youngest grandmother in the world"?

Who owns the title "The youngest grandmother in the world"?

Global fame fell on a Romanian of gypsy origin Rifka Stanescu in a completely unexpected way. And the thing is that at 23 she was officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest grandmother in the world

Monument to the Bremen Town Musicians in Bremen and other unusual sculptures of fairy tale characters

Monument to the Bremen Town Musicians in Bremen and other unusual sculptures of fairy tale characters

Having met many of the fairy-tale characters in early childhood, millions of people around the world fell in love with them so much that they wanted to capture and immortalize the characters for posterity. Today, thousands of such monuments adorn squares, parks and city squares

Passion. What is passion and how to recognize it

Passion. What is passion and how to recognize it

Passion is everywhere in our lives. Sometimes we are not even aware that we desire something so much that it is already moving to an instinctive level. But what kind of feeling is this, and how can we understand that we are covered by it at one time or another?

Phraseological units with the word "tooth": examples, meaning

Phraseological units with the word "tooth": examples, meaning

Phraseologisms with the word "tooth" are not uncommon in our lives. Every now and then you can hear phrases such as "talking teeth" or "tooth on the tooth does not fall." Well, for those who want to get acquainted with these expressions in more detail and learn from the meaning - this article

The kisser is The meaning of the word

The kisser is The meaning of the word

The kisser is the strangest and most mysterious profession that has ever existed in Russia. This name is capable of misleading anyone. Moreover, not only people who are inexperienced in knowledge of the language are confused, but also various writers, critics, and some public figures. In fact, this is a position that people held in the 15th-18th centuries

Creole - who is this? Origin of the word "Creole"

Creole - who is this? Origin of the word "Creole"

Who are Creoles? Who are they really? What is the history of their origin? Does this people have their own language and signs of their own, Creole, culture? In this article we will try to answer the question: "Creole - who is this?"

What does the expression "to blow on water, getting burned in milk" mean?

What does the expression "to blow on water, getting burned in milk" mean?

Often we use the so-called stable expressions, in which the people have put a special meaning. These include the phrase "to blow on water, having been burned in milk." What does it really mean when it is appropriate to say it, and when it is better not to disgrace? Delay with the answer, doubt? Let's figure it out together

A brutal man - who else is this?

A brutal man - who else is this?

Men are different: black, red, idle… And if everything is more or less clear about the above, then who is a brutal man?

Karasuk culture: description and history of origin

Karasuk culture: description and history of origin

The Karasuk culture is the name given to a group of Bronze Age societies that dates from around 1500 to 800 BC. BC e. It replaced the Andronovo culture, from the eastern branch of which it originated. The Karasuk archaeological culture extended from the vicinity of the Aral Sea or the Volga in the west to the upper reaches of the Yenisei River. The remains of this culture are not numerous and are mainly associated with objects found in burials

Alexander Kokorin (football player). Biography and interesting facts from life

Alexander Kokorin (football player). Biography and interesting facts from life

Alexander Alexandrovich Kokorin is a football player of the Moscow Dynamo club. Despite his young age, the guy has achieved considerable success in sports activities. We will talk about how Sasha followed to the heights of his football career in our article

Cemetery Pokrovskoe in Moscow (Chertanovo). Is it possible to organize a funeral here today?

Cemetery Pokrovskoe in Moscow (Chertanovo). Is it possible to organize a funeral here today?

The Pokrovskoye cemetery was officially opened in 1858. Despite such a solid history, there are not so many beautiful tombstones here. The thing is that in the old days the cemetery was considered "ordinary" and mostly local peasants were buried here

As stands for LGBT. LGBT communities. What is LGBT?

As stands for LGBT. LGBT communities. What is LGBT?

How is LGBT stands for, what is it and what interests does this community defend? This article is devoted to the problems of people with non-traditional orientation

What does a surname mean: from the origins to the present

What does a surname mean: from the origins to the present

Where does the genus originate and what does the surname mean - many are interested. Each person from generation to generation passes on to the heirs his name, which was received a long time ago and had some meaning

Traditions of Finland: customs, features of the national character, culture

Traditions of Finland: customs, features of the national character, culture

Many of us joke about Finns. These people are considered very slow, they do everything slowly, they speak for a long time and drawn out. But we decided to dig deeper and get rid of the stereotypes that exist in society. What are they, the traditions of Finland? What is special about this country? How do Finns live and how do they relate to certain things? We offer you to get acquainted briefly with the traditions of Finland

November 7, a holiday in the USSR: name, history

November 7, a holiday in the USSR: name, history

November 7 - a holiday in the USSR, which was canceled in the new Russia. Are there any prerequisites for this and what was offered to us in return? A beloved and bright celebration turned out to be unnecessary in modern society

Aphorisms about life with meaning. Short quotes and statuses

Aphorisms about life with meaning. Short quotes and statuses

Cool and wise aphorisms about life with meaning. Short sayings of great people who have found their place in society

Like a dead poultice. What does it mean?

Like a dead poultice. What does it mean?

Idioms are sometimes paradoxical in their content, but quite simple and understandable in meaning, which is historically assigned to a certain phrase and is conditioned by the collective consciousness of people. A vivid example of this is the phraseological unit "dead poultice". You will learn about its meaning, origin, possible variants of use in speech from this article

Khana is The meaning and origin of the word

Khana is The meaning and origin of the word

Communication has long become familiar to each of us. Every day we exchange a huge amount of information. However, our speech is gradually being transformed due to the appearance of jargon in it. Of course, the formation of social youth movements, subcultures entails the appearance of slang words. So, for example, what is Khan and where this word came from is not known to everyone

Egyptian gate in Pushkin: construction history and interesting facts

Egyptian gate in Pushkin: construction history and interesting facts

Have you heard anything about the Egyptian Gate in Pushkin? This original architectural object will be discussed in this article. We will tell you about the history of the construction of the gate, about interesting facts related to it and how you can get to this cultural monument

Oscar Wilde's grave in Paris and a monument on it

Oscar Wilde's grave in Paris and a monument on it

Not everyone knows where Oscar Wilde's grave is located and what is so special about it, why many people flock there every year. Our article will fill the gap in knowledge. Moreover, we will tell not only about the death and burial of a famous person, but also about how he was during his lifetime and what legacy he left for humanity after himself

Hiroshima Peace Memorial: photo and description of the attraction

Hiroshima Peace Memorial: photo and description of the attraction

The atomic bomb is one of the most feared weapons in human history. It was first used in August 1945. The tragedy happened early in the morning. Then an atomic bomb was dropped in the center of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Her code name was a kind of mockery - "Kid"

Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre. Tchaikovsky: repertoire, photos and reviews

Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre. Tchaikovsky: repertoire, photos and reviews

In modern society, people who visit the theater at least once a year are becoming less and less common. At best, this happens once every five years. Cultural education fades under the onslaught of work and everyday bustle. Such an approach to self-development, of course, does not paint modern society. Perhaps the reason for this omission is the reluctance of people, and perhaps the lack of theaters of the proper level in some regions. As for the level, the Permians are very lucky here