A team is a small group of people. It can be formed in accordance with various interests: business, individual, moral and others. A team is a group whose members work together to produce results from their activities. Relationships between people are considered to be decisive factors determining the viability, activity and cohesion of groups.

A team is a group that has certain characteristics. Among the distinguishing features, one should note the common activity, consideration and coordination of the main interests of the members of the association, stability, harmony of relationships, which are based on mutual responsibility, recognition of authorities of social significance, as well as the individual needs of each. A team is a group that is characterized by the correspondence of the general activity to the goals of social significance. Such an association is characterized by the presence of cohesion, stable, conscious unity - a certain form of organization of the association.
Collective - the definition is capacious enough. Functional ties within the group between its members are formed in accordance with the performance of each of their duties. Relationships and roles of the service professionalcharacter form a professional structure in the association. On its basis, a socio-psychological system is formed, the purpose and purpose of which is to consolidate the group, unite it and form a single whole “organism”, which, in turn, will act as an integral labor subject.

It should be said that the first structure is more focused on the development of the professional activities of the group and the achievement of its goals. At the same time, the second one is for the formation of inner life, social, psychological sphere. The presence of both systems is a necessary factor that forms the conditions for the development of the team. This has been proven practically. The weakness or absence of one of the systems adversely affects the state of the other and the entire group in general.

Personality and collective
Within the association, a special kind of individual interaction is formed. All interpersonal relations are characterized by a high level of cohesion, collectivist self-determination, and value-oriented unity. A team is an association that has certain traditions and opinions.
To successfully regulate the development and functioning of interactions in a group, the leader must adhere to certain rules in the implementation of his activities. In particular, among them it should be noted:
- Use the beneficial effect on the relationship of members of the association interesting, goodorganized work that can involve performers in meaningful contacts of a professional and individual nature, bring people together, allow them to get to know each other better.
- Carefully maintain existing he althy relationships and use them in the distribution of responsibilities, tasks and more.
- Be fair in everything, don't pit one community member against another, don't encourage thoughtlessly unhe althy rivalry.