Evaluation of fixed assets and the efficiency of their use

Evaluation of fixed assets and the efficiency of their use
Evaluation of fixed assets and the efficiency of their use

Evaluation of fixed assets is an analysis of a part of the resource potential of an enterprise. It includes consideration of the structure of property and the sources of its formation, the composition and movement of the immobilized part of the assets.

valuation of fixed assets
valuation of fixed assets

Evaluation of fixed assets based on the analysis of the property complex and its sources is carried out using the balance sheet data. For clarity, it is better to make calculations in a table, and divide the indicators into assets and liabilities. The asset includes immobilized funds and current assets. Immobilized funds consist of non-current assets and long-term receivables (that is, the least liquid assets). And liabilities include equity and liabilities in the short and long term.

This table includes not only the net assets of the organization. Due to such an analysis, one can see the ratio of immobilized funds and current assets, the growth or decrease in own financial resources relative to the entire change in assets. Also, with such an analysis, one can come to the conclusion about how much funds raised in the overall structuresources of financing, due to which there was an increase (decrease) in the value of assets.

accounting and valuation of fixed assets
accounting and valuation of fixed assets

Evaluation of fixed assets is made in addition to the structure of the balance sheet. It is very important to have an idea about the value of net assets, that is, about the totality of property values that is formed at the expense of equity capital. The conclusion is based on a comparison of equity and net assets, as well as changes in assets for the period under review.

Accounting and valuation of fixed assets is the state of production potential as the most important factor in the performance of the main activity of the enterprise and, accordingly, the stability of finances. Accounting reports allow you to analyze how the key element of production potential - fixed assets - changes.

The analysis should begin with the study of the number of fixed assets, their structure and dynamics. The data of analytical calculations are presented in tables.

Table 1. Composition, movement and valuation of fixed assets

Name of fixed asset Availability at the beginning of 20.. Received Retired Available at the end of 20..
Fixed asset 1
Fixed asset 2
Other fixed assets

According to this table, a conclusion is made about which funds accounted for the largest part at the beginning and end of the period, and also analyzes the largest number of fixed assets that were retired or received for a certain period.

Table 2. Structure of fixed assets

Composition of fixed assets At the beginning of 20.. At the end of 20..

Deviation (+;-)

Various structures

Great importance in the assessment of fixed assets is given to the characteristics of the technical condition of the OPF.

valuation of fixed assets
valuation of fixed assets

The valuation of fixed assets shows how their initial value decreases or increases, what is the depreciation, as well as the value of immobilized funds that are retired or received.
