The spiritual world of the individual: the concept and components

The spiritual world of the individual: the concept and components
The spiritual world of the individual: the concept and components

Such a concept as the spiritual world of a person is constantly heard. And it seems that everyone intuitively understands that this component of our life is very important and should be developed. But few people can give a clear definition of this concept. There is no such person who once did not think about his spirituality, about his development and the meaning of his being. It is the spiritual component that distinguishes us from animals.

spiritual world of the individual
spiritual world of the individual

Understanding the concept

In fact, the spiritual world of a person can be defined as the core of the entire human psyche. What shapes this aspect of our personality? Undoubtedly, this is an inextricable link between a person and society and culture. In the process of socialization, the formation of an individual as a part of society, the subject acquires certain beliefs, ideals, spiritual values. To the question of what the spiritual world of man is, philosophy gives a very definite answer. This is a microcosm of personality, its inner world. The special world of a person reflects, on the one hand, his unique, unique features, and on the other hand, certain moments that unite the individual and society.

Soul and Spirit

spiritual world of personality worldview
spiritual world of personality worldview

When philosophers study the spiritual world of a person, they first of all have in mind the concept of the soul. In ancient philosophy, it was considered as the basis for the emergence of will, thoughts, feelings, since the physical body could not be their cause. Later, the soul became the center of human consciousness, turned into his inner world. The concept of "spirit" was considered as the mind of the subject, and the "spiritual world of people" - as the assimilation of old and the creation of new creative ideals of man. Spirituality necessarily implies the presence of morality, and the will and mind of the individual are themselves morally directed.

Worldview as the basis of a person's spiritual life

Faith, knowledge, worldview, feelings, abilities, needs, orientation and aspirations together represent the spiritual world of the individual. The worldview here occupies a special position, since it includes a complex system of the individual's views on the world. It is primarily laid down in the process of social formation of the individual and includes the views shared by the country, generation, religious community, social class of the subject. Worldview -

spiritual world of man philosophy
spiritual world of man philosophy

this is not only learned values and norms, not only laid down standards of behavior. It is also an assessment of the surrounding reality. A person looks at the world through the prism of his beliefs, forms his opinion and builds behavior in accordance with these values and norms. Thus, worldview is the basisthe spiritual world of man.


So, the spiritual world of a person appears to us in the form of an inextricable relationship between the individual and the collective, public and personal in a person. It is based on the worldview as a complex set of beliefs, ideals and norms of behavior learned in the process of socialization. Worldview includes individual preferences and group norms. The spiritual world of a person is determined by the moral orientation of the feelings, thoughts and will of the subject.
