Culture 2024, October

The coat of arms of Vilnius: history, description and meaning

The coat of arms of Vilnius: history, description and meaning

The modern emblem of Vilnius is associated with the Christian religion, its main figures are Jesus and St. Christopher. However, there is an opinion that earlier characters of pagan myths were depicted on it. What does the coat of arms of Vilnius symbolize now? What is its history and what did previous versions look like?

New Cathedral - the unification of the spiritual world

New Cathedral - the unification of the spiritual world

In order to find out why a new cathedral is needed in a particular place, it does not hurt to figure out what it is all about. It is clear to everyone that this is a temple. But how does it differ from other similar buildings? Let's clarify

Cemetery of military equipment - causes and effects

Cemetery of military equipment - causes and effects

Perhaps we, ordinary people, do not understand strategic plans. Perhaps all this rusty and unnecessary army is very necessary to mislead a hypothetical military adversary who is filming our territory from spy satellites in order to identify the strike groups of our army. Such a reason logically explains the situation to everyone who is very worried about the well-being of the Motherland. But such a purpose seems dubious

How to keep a reading diary correctly

How to keep a reading diary correctly

Reader's diary teaches the child to draw conclusions from what he read, helps to understand and remember the material. How to keep a reader's diary, will tell the article

What is a school? The path from birth to death

What is a school? The path from birth to death

With an indisputable evidence base, it has been established that a person all his life only does what he learns. Therefore, to the question of what a school is, there is a direct answer - this is life

Zone of proximal development of the child

Zone of proximal development of the child

The zone of proximal development is expanding with the help of an adult, since independent skills are in the process of formation. The bottom line is that by completing tasks with the help of an educator, a teacher today, tomorrow the child will be able to do the same on his own. By creating a problem situation for a preschooler and urging him to choose ways to solve it, adults thus stimulate his development

Cultural heritage is a part of material and spiritual culture created by past generations

Cultural heritage is a part of material and spiritual culture created by past generations

Cultural heritage is the creations (material or spiritual) created by man of the past, in which the man of the present sees cultural value and wishes to preserve them for the future. The heritage itself is defined as an integral part of culture, acting simultaneously as a way for the individual to appropriate cultural phenomena, and as the very basis of culture

Pushkin Lyceum Museum in Tsarskoe Selo

Pushkin Lyceum Museum in Tsarskoe Selo

The city of Pushkin (until 1918 - Tsarskoe Selo), the former country residence of Russian emperors, now come to get acquainted with local attractions - the Catherine Palace and the park, to make a tour of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which will take a little more than half an hour . The Pushkin Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo is a special place that every tourist should visit

What does it mean to troll? How to behave if someone is trying to troll you

What does it mean to troll? How to behave if someone is trying to troll you

Trolling is one of the types of virtual communication, in which one of the parties - a troll - is engaged in unconscious escalation of a conflict or begins to deliberately, in an explicit or covert form, belittle and bully another participant in communication, violating the ethics of behavior on the network. Trolling is expressed in the form of offensive, mocking and aggressive behavior

Igumnov's house on Yakimanka. Mansion of merchant Igumnov

Igumnov's house on Yakimanka. Mansion of merchant Igumnov

Igumnov's house on Yakimanka is known to every Muscovite. The splendid architecture, mixture of styles and rich interior decoration brought fame to its owner and architect. But this fame hides many secrets and intrigues

What are nationalities: the search for a definition

What are nationalities: the search for a definition

In Soviet historiosophy and aesthetics, there is such a term as nationality. This is far from an unambiguous word that requires clarification and definition. We will talk about what nationalities are and how the understanding of this term developed in academic circles below

Monument "Cucumber-breadwinner" in Lukhovitsy: description, address and reviews

Monument "Cucumber-breadwinner" in Lukhovitsy: description, address and reviews

Lukhovitsy, Moscow region - a city known as the cucumber capital. It was here that a monument to the cucumber was erected. The locals rarely call this vegetable anything other than the breadwinner. And this is not surprising, because it was thanks to the cultivation of incredibly tasty cucumbers that the city not only survived hard times, but is also actively developing today

Ezio Auditore. The myth of personality

Ezio Auditore. The myth of personality

Ezio Auditore da Firenze is a well-known fictional character and protagonist of such world-famous computer games as Assassin`s Creed II, Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

Subordination is Definition, features

Subordination is Definition, features

Many managers are interested in the question of how to organize the system of management and relations in the enterprise so that it allows for the efficient conduct of the production process. And there is such a tool, it is subordination. In the article we will consider what it is, its types and consequences of non-compliance

Great fortresses of Russia - list

Great fortresses of Russia - list

During the centuries, Russia's borders have been changed many times due to all sorts of wars, invasions and other historical events. One of the most important tasks of Russia at all times was the protection of its borders. Especially in the northwest, where there was a constant threat from Lithuania and Sweden, which many times tested the borders of the Russian state for strength

Quotes and aphorisms about women. Idioms

Quotes and aphorisms about women. Idioms

Finding out what is hidden behind the beautiful appearance of a girl is one of the most difficult tasks. In order to at least slightly reveal the secret, you can familiarize yourself with aphorisms about women who have concentrated in themselves all the knowledge of people about the beautiful half of humanity

Mufti of Russia. Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin

Mufti of Russia. Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin

The Muslim world is harmoniously included in the society of the Russian Federation. In the current situation, this is a serious stabilizing factor that does not allow the enemies of the state to use interethnic strife for their black purposes. There is a lot of work behind these words. Muftis of Russia, headed by Sheikh Ravil Gaygutdin, are engaged in it

Winter palaces of St. Petersburg: description, history

Winter palaces of St. Petersburg: description, history

The winter palaces of St. Petersburg have not only an indescribably majestic idle look and subtle artistic aesthetics, but also a rich history

What does "stingy" mean? A miserly person is a poor person who owns we alth

What does "stingy" mean? A miserly person is a poor person who owns we alth

This article describes what a stingy person experiences in his experience. A miser is one who is absolutely weak-willed in front of the material. Are there any advantages to this quality and how to get rid of it, the reader will learn from this article

How to respond to an insult expressed in your address

How to respond to an insult expressed in your address

Very often you feel that the world is unfair to you. In society, you hear abuse, swearing, rudeness, which sometimes those around you express it to you. This is really very upsetting and upsets the psychological balance, in some cases there is simply no strength to treat it calmly

Protection zones of cultural heritage sites: definition, classification, types, construction restrictions, development procedure and compliance with the law

Protection zones of cultural heritage sites: definition, classification, types, construction restrictions, development procedure and compliance with the law

What are cultural heritage protection zones? What varieties exist? What laws govern them? How are protected zone projects developed? What are the requirements for their borders? Characteristics of the modes: security zone, household restriction zone. activities and development, protected natural landscape zones. Coordination of the project, decision on the introduction, change or termination of the buffer zone

Exhibitions in Hong Kong - prestige and profit

Exhibitions in Hong Kong - prestige and profit

Hong Kong is rightfully considered one of the financial capitals of the world. The economic activity and relative stability of the region makes it attractive for everyone who wants to take part in exhibitions. And there are a lot of similar events in Hong Kong

Shirokorechenskoye cemetery in Yekaterinburg

Shirokorechenskoye cemetery in Yekaterinburg

Cemeteries are not only places of burial of people, but also a part of the history of our country. Even on a rural churchyard you can find something informative, not to mention the large urban necropolises. In our article we will talk about the Shirokorechenskoye cemetery, located in Yekaterinburg

"Methuselah's age": the meaning of phraseology and the history of appearance in the Russian language

"Methuselah's age": the meaning of phraseology and the history of appearance in the Russian language

For the first time Mafia Methuselah is mentioned in the biblical Old Testament. According to the Book of Genesis, Methuselah reached the longest age of all mentioned in the Bible. It is believed that he lived for almost a thousand years, which served as the birth of the famous phraseologism "Methuselah age"

Old Russian girl names: options and necessity

Old Russian girl names: options and necessity

Now no one is surprised by the fact that future parents find out the sex of their child almost in the first months of pregnancy. This allows them to prepare for the meeting with the baby more meaningfully, as well as choose a suitable name for him. And although practice shows that the initially chosen option often differs from the final one, it’s still touching and interesting to come up with a name in advance

Beautiful sayings about the nature of great people. Aphorisms about nature

Beautiful sayings about the nature of great people. Aphorisms about nature

Nature has always been an inspiration to man. People lived in the forest and lived thanks to the forest. They found everything they needed in dark thickets and sunny glades. Today man has become much further from nature. But no one wants to completely lose touch with her. Statements about nature help to understand what is important in life and what is secondary

Museum of Russian Dessert in Zvenigorod: exhibits, Russian sweets, old Russian recipes

Museum of Russian Dessert in Zvenigorod: exhibits, Russian sweets, old Russian recipes

Would you like to know what kind of sweets the people in Russia indulged in on holidays? What were Russian gingerbread made from? What tea drinking traditions did the Slavic tribes have? The answers to these and other questions can be found in the city of Zvenigorod. It is in this town near Moscow that the most delicious, cozy and fascinating museum is located

What does the proverb "There are devils in still waters"

What does the proverb "There are devils in still waters"

To become "winged", the phrase must thoroughly take root in the mouths of the people. And this happens only when it convincingly and capaciously reflects any phenomenon or event. This is how the saying “There are devils in still waters” was born

The most interesting sunset quotes

The most interesting sunset quotes

Surely you have all seen the sunset. And they certainly turned their attention to the wonderful play of colors and light! In this article, you can read the most interesting quotes about sunset, sunrise and love

The midwife is an archaism, the meaning of which is interesting for modern people

The midwife is an archaism, the meaning of which is interesting for modern people

If we translate the name into modern language, then the midwife is a midwife. That is, in ancient times there was a kind of woman who knew how to deal with certain gynecological diseases, who knew how to take birth, tie the umbilical cord in a baby. That is why they often called her not only the receiver, because she took the baby from the mother's womb, but also the grandmother-navel cutter and the woman-umbilical cord, since the procedure for cutting the umbilical cord and processing it was also assigned to the healer

What is Khrushchev, is it worth buying?

What is Khrushchev, is it worth buying?

The secondary housing market is full of terms that may seem incomprehensible. What is the difference between Stalinka and Brezhnevka and what is Khrushchev? Multi-storey buildings built in the Soviet Union are often named according to the time of construction, that is, under which of the rulers the houses were put into operation. These are quite accurate definitions, according to which it is possible to foresee in advance the possible difficulties and nuances that you will encounter when buying an apartment

The character of the English and its national characteristics

The character of the English and its national characteristics

Each person has their own individual character. But also, each people has characteristic features by which we can generalize the belonging of a particular nationality. And if we talk about the character of the British, then this is probably the only one of all nations that is so contradictory and peculiar

Beautiful Armenian female names and their meanings

Beautiful Armenian female names and their meanings

Armenians are an ancient nation, which has experienced many trials. Being in the center of the region, where armed conflicts have been smoldering and flaring up for several millennia, they were able to preserve their originality. Even the Armenian female names, to which this article is devoted, bear the imprint of the history of this people

Types and name of family ties

Types and name of family ties

In fact, there are many names of family ties, they originated in Ancient Russia and many have long been outdated. And yet, we must know the main, most important names of people close to us, because each person is only a small link in the chain of generations and must honor all his relatives

Chechens: appearance of men and women, character traits, origins, traditions

Chechens: appearance of men and women, character traits, origins, traditions

On the territory of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Chechnya, a proud people who love independence and the Motherland live. Its representatives have special features of appearance, character, upbringing. Chechens, whose appearance is very recognizable, are located far beyond the borders of their homeland

Cold War Museum. "Bunker-42 on Taganka": photos and reviews

Cold War Museum. "Bunker-42 on Taganka": photos and reviews

The Underground Bunker Museum is an object located in the very center of Moscow at a depth of sixty-five meters. This is the former location of the Tagansky Reserve Command Post

What is a belief: explanations, examples

What is a belief: explanations, examples

Our article will help you understand what belief is. Consider the interpretation given in the dictionary and some examples

Fiefdom is a form of land ownership

Fiefdom is a form of land ownership

Votchina is a form of ancient Russian land ownership that appeared in the 10th century on the territory of Kievan Rus. Just at that time, the first feudal lords appeared, who owned large areas of land. The original estate owners were boyars and princes, that is, large landowners. Starting from the 10th and up to the 12th century, the patrimony was the main form of land ownership

Why Lenin is not buried: reasons and interesting facts

Why Lenin is not buried: reasons and interesting facts

Until now, discussions about why Lenin is not buried do not stop. Despite all the explanations and reasoning, no one has given a clear answer. Some are inclined to believe that the leader of the proletariat must be immortal and always remind of himself, while others think that all this is connected with mystical events. Let's take a closer look at everything

The most reading country in the world: list, rating. What are teenagers and adults reading today? Favorite books

The most reading country in the world: list, rating. What are teenagers and adults reading today? Favorite books

In the modern world, a book as a paper carrier of information can no longer be considered a priority and the only source of knowledge. For the youth of the age of electronic technology and the development of the perception of information through all the senses, an audiobook, a film adaptation or a play occupy approximately an equal position. Still, it's nice to know that the value of reading has not been lost, and Russia remains a reading country