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Special attention deserves such a principle of ahimsa as non-violence, referring to the first of the Yamas in yoga. He combined both the non-killing of animals and the practice of vegetarianism
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Philosophical teachings, common in times before our era, abounded in various terms, common names and so on. Some of them "survived" to the present, and are often used in everyday life. For example, who is a skeptic, even children know the meaning of the word “positive” and other expressions. However, not everyone knows where this or that name or statement comes from. Consider what the word "skeptic" means in more detail
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
"Who is a cynic?" - you ask. As Lillian Hellman, the famous American writer who lived through both wars, said: “Cynicism is an unpleasant way to tell the truth.”
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The Eleatic school of philosophy had a significant impact on the development of philosophical thinking. The main ideas of the representatives, their significance for scientific knowledge in the world are analyzed in the material of the article
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What is the profession of teaching philosophy? How to become a good specialist in this field and what qualities do you need to have?
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The idea that Descartes proposed, "I think, therefore I am" (in the original it sounds like Cogito ergo sum), is a statement that was first uttered a very long time ago, back in the 17th century. Today it is considered a philosophical statement, which is a fundamental element of modern thought, more precisely, Western rationalism. The statement has retained its popularity in the future. Today, the phrase "to think, therefore, to exist" is known to any educated person
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We are constantly confronted with logical laws in everyday life. But, unfortunately, the study of this science takes place in full only at a few faculties in higher educational institutions
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The image of the goal is necessary to move forward and not lose motivation. This will help you become exactly who you want to be. And achieve success even when there are obstacles on the way. The ideal is a beacon that guides a person to overcome and end point of the route to happiness. Although this path is a little deceptive - after reaching a person, a new goal is required
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Interest in philosophy is inherent in most people, although few of us loved this subject while studying at the university. After reading this article, you will learn what famous philosophers say about life, its meaning, love, and man. You will also discover the main secret of V. V. Putin's success
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Living in the rule of law, you need to know a lot of nuances. For example, what is freedom of conscience. The Constitution of the Russian Federation has a separate article (No. 28) devoted to this issue
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Two-faced people do not cause positive emotions in anyone. However, it is almost impossible to find a person who would not show hypocrisy. But why are we always ready to say about others that they are two-faced, but not about ourselves?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Every person has his own value system. For some, the family and close people are of the greatest importance, while for some it seems right to take care only of themselves and their material well-being. How to figure out what values are really necessary for a person? All that we are attached to - is it imaginary or really important?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In the understanding of an ordinary person, the truth is a synonym for the word "truth". In other words, it is the opposite of lying. And what is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth? Is it absolute or is all our knowledge relative?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There is nothing more beautiful than to love and know that it is mutual. Many couples are happily married and enjoy their feeling. However, why do some people have the question: "What is more important - to love or to be loved?" Why should a person make such a choice? Is it possible to be happy in such a situation?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It is extremely important for every person to find their place in this world. This applies not only to the profession, but also to personal qualities. Self-determination is necessary for gaining self-confidence, self-realization, the skill of getting out of conflict situations and mastering social roles. However, not all people find it equally easy to find themselves and their place in life. What is self-determination? What problems can a person face on the way to it?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Each person, depending on the type of character, upbringing, environment in which he grows and develops, forms his own system of values and views on the world. How do the worldview and life values of a person correlate? Is there a direct relationship between them?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
A talented man whose name will remain in the history of mankind for a long time - Niccolò Machiavelli. His quotes are still relevant and are unlikely to ever lose their force
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Many people wonder why love is needed, because sometimes it brings suffering. But if you look into this issue, then we cannot live without this feeling
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Hatred or hostility of people to people met at all times and in different world cultures. There can be many reasons for such a worldview: from life disappointments to mental upheavals. This phenomenon has its own definition - misanthropy
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Differences between law and morality. Basic similarities of legal and moral principles. Moral and legal differences. Contradictions of social norms
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Industrial society - the features of its contour line were outlined in the first half of the 19th century. It is a society in which industrial production plays a key role in the economy. Compared to traditional social societies, where agriculture played the main violin in the economic orchestra, the industrial society is distinguished by a special technological structure, a new philosophy of law and a social structure
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
So, we have party programs. We are interested in what ideological positions the participants of the electoral process take regarding the problem of integration, and how these positions differ from each other
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For some reason, it is generally accepted that an atheist is a person who does not believe in God. This is partly true, but in fact the denial of the supreme deity does not mean the rejection of faith as such. Like the "Nautilus" of the 80s: "You can believe in the absence of faith." In this regard, the denial of the divine should also lead to other steps: a revision of the value picture of the world and the adoption of a new model. Basically, what is religion? It is the production of moral values, ethical standards of behavior
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Dogma is the basic provision of a theory, concept or religion, which is accepted without discussion, on faith. From a mathematical point of view, any dogma is an axiom, that is, a statement that does not require proof
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Discreteness is a philosophical category denoting the absence of a single whole, systemic, in materialism - extended. It was most popular in cosmological theories of the origin of the world, as well as in the concepts of a materialistic persuasion
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Agnostic is a person who believes that knowledge of the world is impossible in principle. The laws of nature, like the horizons of being, are obscured by our worldview, accepted scientific and philosophical concepts, and therefore the world and people seem to exist on their own, independently of each other
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Today, for some reason, it is believed that we are surrounded by completely mercantile personalities who, without any doubt, use human weaknesses for personal enrichment. Stop! Maybe that's the whole point? That is, speaking about what commercialism is, we mean, first of all, the active, and not the moral meaning of this word
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When looking for an answer to the question posed, one cannot bypass the topic of free will. For a fatalist who burns time, there is no past or present. For him there is only the future and the expectation of this very future. Personal choice is reduced to only a minimal awareness of what is happening, which in a particular situation can be constructed depending on personal interests. Therefore, the answer to the question "fatalist - who is this" should be sought in personal egoism
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Philosophy includes many currents and trends. Each scientist somehow explained the relevant categories for his time in his own way. Leibniz's theory of monads is part of dialectics - the doctrine of the constant development, movement and variability of the world. A well-known philosopher, a representative of the German school, believed that the world is based on God and the mind that he created. It is the mind of God that gives content to matter and becomes the source of its development
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Opportunistic behavior is the one-sided or incomplete provision of information for a beneficial purpose. Adults do this much more often than children, sometimes showing miracles of resourcefulness, but the general principle remains the same, kindergarten
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Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We have been hearing this question since school, people are arguing, trying to find an answer, but there is no answer, everyone remains unconvinced. Someone insists that the egg is primary, and the chicken hatched from it, while someone defends the version that the chicken appeared before the egg, because she laid it. So where is the truth?
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Aphorisms are short sayings that have a certain form, deepest meaning and expressiveness. In a word, an aphorism is a well-aimed and clever thought in which the message reaches its maximum concentration
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Jurgen Habermas became a prominent figure in the field of philosophy and sociology of the twentieth century. His ideas formed the basis of many scientific works of our time. To get acquainted with the ideas of the famous philosopher, it is worth remembering the features of his biographical path
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Francis Fukuyama is the type of person who was able to fulfill himself in many different areas. He is a well-known specialist in such fields as philosophy, political science and economics. In addition, he unleashed his potential as a writer, giving the world several significant books and many articles on various topics
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To achieve their own goals, everyone needs mental and physical he alth. Indeed, a person whose main priority in life is sensual pleasure understands the importance of good he alth. Indeed, in its absence, the sense organs do not function very well, which means that there will be less pleasure
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Imperativeness is the way to limit all immorality and stop moral debauchery. It demands unquestioning obedience and knows no excuses. It is a way of implementing all sorts of prescriptions, which excludes the freedom of choice
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Ludwig Wittgenstein is one of the brightest, paradoxical and charismatic philosophers of the 20th century. Despite the fact that he was not recognized by his contemporaries and was aloof from society, he had a great influence on the formation of modern principles and laws of thinking
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In this article we will try to understand with you what faith is. We will consider the concept not only from the point of view of religion and theology, but also as a result of research by scientists. Faith is one of the foundations of self-identification and the existence of a person in society, so a more accurate understanding of this phenomenon is simply necessary for everyone. Read on and you will find out what supporters of different religions, as well as sociologists, psychologists and other researchers think about the need for faith
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From this article you can learn interesting information about the concept of "transcendence". And also how it is related to philosophy and meditation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Emptiness in the soul, melancholy, sadness, sadness are frequent "visitors" of the human heart. What is missing? What prevents you from living a peaceful and happy life?