Niccolò Machiavelli: quotes and the life of a son of the Renaissance

Niccolò Machiavelli: quotes and the life of a son of the Renaissance
Niccolò Machiavelli: quotes and the life of a son of the Renaissance

"War cannot be avoided, it can only be delayed," said the famous Niccolò Machiavelli.

He lived and worked in the distant Renaissance, but the world-famous book by Niccolo Machiavelli "The Emperor" still causes a wide resonance in society. Some consider it a desktop guide for a competent manager, while others try to criticize what is written in it in every possible way.

One way or another, but his fundamental work is still in demand - readable and deeply discussed.

Niccolò Machiavelli: The Life Path of a Creator

Machiavelli - Sovereign
Machiavelli - Sovereign

"The least evil is the greatest good," said Machiavelli. This principle still helps many people make decisions in difficult times.

Niccolò was born back in 1469, when most European countries were just setting foot on the path of reviving ancient traditions. His family, once impoverished nobles, lived near Florence, in the small village of San Casciano. It was here that the story of Machiavelli began, whose books remain the cultural heritage of our time.

Being still young, he was able to get a decent education: perfect knowledge of Latin became the most importantadvantage of Machiavelli. Quotations of ancient authors, their works and thoughts had a significant impact on the then young Niccolò. However, it is worth noting that he did not share with others the admiration for the era of antiquity.

Machiavelli connected his life with politics - at first he was the secretary of the Second Chancellery. Then the Council of Ten. He said: "Do not build modest plans for the future - they are not able to excite the soul" - and fully adhered to this principle throughout his life. For more than 14 years he devotedly served his state. During this time, he managed to visit many Italian states, Germany and France.

When the Medici came to power, Machiavelli had to resign. Since he was a Republican, he was accused of conspiring against the rulers, after which he was expelled from the city for a whole year. The small estate of Sant'Andrea became his haven.

It was from this moment that the creative activity of Niccolo Machiavelli began, whose quotes are still actively used by politicians and heads of state (it should be noted, not always in a positive way).

Machiavelli quotes
Machiavelli quotes

The work of Niccolo Machiavelli

Being in exile did not bring Machiavelli difficulties, but, on the contrary, an opportunity to realize his creative potential. Here he is actively engaged in writing his main work - "The Sovereign".

It was this book that brought Machiavelli's popularity. Quotes from it instantly spread not only throughout Europe, but also far beyond its borders.

Popular quotes from the book "The Emperor"

  • "The end justifies the means".
  • "The Sovereign cannot change his people, but he can bestow mercy on them."
  • "It always happens that other people's armor is heavy, uncomfortable or doesn't fit."
  • "A person is more attached to those to whom he has done good, and not to those who have done good to him."
  • "Those who rely less on fate hold more power."

Machiavelli and modernity

From the pen of Machiavelli came out more than one political treatise. In addition to the world-famous "Sovereign", the world saw several more creations that also caused a wide resonance in society:

  • "History of Florence";
  • "About military art";
  • "Discourses on the first decade of Titus Livius";
  • "Golden Ass" (poetic arrangement);
  • "How to deal with the rebellious inhabitants of Valdikiana".
Machiavelli books
Machiavelli books

All books were received positively by Machiavelli's contemporaries. Quotes from them did not leave the lips of politicians and those who showed interest in public administration.

However, some time later, Niccolo's views received sharp criticism, in particular, for the main thesis - "to achieve the goal by any means", which has now become a catchphrase - Finis sanctificat media. It was this principle that formed the basis of the term "Machiavellianism", which became a characteristic feature of the ruler, notneglecting any way to achieve his own goal.

One way or another, but the works of Machiavelli deserve attention and careful study. His thoughts will serve as a point of contact for various political ideologies and views for a long time to come.
