You don't often see such a term in normal conversation. Few people are familiar without prior professional training with this rare word. Let's try to figure out what it means. Transcendental is the concept of a higher mind that a person can reach outside his consciousness (from Latin transcendent, transcendentalis - stepping over, surpassing, stepping over). In all foreign translations of this lexeme there is a prefix "re-", meaning "through", "in a different way". This word can most often be associated with meditation, as well as various esotericism. For the correct use of it, it is necessary to see the differences from the term "transcendent", as well as to know the philosophy of Kant and other thinkers. Let's look into this in detail.
Are transcendental and transcendental different concepts?
We have already described the second term. Let's repeat the semantic characteristics of the lexeme. This is the concept of higher intelligence that a person can reach beyond his consciousness. In this case, the action takes place outside the boundaries of the subject, the cause is outside the subject.

The difference from the first term is thathere the action and the cause are within. Thus, Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, distinguished these concepts, although sometimes he characterized them less clearly. The thinker was one of the first to bring these word forms into general use. Kant devoted his work Critique of Pure Reason, as well as its introductory article, to the definition. "Transcendental" is the statement that "cognition is concerned not so much with objects as with the kinds of our cognition of objects, since this cognition must be possible a priori".
Applying properties to terms, the philosopher considers them epistemological: in his works, the second term means referring to the a priori of knowledge, its formal premises that organize experience. Before him, these concepts were used in the same descriptions, but with minor clarifications.
Transcendental Philosophy
The root causes of philosophy originate in the medieval doctrine of "transcendentals". Even the Scottish philosopher-theologian Duns Scott believed that metaphysics is an unusual science (scientia transcendens). It is transcendental because it describes the knowledge of existence.

In addition, Francisco Suarez - the Spanish philosopher and thinker - argued that the subject of metaphysical science - universal attributes. Many other scientists, such as I. G. Alsted, I. Scharf, I. X. Mirus, F. A. Aepinus, understood that general philosophy is the only science of its own. It is concerned only with principles that are more general than corporeal things, and also those that are felt.internally.
Having understood the philosophy, let's talk about what meditation is transcendentally. This is meditation in the form of concentration of attention, during which thoughts are perceived extremely deeply, subsequently reaching the very source. In the process of practice, the mind calms down, focuses, becomes enlightened, passes to omniscience. A person's thoughts automatically improve. This means that the attitude towards others, towards all living things becomes different. During meditation, a person has the opportunity to explore consciousness and master the cosmic potential inherent in it.
Founder Maharishi Mahesh
The founder of meditation is the great teacher of our time Maharishi Mahesh. He brought this practice to the highest level, and it became famous all over the world. Over the past half century, the technique has become popular and gained new followers. Transcendental meditation training should be done by professionals and passed from teacher to student. Now let's talk about it in more detail.

Teaching Meditation
Independent mastery of the practice is acceptable, but it does not guarantee the achievement of the result for which it was created. Despite its simplicity, Transcendental Meditation training is built with the guidance of an experienced teacher-mentor. He selects his own mantra for everyone to improve immersion. Before starting, as well as during self-improvement, thoughts periodically turn again to this peculiar spell. Subsequentlythe practitioner, having gained some experience, does everything on his own.

The very technique of the meditation we are describing is not complicated. You don't need to put in any effort to get it done. You can choose a place that is absolutely not suitable for ordinary meditation. Circumstances can also be any. In the morning and in the evening for twenty minutes it is necessary to immerse the mind in a calm state. With the help of this technique, a person is given to be at rest in a state of wakefulness at the same time. Transcendental meditation helps to improve he alth, memory, and an influx of strength appears. Perhaps, in parallel, do asanas, practice pranayama, examine the pulse, listen to music for relaxation.