Ayurveda - what is it? Ayurveda for weight loss

Ayurveda - what is it? Ayurveda for weight loss
Ayurveda - what is it? Ayurveda for weight loss

To achieve their own goals, everyone needs mental and physical he alth. Indeed, a person whose main priority in life is sensual pleasure understands the importance of good he alth. Indeed, in its absence, the sense organs do not function very well, which means that there will be less pleasure. Likewise, a transcendentalist who has dedicated his life to the service of God needs a he althy body to successfully perform spiritual practices. Ayurveda will help both the first and the second to maintain their own he alth. This is part of the Vedic knowledge that God gave to people from time immemorial. In this article we will try to answer the question: "Ayurveda, what is it?" and consider the key points of this teaching. So let's get started.

what is ayurveda
what is ayurveda


The word "Ayurveda" is translated from Sanskrit as "the science of life". Its goal is to teach people to maintain a balance of the mind, a balance of the main components of the physical body and a harmonious relationship with the outside world.

In modern life, there are many different factors thatdisturbing our natural balance. But to follow the canons of Ayurveda, it is not necessary to live on a desert island. Instead, use the rules of the "science of life" to detect signs of imbalance in the body and take appropriate measures to restore the natural balance. And everyone can learn to identify these signs before the appearance of the disease itself, which will cause suffering and inconvenience. Also, the rules of life science hold true for weight loss. We will talk about how Ayurveda is used for weight loss below. And now let's add a little to the definition.

ayurveda treatment
ayurveda treatment

Preventive approach

Ayurveda, which has mostly positive reviews, focuses on disease prevention and he alth maintenance. Treatment of emerging diseases is already a secondary goal. In addition to gymnastics and diet, Ayurvedic medicine gives advice on maintaining a sleep schedule, considers lifestyle principles for different seasons of the year, lunar cycles and types of constitution. She also talks about the rules of human behavior in society. All of the above helps to prevent the development of diseases. Ayurveda is not a passive form of therapy. According to its canons, a person takes full responsibility for his own life.

ayurveda reviews
ayurveda reviews


We partially answered the question: "Ayurveda - what is it?" But there are a number of other important points to consider. And one of them is naturopathy. Ayurvedic therapy involvesthe use of only natural, natural means - plants, minerals, metals … First of all, plants that grow in natural conditions, or those that are cultivated due to increased demand or rarity, but grown without the use of artificial fertilizers, are used. There are no chemically synthesized medicines and vitamin-mineral complexes in Ayurveda.

In their structure and composition, natural products correspond to the tissues of our body, so they are easily digested and well absorbed. Of course, synthesized drugs help reduce fever and relieve pain, but since they have many side effects, they cause irreparable harm to our body. Especially with prolonged use. It is important to understand that pharmacological drugs are only capable of suppressing the symptoms of the disease. They don't fix the cause. And this leads to a chronic course of the disease. In Ayurvedic therapy, only natural ingredients are used. They strengthen the internal organs, as they have a structure similar to them.

ayurveda for weight loss
ayurveda for weight loss

Food as medicine

Ayurveda, which is reviewed on thematic forums, considers food components and medicinal ingredients to be identical. That is, medicine can be used as food, and vice versa. Therefore, natural, non-toxic, natural tonics are used in Ayurvedic therapy for both he althy and sick patients. For the former, they strengthen the body and increase immunity, and for the latter, it is a remedy for treatment.illness. It is very important to use everything that Ayurveda preparations offer in compliance with individual dosages. Otherwise, they will harm the person and cause complications.

The body as a single system

The modern medical system is highly specialized, as it considers each specific organ separately from the others. Ayurveda approaches this problem in a completely different way: treatment is carried out in a complex manner, taking into account the relationship with other body systems. If the disease is concentrated in a particular organ or area of the body, then both this and other parts of the body are examined. Modern research confirms that 70% of diseases are systemic in nature.

ayurveda cosmetics
ayurveda cosmetics

Treat the patient, not the disease

There is a very important point in the science of life. As Ayurveda says: treatment can be prescribed only if, in addition to the symptoms of the disease, the characteristics of the patient himself are known. These are body size, diet, willpower, age, mental nature, etc. That is, two patients with the same disease can be prescribed different courses of treatment. Ayurveda practices an individual approach to each patient.

Elimination of the cause of the disease

According to life science, pathogenic microbes are a secondary cause of disease. The primary factor is the disharmony of the three doshas: kapha, pitta and vata (three integral principles of control of the neuroendocrine system). If the soil is fertile enough, then the seeds that fall into it will quickly germinate and spread. WhenThe balance of the three doshas is disturbed, and such fertile soil appears for microbes. They multiply rapidly in the body and lead to the appearance of the disease. Therefore, the main task of the science of life is to maintain the balance of the three doshas.

ayurveda preparations
ayurveda preparations

Diagnostic Methods

Let's reveal another topic that will help to more fully answer the question: "Ayurveda, what is it?". And this topic is diagnostic methods. In Western medicine, complex instrumental and biochemical studies are used for these purposes. But Ayurveda has a completely different approach. The most important thing is the experience, attentiveness, intuition and insight of the doctor. The methods used by him are available, simple and do not require significant costs. And the main of them is the method of "five mirrors", when the diagnosis is carried out on the skin, auricles, eyes, tongue and pulse.

The importance of nutrition

For the full treatment of diseases, nutrition according to Ayurveda must be correct. This topic is detailed in ancient treatises, the prescriptions of which are actively used in their practice by vaidyas. The Ayurveda formula sounds like this: “If a person follows the necessary diet, then he does not need treatment, if not, then hardly anything will help him.” Diseases do not occur with proper nutrition, and with improper nutrition, they progress, despite the intervention of doctors. Just as water wears away a stone, so diseases can strengthen or destroy the body. The science of life takes into account not only the energy-information, but also the biochemical effect of food. Many people ask: “How is Ayurveda used forlosing weight? The answer is obvious - by following a diet that is not a restriction. Dieting means following your natural nature.

ayurvedic nutrition
ayurvedic nutrition

Ayurveda cosmetics

Caring for nails, teeth, hair and skin takes a special place in Indian culture. To do this, there are tools produced both at home and in an industrial way. Ayurvedic cosmetics have existed for several millennia, and its recipes are described in many ancient treatises. So it has stood the test of time. The main feature of this cosmetics is the complete absence of synthetic components.

Transmigration of the soul

Now you know the answer to the question: “What is Ayurveda?” It remains to consider the last point. The theme of transmigration of the soul plays an important role in Ayurveda. The bad and good deeds of the past life affect the conditions of birth in the present. The consequences of these actions form the karma of a person. If in a past life he accumulated bad karma, then this can cause many diseases associated with the impact of negative stereotypes. Such pathologies cannot be cured with standard therapeutic agents. Karmic diseases are cured by realizing and expiating sins, as well as by performing spiritual practices and religious prescriptions.
