Two-faced people: why are they like that?

Two-faced people: why are they like that?
Two-faced people: why are they like that?
two-faced people
two-faced people

None of us like hypocrites. And at the same time, everyone considers himself a sincere and open person, who is surrounded only by two-faced people. Why is that? We often ask this question. It seems that you know the person inside and out, you think that he is honest with you, tells you everything he thinks, and, of course, never discusses you with others. But here's the disappointment: this "friend" also showed himself to be a two-faced Janus. We feel resentment against the whole wide world and proudly declare that there are no more honest people left in the world. But why are we always ready to say about others that they are two-faced people, but not about ourselves? You should approach this issue from the point of view of psychology.

The other side of the coin is the unconscious

Psychologists distinguish two layers of the psyche: consciousness and the unconscious. So, only those ideas about ourselves that we like and that we accept in ourselves reach the conscious part. But there are no perfect people.

quotes about two-faced people
quotes about two-faced people

Disliked characteristics are ruthlessly suppressed and forced out. But they remain in us and are rooted in our unconscious. Sometimes these representationsbreak into the conscious layer, causing us to behave in less than ideal ways. This is how our “second disguise” manifests itself, which we, of course, do not recognize and try to justify ourselves, to find numerous explanations for our behavior. So it turns out that two-faced people are all around, but not us. A person is so accustomed to showing the world only his positive and approved qualities that he himself does not recognize his negative traits. Many people from childhood begin to quite successfully use their duplicity in relations with others, which undoubtedly brings them great benefits (at work, in their personal lives). Then the question arises: "Is it so bad to be two-faced, if there are many advantages from it?"

The duplicity in our lives

As many quotes about two-faced people say, a person gets so used to his mask (which he reveals to the world) that it becomes his face. It is very easy to cross the line when a person forgets his true "I", when he constantly adapts to the situation, like a chameleon, and begins to pretend to himself. Such two-faced people are, in fact, deeply unhappy, although they demonstrate a good mood to others and to themselves. The most striking example of this can be seen in the work of S. Maugham "Theater".

statuses about two-faced people
statuses about two-faced people

The numerous statuses about two-faced people that constantly appear on social networks testify to the fact that this problem has become quite a mouthful. Modern society, thoroughly saturated with market relations, is extremelyenough sincerity and directness. For example, you can read this status: "We pretend to others for so long that in the end we begin to pretend to ourselves." Truth and lies, hypocrisy and sincerity are too much intertwined with each other, and it is no longer possible to distinguish one from the other. One more quote can be mentioned: “When you are in a room by yourself, I am afraid to open the door and not see anyone there.” Duplicity, of course, allows you to get some benefit, but is the loss of one's own "I" worth it?
