Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Today, many people consider their opinion to be the only correct one and not subject to any doubt. The existence of another reality, which in some way is not similar to their own, such individuals reject and treat it critically. Philosophers have paid enough attention to this phenomenon
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Human knowledge of the surrounding reality has evolved gradually over a long period of time. What is now perceived as boring mediocrity, once looked in the eyes of contemporaries as a radical breakthrough, the greatest discovery in the history of mankind. This is how once, in the distant Middle Ages, the philosophy of dualism of Descartes Rene was perceived
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On January 28, Catholics celebrate the Memorial Day of St. Thomas Aquinas, or, as we used to call him, Thomas Aquinas. His works, which united Christian doctrines with the philosophy of Aristotle, were recognized by the church as one of the most substantiated and proven. Their author was considered the most religious of the philosophers of that period
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The article will immerse the reader into the deep worldviews of representatives of medieval Arabic philosophy, clearly outline the line in understanding certain aspects of the thinking of the titans of philosophical thought and their position regarding the divine and material worlds
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Paul Ricoeur lived for 91 years and has seen a lot in his life. He tried to convey his philosophy to people, through teaching and written books, so that it would be easier for people to understand the world
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The category of reality, which is the intermediation of the phenomenon and the law, is defined as an essence in philosophy. This is the organic unity of reality in all its diversity or diversity in unity. The law determines that reality is uniform, but there is such a thing as a phenomenon that brings diversity to reality. Thus, the essence in philosophy is uniformity and diversity as form and content
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This article will introduce you to the concept of worldview in philosophy and in relation to modern life, with its types and types
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Many historians believe that China's first state ideologue is Confucianism. Meanwhile, legalism arose before this doctrine
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How to live life not in vain? What do you expect from this article - a specific algorithm, or a guide to action? Do you really think that somewhere there is a person who has set the goal of his life to forge a ladder to happiness for you, or the path to success should be traversed only by your feet?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Adam Weishaupt is the founder of the mysterious order of the Illuminati, whose members set themselves the goal of establishing a new world order based on republican and educational ideals. Also known as the main opponent of the philosophical teachings of Immanuel Kant
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The problem of anthroposociogenesis in philosophy has been discussed for many centuries, but no one has yet been able to provide a single correct solution. What is the difficulty? What philosophical questions are raised along with this problem? What else do we know about our world?
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Anti-scientism is a philosophical movement that opposes science. The main idea of the adherents is that science should not affect people's lives. She has no place in everyday life, so you should not pay so much attention. Why they decided so, where it came from and how philosophers consider this trend, is described in this article
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The view of philosophy on society cannot be separated from the philosophy of man, although it is not reduced directly to this topic. At any stage of its development, society is a complex, multifaceted entity that has diverse intertwined connections, which include human relations. The life of a society is not limited to the life of the people who make up it. Society is creative and forms various spiritual, material values that are not created by individuals
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Everyone has heard of Socrates at least once in their life. This ancient Greek philosopher left a bright mark not only in the history of Hellas, but in all philosophy. Of particular interest to study is the dialectic of Socrates as the art of creative dialogue
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Assertion of existentialism as a separate philosophy. History, the content of the term. Characteristic features and differences. Influence on human consciousness
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Kant's categorical imperative is the will that desires the good for the sake of the good itself, and not for the sake of anything else, and has an end in itself. The moral law for Kant should not be conditioned by any external purpose
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Basic concepts of philosophy - matter and spirit. Idealists and materialists define their meaning differently, but agree on the objective existence of matter. It represents the physical foundation of the world. At the same time, philosophers say that the attributes of matter are movement, space and time. They constitute its essence and specificity
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Since antiquity, mankind has been interested in questions of knowledge. Philosophical thought developed as the individual cognized the world and himself in it. Even in ancient times, such fundamental sciences as mathematics, physics, history, and philosophy were born. Then the question arose of what is the way of knowing the truth and on what it should be based. It was at this time that such currents as dogmatism, pragmatism, empiricism arose
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The philosopher Hannah Arendt knew firsthand what totalitarianism is. Being of Jewish origin, she passed through a Nazi concentration camp, from where she was lucky enough to escape. She subsequently made it to the United States and lived in that country until her death. Her writings on phenomenology influenced such philosophers as Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jürgen Habermas, Giorgio Agamben, W alter Benjamin and others
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Ambition is a moral quality of a person, emphasizing his desire to become a leader and achieve his goals. It does not matter what tasks are in the first place - to graduate with honors, to make a discovery, to take a certain public position or position in society. The main thing is that the path to perfection can be carried out in various ways. Either at the expense of study, work, or - neglect of the interests of others, intrigues, lies and betrayal
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Philosophy is an ancient science. It originated during the slave system. And what is interesting, somehow immediately in countries such as China, India and Greece. The history of science goes back over 2500 years. During this period, many diverse doctrines were formed, reflecting the levels of political, social and economic development of society. It is certainly interesting and important to explore various areas of philosophy. But they all lead to the cornerstone - the problem of being and consciousness
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Every person once thought about the meaning of his existence. The spiritual world of a person makes a person unlike animals. The basis of the spiritual world is the worldview as a set of individual and social norms, values, ideals
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Humanism is the key concept of modern European philosophy. The origins of this philosophical trend, its transformation and features of existence in different historical eras are considered in the article
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The path of philosophical thought in all epochs has developed according to a similar principle: all universal models are being replaced by teachings that sharply rebel against metaphysics and refer to the limitedness of consciousness. However, there were people who proposed an original solution to all disputes: if all philosophical schools contradict each other in theories, then maybe all their “facts” and “arguments” are just “opinions”? Sophistry is just that very “pill” against endless philosophical wars
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A brief overview of rhetorical figures, examples of what a rhetorical question is and what is the role of a rhetorical question in artistic speech
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Phenomenology as a philosophical trend arose thanks to the work of the German philosopher Edmun Husserl, who, having defended his dissertation in mathematics and working in this area, gradually changed his interests in favor of philosophical science. His views were influenced by philosophers such as Bernard Bolzano and Franz Brentano. The first believed that truth exists, regardless of whether it is expressed or not, and it was this idea that prompted Husserl to strive to rid cognition of psychologism
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Dominance is a quality of a person's character, in which there is a desire to be above others and occupy a dominant position. Regarding interpersonal relationships, it can be male and female. According to psychologists, both one and the other form of domination is normal, although this is more characteristic of the male sex, while the nature of women is submission and service to their chosen one. In this article, we will take a closer look at what dominance is and how it manifests itself
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The universe is “the building of the world”. What is it? Big or small? How many floors does it have? How to get inside it, through which doors? These and other questions from the series “The Universe is…” have been worrying mankind since time immemorial. And if we assume that there is no beginning and end, and everything is infinity and continuity, then these questions and multiple answers to them will also worry us forever
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The logical square is a diagram that clearly shows how true and false judgments interact with each other when the wider one includes the narrower one. If a broader proposition is true, then the narrower proposition included in it is all the more true. For example: if all Greeks are slender, then the Greeks living in Athens are slender too
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The term universe as a phenomenon of human thinking, arising due to the manifestations of "I" in relation to the Universe
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Mysterious veil that Blavatsky was surrounded by during her lifetime. The secret doctrine of countless worlds, disappearing, and after re-emerging, and other cyclicalities of the universe, claimed the role of another universal law that describes everything and everyone
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"The barrel of Diogenes" is an expression that many have heard. But what does it mean? And who is Diogenes? An ancient Greek philosopher who went down in history thanks to his vivid image and non-standard behavior. More about him and about the barrel of Diogenes - in the article
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The concept of mobility means the movement of an individual within a social system. These movements are associated with a change in social roles and social status
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The so-called "weaker sex" is devoted to many poems and songs, novels and stories, and, of course, aphorisms. Ascetic Indian yogis, oriental sages and medieval monks allowed themselves statements about a woman, she was admired by Provencal poets and titans of the Renaissance. She got "nuts" for windiness and love of jewelry, she was considered the inventor of evil, the temptress and the destroyer of the human race
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Plato is rightfully considered one of the most prominent philosophers in the history of mankind. Being the son of an aristocrat and a student of Socrates, he, according to his brother Diogenes Laertius, was able to create a synthesis of the theories of Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Socrates - that is, all those wise men who were proud of ancient Hellas. Plato's original doctrine of ideas is the starting and central point of all the work of the philosopher
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Philosophers and metaphysicians will be interested to know the details of the modern scientist, which is Daniel Dennett, as well as his main compatibilist views on life and human consciousness in general
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Abelard Pierre (1079 - 1142) - the most famous philosopher of the Middle Ages - went down in history as a recognized teacher and mentor who had his own views on philosophy, fundamentally different from the rest. His life was hard not only because of the discrepancy between opinions and generally accepted dogmas; great physical misfortune brought Pierre love: real, mutual, sincere
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Present, past, future… What is time? Is a person a full participant in this "action" or are we just silent "subordinates" of Her Majesty Fate? It is impossible to give a definite answer. Some believe that time is an irreversible movement that flows in only one direction - from the past, through the present to the future, and a person is able to independently choose how to swim along this stream
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Sufism – what is it? In science, there is still no clear definition. Encyclopedias claim that this is a mystical-ascetic trend in Islam, but in fact, Sufism cannot be associated with only one religion. In this teaching one can also find the ideas of Gnostics, Hindus, Zoroastrians and Christian mystics
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Alexander Dugin Eurasian. Description of his political views and their ideological basis. Detailed exposition of the concept of Eurasianism. Brief biography of the famous Russian philosopher