What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth and morality

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth and morality
What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth and morality

In the understanding of an ordinary person, the truth is a synonym for the word "truth". In other words, it is the opposite of lying. And what is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth? Is it absolute or is all our knowledge relative?

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth?

In philosophy and social science, much attention is paid to the study of truth. Many scientists have tried to define this concept. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth? This word refers to the reflection in the human consciousness of the object of knowledge as it is, regardless of our consciousness. Thus, the truth is the thoughts or statements of people that correspond to reality.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth
What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of truth

As an example of truth, one can cite such a scientific fact as the rotation of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun. However, just a few centuries ago, our ancestors did not think so. For them, the truth was that the sun moves by revolving around the earth. It turns out,what people believed to be the truth and the only true knowledge turned out to be a mistake many years later. Perhaps, as science develops, things that are true for us today will cease to be so in the future.

Relative and absolute truth

From the point of view of theories of knowledge, everything that is not true is a delusion. How to distinguish the truth from an erroneous opinion? Absolute, that is, the only true and exhaustive truth is considered in those cases when it is established by experimental data, theoretical justifications and evidence, and also corresponds to the world around us.

social scientists invest in the concept of relative truth
social scientists invest in the concept of relative truth

Social scientists invest in the concept of relative truth of knowledge that does not fully and approximately reflect the objective world. Its main features are uncertainty and inaccuracy, as well as limited information about the subject of knowledge.

With the development of science, relative truths are gradually improved and supplemented with new facts and, as a result, can become absolute. Perhaps there will come a moment in the development of our civilization when humanity will have all the knowledge about our world. Then truth will become absolute, and relative concepts will cease to exist. It is also likely that people will never achieve absolute truth in the study of our world.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of morality?

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of morality
What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of morality

Morality is people's ideas about good and bad, aboutwhat is good and humane, and what is not, as well as the rules and norms of behavior that follow from them and are accepted in society. Knowing what meaning social scientists invest in the concept of truth, these two concepts can be compared.

Their relationship is that morality is the true moral path of man. It determines the behavior of individuals in various situations. Morality is formed and changes throughout our lives in the process of conscious understanding of morality, the need to do the right thing, according to conscience.

Regardless of what social scientists invest in the concept of truth, morality will always perform an indispensable function in the life of mankind. With the help of it, social relations and the behavior of each individual person are regulated. In addition, morality helps to unite people, forms their opinion in relation to various events.
