Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Russian philosophy of the 19th century is the most valuable legacy of Russia. Ideas and concepts that took shape in the century before last influenced the history of the country and today remain the subject of heated discussions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Philosophy as a worldview is fundamentally different from its historical predecessors and is of inestimable importance for modern science. Awareness of the place of philosophy among other types of worldview will help to better understand the history of the development of social consciousness
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Society is a system, a device, each cog of which must accurately perform its function. For the smooth operation of the machine, all parts must clearly comply with the main laws that set the structure in motion
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For some people, July is a month associated with carelessness, summer holidays and sometimes vacations, while yesterday's schoolchildren are experiencing a not very pleasant, but perhaps the most important period of their lives
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Surely, the memory of every person has been pierced more than once by the thoughts of famous people. The article contains the most original of them, which make you think not only about your own life, but also about all aspects present in it. Great philosophers formulate great thoughts
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is interesting about such a phenomenon as a philosopher's statement? Man, probably, is the only creature on the planet Earth who is eager to comprehend his own life and himself. Philosophy is a kind of knowledge and worldview that can sort through and rationally define all these complex phenomena. But that's not all. Philosophy is not reduced to rationalism. It is in the same plane as faith, feelings, beliefs. Just a philosopher's statement can substantiate all this
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The concept of dialectics came to us from the Greek language, where this word denoted the ability to reason and debate, elevated to the rank of art. At present, dialectics refers to such an aspect of philosophy that deals with development, different aspects of this phenomenon
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It's nice to know that after so many years of Internet and TV domination, people are finally reading books again! Undoubtedly, the works of the great writers of all time contain interesting statements about life that can motivate the reader, and sometimes even bring them back to life from the tenacious embrace of depression and hopelessness. Truly, a good book can save a life
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What rules the world: religion, the human mind, or maybe nature? The philosophy of Schopenhauer refutes these arguments and asserts that the driving force in the world is the will. Human will and desires are capable of creating the chaos we call life
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Empiricism and rationalism of modern times set themselves the same tasks: liberation from Catholic, and indeed religious dogma. Hence, the goal was the same - the creation of purely scientific knowledge
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Usually ambition is understood as purposefulness, phenomenal knowledge of one's own and other people's strengths and weaknesses, the ability to play on other people's interests. In this regard, an ambitious person can carry both a positive charge, achieving his goals, and a negative one, associated with the neglect of the feelings and aspirations of other people. In principle, answering the question: "Ambition - what is it?" - it is safe to say that we are dealing with a hypertrophied perception of one's own self
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Social relations are normative-regulatory relations that develop between various social and professional groups
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Without going into complex philosophical terminology, let's try to understand what "a priori" means in the language of modern people. How and when is it appropriate to use this term?
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Neopositivism is the ability to take over the world with one idea, if logicians were allowed to do so. But technological and scientific progress did not allow this to happen
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Politicians, philosophers, historians, sociologists at all times and throughout the civilized world were interested in the problem: "the role of the individual in history." In the recent Soviet past, the Marxist-Leninist approach prevailed: the main driving force of society is people, the working masses. It is they who form society, classes. The people create history and put forward heroes from their midst
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Religious disputes have always existed and will continue to exist for a long time to come. Atheists give a huge number of arguments against the existence of divine forces, believers find arguments in their defense
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All of us, men and women, are inhabitants of the Earth. But, after reading the well-known book “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus”, written by John Gray, we understand how different we are. In this regard, a woman often has a question about how to understand a man if he says one thing, does another, and thinks a third
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Philosophy provides rich ground for reflection. One way or another, we are all philosophers. After all, each of us at least once thought about the meaning of life and about other issues of life. This science is an effective tool for mental activity. As you know, any kind of human activity is directly related to the activity of thought and spirit. The whole history of philosophy is a kind of confrontation between idealistic views and materialistic
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Plato, whose statements are quoted by the whole world, was a student of Socrates. What wisdom did he draw from him, and what ideas of his own did he place on the altar of wisdom?
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Leibniz's philosophy - the theory of modern times. Leibniz said that the whole world is a monad consisting of monads. Each monad is characterized by some features. The philosophy of the German scientist is in demand even now. It is both clear and confusing at the same time
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Aristotle is the best student of Plato. But he managed to get out from under the wing of the great teacher and create his own philosophical system. The philosophy of Aristotle concisely and clearly outlines the basic principles of being. His teaching can be divided into several major themes
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People and eras have changed, and love has been understood differently in every age. Philosophy is still trying to answer a difficult question: where does this wonderful feeling come from?
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Logic is the science of correct thinking. And a special place in it is occupied by the study of logical errors, which are unintentional and deliberate. Their analysis is the best means of training logical reasoning
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The use of aphorisms in colloquial speech is so common that interlocutors often do not even think about whose statement they are using to decorate their speech. It turns out that most of them belong to people who lived in Ancient Greece or Rome, as well as philosophers of the Middle Ages. Latin aphorisms are often used when they want to give weight to their words. People of that era knew how to observe the world and what fills it, and leave their opinion in short statements
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Is the truth hidden in wine or "nothing is true, everything is permitted"? Philosophers have been trying to answer these and many other questions for thousands of years. With each new attempt to find real knowledge on the Promised Land, even more questions and paradoxes that are unsolvable at this particular moment appear. In this article, we will briefly describe the various types of truth in the humanities and philosophy
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The name of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorov was hidden from the public for a long time, but he was not forgotten. His ideas inspired such outstanding scientists as Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, Nikolai Alexandrovich Naumov. Russian philosophers of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th, Vladimir Solovyov, Nikolai Berdyaev, Pavel Florensky, Sergei Bulgakov and others, highly appreciated the ideas of Fedorov
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Omar Khayyam is known to many from school. One of the greatest medieval poets, who continues to inspire people all over the world until now, seems to have known all the wisdom of life. The famous rubais (short quatrains) tell about fate, about love, about the transience of every moment, about passion, the meaning of life
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The name of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most famous in the world. His main ideas are imbued with the spirit of nihilism and harsh, sobering criticism of the current state of science and worldview. Nietzsche's brief philosophy includes several main points
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Practically everything that exists was covered by philosophy. The definition of its subject, however, was not limited to the whole world
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Traditionalism is a philosophical trend. It has influenced every country and its politics. As well as civic consciousness. Traditionalism in culture also has its role. What is traditionalism, you can learn from this article
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Einstein's theory of relativity included a formula that allows you to understand a lot, even that which cannot be calculated in numbers
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The philosophy of Hinduism includes many important concepts, one of which is "moksha". This is a special state of liberation of the soul and its awareness of its original immaculate essence
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Gilles Deleuze belongs to the representatives of continental philosophy, sometimes his works are attributed to post-structuralism. His philosophy occupies an important place in matters that relate to society, politics, creativity, subjectivity
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Zeno of Elea - an ancient Greek philosopher who was a student of Parmenides, a representative of the Elea school. He was born around 490 BC. in southern Italy, in the city of Elea
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Definitions and main currents of immoralism. Distinction from immorality. The concept in world and Russian philosophy
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The main property of matter is movement as a way of existence. It becomes possible only in the presence of this action, manifesting itself through it. In the world, in the Universe, everything is subject to movement: objects, systems, phenomena. And at the same time, both concepts of “matter” and “motion” are abstract concepts, since they do not exist on their own, there is a movement of material objects, just as matter does not exist without it
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Most of us know what philosophy and theology are. At the same time, very few people know the interpretation of the term "theodicy"
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Victor Trostnikov was a bright contemporary Orthodox philosopher and thinker. He became a worthy successor to the work of his predecessors - the religious theologians of Russia's past, painfully looking for answers to questions dictated by life itself
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Severinus Boethius - this is the short name for this famous Roman public figure, philosopher, musician and Christian theologian. In fact, the documents that have come down to us contain a slightly different name. This is Annicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus. But the whole world knows this man as Boethius. "Consolation by Philosophy" - his most significant work "- will be the topic of our article today. We will talk about how it appeared, briefly describe the content and try to reveal the meanings
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You can also say that this author was a genius who foresaw the topics that will occupy scientists many centuries after his death. The ancient philosopher Plotinus can be called a pagan who came closer to Christianity than others