How does a person's worldview and life values compare?

How does a person's worldview and life values compare?
How does a person's worldview and life values compare?

Each person, depending on the type of character, upbringing, environment in which he grows and develops, forms his own system of values and views on the world. How do the worldview and life values of a person correlate? Is there a direct relationship between them?

The concept of worldview

Worldview is a person's system of beliefs, beliefs and knowledge. It is formed throughout life, can be periodically changed and adjusted. So, a child's worldview is quite narrow and is limited to the desire to get what he wants, to cry if he was not given it or something did not work out, and to enjoy simple things.

As a person grows up, more complex tasks arise, ranging from choosing a profession to finding the meaning of life. The worldview is based on the knowledge and experience constantly gained by people. It includes such components as worldview and attitude. Our worldview is manifested, first of all, in actions, and the choice of a line of behavior depends on our beliefs.

how do they compareoutlook and life values
how do they compareoutlook and life values

What are called life values?

Life values are a combination of tangible and intangible goods that are of great importance in a person's life. They play a significant role in shaping human behavior. Guided by life values, we perform certain actions. Knowing how a person's worldview and life values correlate, one can predict how he will act in a particular situation.

Examples of life values include: family happiness and children, achieving great results in a career, friends, striving for power, playing sports, entertainment and travel. Each person can have their own ideal, dream and priorities. There is nothing wrong. The main thing is that these life values do not run counter to the moral norms and rights of other people.

How do worldviews and life values relate to each other?
How do worldviews and life values relate to each other?

How do worldviews and life values relate to each other?

Every adult has his own views on the world, his dreams and goals to which he aspires. How do the worldview and life values of people correlate? What is formed in a person primarily?

Some believe that people evaluate different situations according to their life values. Accordingly, all actions are motivated by what is most important for a person. This means that life values form a person's worldview.

In fact, the worldview is a fundamental principle in people andforms life values. So, for example, a person born in a family of believers acquires a religious worldview. Based on this, his life values \u200b\u200bare added - love for God, following the commandments, helping others, the absence of sinful thoughts. This is the answer to the question of how a person's worldview and life values \u200b\u200bare related.