
The Tarusa River and the city of the same name: history and famous inhabitants

The Tarusa River and the city of the same name: history and famous inhabitants

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Tarusa, a beautiful provincial town near Kaluga, was comfortably located on the banks of the Oka River for a very long time - 8 centuries ago. Many years have passed since that time, and he lived his own life and retained his magnificent beauty. Its culture, history and famous people are described in this article

Lake Lovozero, Murmansk region: photo, description

Lake Lovozero, Murmansk region: photo, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This lake has a mystical and fascinating history, thanks to which, although it is not located in the most comfortable corner of the earth, this place has become one of the most visited objects in the vast northern territory

Interesting facts about the bushmaster snake

Interesting facts about the bushmaster snake

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The snake bearing the name bushmaster (other names - surukuku, dumb crotal) is a very rare species of reptiles. It belongs to the viper family and the subfamily of rattlesnakes (rattlesnakes, pit vipers). This is one of the most poisonous reptiles on the American mainland. Read about the features of her appearance, lifestyle and habits in this article

When the Black Sea froze: history, facts

When the Black Sea froze: history, facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A unique natural phenomenon occurs periodically - when the Black Sea freezes. It can be observed in different parts of the world, but most often in the northern regions. There was a time when this sea froze completely. Back in the fifth century, Herodotus wrote that the best way to escape from the heat was in the Crimea, where for eight months there was unbearable cold. Everything freezes in this place, including the sea

Naryn River: photo, description, where it starts

Naryn River: photo, description, where it starts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This river begins in the high-mountain syrts of Central Asia. These are the places where the flat top glaciers are located, as well as the Kumtor gold deposit. Further, this fast stream, collecting many small streams and rivers, comes out onto a flat surface

Large rivers of the Lipetsk region: Don, Voronezh, Pine, Stanovaya Ryasa, Matyra. Map of the region's rivers

Large rivers of the Lipetsk region: Don, Voronezh, Pine, Stanovaya Ryasa, Matyra. Map of the region's rivers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Lipetsk region is a subject of the Russian Federation, located in the European part of the country, one of the regions of the Central Black Earth Region. The presence of fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions contributed to the development of crop production and horticulture here. In our article you will find detailed information about the largest rivers of the Lipetsk region - Voronezh, Matyra, Ryas, Pine and others

The most interesting facts about scorpions

The most interesting facts about scorpions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Unusual and very similar to crayfish creatures are called scorpions. Unlike other arachnids, they have a pair of claws and a tail that ends in a sharp and sometimes poisonous sting. The traditional fighting posture of this spider - the tail raised and bent to the back and the claws opened, terrifies many representatives of the fauna. Seeing a scorpion, a person is also frightened. In the article we will take a closer look at this representative of the fauna and select the most interesting facts about scorpions

Rivers of Mordovia: list, description of natural conditions, photo

Rivers of Mordovia: list, description of natural conditions, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Republic of Mordovia is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation, located in the European part of the country. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the main natural features and hydrography of the region. In addition, here you will find a description of the rivers of Mordovia - Sura, Moksha, Issa and other significant watercourses of the republic

Where cornflowers grow: description, growing area, photo

Where cornflowers grow: description, growing area, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Cornflowers, having high decorative qualities, are an excellent raw material for pharmacology. Due to the huge amount of useful substances, the range of application of this plant is quite wide - from the treatment of ocular inflammatory processes to the elimination of urinary tract diseases. Cornflower is also widely used in landscape design to create magnificent compositions in a natural style

Lake Baunt, Buryatia: location, photo, description

Lake Baunt, Buryatia: location, photo, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This lake occupies an honorable third place in Buryatia in terms of water surface area, second only to Gusinoye Lake and Baikal. The name of this lake is Baunt (the photo is presented in the article). One interesting fact should be noted. This area is known for the fact that in 2008, three kilometers from the source of the river. Upper Tsipa and in the south-western direction, 70 kilometers from the lake, were discovered the remains of the Bauntovsky prison, built back in 1652 by Russian Cossacks

About the queen snake, cobras and anacondas

About the queen snake, cobras and anacondas

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Quite often you can hear the expression: "Cobra is the queen of snakes." However, this " title" is also worn by other snakes. The representatives of the scaly class of reptiles, which have such a prefix in the name, their features and lifestyle, as well as the Snake Queen from the legend, will be described in the article

Zbruch River: length, location, nature of the banks and attractions

Zbruch River: length, location, nature of the banks and attractions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Zbruch is a small river with a long and interesting history. Its picturesque valley is oversaturated with various ancient monuments - castles, palaces, wooden churches and stone churches. In this article you will find a detailed description of the Zbruch River. In addition, we will describe the main attractions located on its banks

Arrow snake: description of the species and its features

Arrow snake: description of the species and its features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The arrow snake is a native inhabitant of rocky and sandy areas. The reptile is distinguished by the presence of four stripes on a sandy-gray body. Poisonous or not arrow snake? This question is asked by many people. This is what we are now trying to figure out

Diseases of mushrooms: names, photos and description

Diseases of mushrooms: names, photos and description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Almost everyone has heard about flower diseases, because every house has some kind of flower. What fungal diseases exist? These mysterious representatives of the world around us are incomprehensible and distant to many, but some people specialize in growing them - thanks to these people we can buy oyster mushrooms and champignons in stores. What are the wards of such mushroom growers sick with? Let's consider in more detail

Rivers of the Bryansk region: description, names and photos

Rivers of the Bryansk region: description, names and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The rivers of the Bryansk region entangle the territory with a dense water network, their total length is 9 thousand kilometers. In total, there are 129 rivers and streams in the region. A large number is the result of the favorable influence of the climate. A characteristic feature is the uneven location, due to the combination of flat and hilly surfaces. The main number of rivers is located in the east and in the central part of the region. The rivers Snov, Iput and Besed flow in the northwest and southwest

Turquoise stones - natural and synthetic

Turquoise stones - natural and synthetic

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

For a long time people endowed stones with magical properties. Turquoise, for example, has been used by humans since ancient times. The Persians considered it the remains of those people who died of passionate love. The Tibetans attributed to her a divine origin and still believe that turquoise stones are living beings

American maple: description

American maple: description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This beautiful deciduous tree reaches up to 21 meters in height, and its width is sometimes 90 cm, but the usual options are 30-60 cm. The crown of the tree is uneven. The trunk is short and at the base is sometimes divided into long, sprawling, often curved shoots, diverging unevenly in different directions, creating a spasmodic crown. If the American maple grows among other trees, its trunk branches higher and a rare and tall crown is obtained

Army ants: description, features, interesting facts and reviews

Army ants: description, features, interesting facts and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Where army ants live. Description, habitat and nutrition of the insect. Do wandering ants have enemies. Varieties of dangerous insects

The highest volcanoes in the world, or the largest fiery mountains

The highest volcanoes in the world, or the largest fiery mountains

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Beautiful, but feared by people of all time, the highest volcanoes in the world, with their majestic and dangerous appearance, have always attracted close interest, which was mixed with superstitious horror. These fire-breathing mountains, close to heaven itself, deserve great respect

Earthquake in the Urals: epicenter, consequences

Earthquake in the Urals: epicenter, consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

On the night of October 19 last year, an earthquake occurred in the Urals. This greatly surprised not only its inhabitants, but also seismologists, since the area is located in a territory that is protected from such disasters

Interesting facts about penguins. Penguins of Antarctica: description

Interesting facts about penguins. Penguins of Antarctica: description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In Europe, funny birds in black "tailcoats" became known at the beginning of the sixteenth century thanks to navigators from Portugal. Interesting facts about penguins immediately aroused sympathy for them. The name "penguin" comes from the English word penguin. According to one of the existing versions, translated from the Welsh pengwyn means - a white head

Silver maple: height and trunk of the tree. What is the name of the maple fruit?

Silver maple: height and trunk of the tree. What is the name of the maple fruit?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Silver maple is a long-liver. Beautiful fast-growing trees can live up to 130-150 years. This majestic tree has a different name - sugar maple (sugar)

Yakutian horse: characteristics, breeding and the necessary diet

Yakutian horse: characteristics, breeding and the necessary diet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This most interesting animal represents one of the oldest breeds of horses on Earth. The Yakut horse, the remains of which archaeologists discovered during excavations, lived on our planet many millennia ago

Swordfish. Description

Swordfish. Description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Swordfish today is considered the only representative of the swordfish family. This animal got its name due to the peculiar shape of the upper jaw

Butterfly burdock: photo, description, distribution area

Butterfly burdock: photo, description, distribution area

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Relatively bright burdock butterfly is similar in appearance to hives. Their coloration is almost the same, but they differ only in that the burdock is slightly lighter, there are dots on the edges of its wings

The biggest tiger in the world - what is it?

The biggest tiger in the world - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The tiger is the most graceful and graceful animal in the cat family. For many people, at the sight of this amazing animal, the question arises: “And what is the largest tiger in the world?”

Pink thistle, or field thistle: description, photo, methods of struggle

Pink thistle, or field thistle: description, photo, methods of struggle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

One of the worst weeds that are difficult to eradicate is pink thistle. Among the people, it is also known as prickly thistle, field thistle. This plant is found almost everywhere (in fields, along roads, in wastelands and in pastures), preferring fertile and nitrogen-enriched soils

Mushroom places in the Yaroslavl region. Are there mushrooms in the Yaroslavl region?

Mushroom places in the Yaroslavl region. Are there mushrooms in the Yaroslavl region?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The south of the European part of Russia, namely the Yaroslavl region, is very rich in the variety of mushrooms growing here. Naturally, the local population is interested in the main question - where and how to find mushroom places in the Yaroslavl region

What danger is fraught with rip current

What danger is fraught with rip current

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There are several types of ocean currents. Among them there are those that are directed perpendicular to the shore. The rip current is formed at low tide, when the water in some areas leaves at different speeds. This phenomenon is not universal, but everyone can face it

Mushrooms. The Red Book of Russia

Mushrooms. The Red Book of Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mushrooms are of great importance for the ecosystem. Besides the fact that they participate in the circulation of substances, decomposing the remains of plants and animals, fungi are a valuable nutritious product and a symbiotic organism, especially for Basidiomycetes. Rare mushrooms The Red Book considers in the section "Plants"

The Yenisei River. Economic use and general characteristics

The Yenisei River. Economic use and general characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The wide and mighty Yenisei River. How many poems are dedicated to her, how many paintings and even monuments! The unprecedented power of the Yenisei, its beauty has always inspired writers, poets and artists

What is the thermohaline circulation of the World Ocean?

What is the thermohaline circulation of the World Ocean?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The oceans are a single system that has its own biological, chemical and physical characteristics, due to the change in which in one direction or another the ocean “lives”, circulates

Mexico: minerals and relief. Why is Mexico rich in minerals?

Mexico: minerals and relief. Why is Mexico rich in minerals?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mexico is the world's sixth largest country in terms of area, with high mountains, deep depressions and plains. But it is remarkable not only for this. An amazing country is called the cradle of civilizations

Taiga relief. Features of the natural area

Taiga relief. Features of the natural area

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Taiga is the largest natural area. It occupies approximately 27% of the total forest area of the Earth. From a bird's eye view, the taiga is endless coniferous and mixed forests. She is beautiful and intimidating at the same time. The Eurasian taiga is considered the largest continuous natural zone on the planet

Where the Don river flows: scheme. Where does the Don river originate?

Where the Don river flows: scheme. Where does the Don river originate?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Don has always fascinated people - wide and powerful, with many tributaries. A huge number of poems and poems are dedicated to him. This river, in addition to this name, has others. In ancient Greek times, it was called Tanais or Girgis. The ancient Kypchaks called Don-Ten. The word "don" itself means "many channels" or "a river with a changing course." Don, both in the past and in the present, plays a huge role in human economic activity

Boar (animal): description, photo, lifestyle

Boar (animal): description, photo, lifestyle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Wild boar is a fairly large animal that can reach up to one and a half meters in length. The weight of an adult varies from 150 to 300 kilograms. The bristly coat of a boar resembles the color of a bear with a slight reddish tint. Their distinctive feature can be called large lower fangs, the size of which can be about 25 centimeters

Cypress lake in Anapa

Cypress lake in Anapa

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the Krasnodar Territory, near the resort of Anapa, which lies near the blue sea, there is a small village called Sukko. There are many attractions in its district - the African Village, the knight's castle and Cypress Lake. How to get to it, what it is known for - read about it in the article

Rampant elements: flood in Kavalerovo

Rampant elements: flood in Kavalerovo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In August 2016, a typhoon raged in Primorye, which caused damage to many families, flooding their houses and household plots. Roads were destroyed, road bridges were washed away, as a result of which some villages were completely cut off from the world

Siberian hogweed: benefit or harm

Siberian hogweed: benefit or harm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

One of the most mysterious plants - Siberian hogweed, grows in the middle lane. Its name suggests that the leaves of this plant served as a seasoning for soups and second courses. Despite this use, official medicine believes that hogweed is poisonous. Why is he so dangerous?

How a turtle breathes underwater

How a turtle breathes underwater

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

All reptiles breathe oxygen, just like all living things on Earth. But most people are interested in the question of how a turtle breathes underwater. The opinion that the process occurs in the same way as in fish is erroneous. Land and sea inhabitants breathe the same way - through the lungs