
Aiguille du Midi - mountain in France: description

Aiguille du Midi - mountain in France: description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There is one unusual platform (observation booth) in the French Alps, equipped relatively recently. It is located over a huge abyss and is made entirely of glass. Its height above sea level is 3842 meters

Mushrooms of the Sverdlovsk region: a description of where and when to collect

Mushrooms of the Sverdlovsk region: a description of where and when to collect

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mountain-taiga forests of the Urals, the locals consider the treasury of mushrooms. The Sverdlovsk region has long been famous for its numerous habitats of these nutrient organisms. Thanks to this, mushroom pickers not only provide for their families, but also turn an exciting activity into an additional form of income

Birds of South America: species, classification, habitat, nutrition, features and interesting facts

Birds of South America: species, classification, habitat, nutrition, features and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There are countless birds in South America, and most of them can be found exclusively on this mainland. Such exotic birds are called endemics. According to ornithologists, there are more than 3 thousand species on the South American continent, which is about ¼ of all birds known to scientists living on our planet. Interestingly, half of them are true endemics

Conventional signs showing the protection of the natural communities of the meadow are needed for their conservation

Conventional signs showing the protection of the natural communities of the meadow are needed for their conservation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The nature of the meadow is incredibly exciting. Under the influence of man, this ecosystem is slowly dying. To prevent this from happening, conventional signs were invented showing the protection of the natural communities of the meadow

Curly flowers. Ipomoea: description, planting and care (photo)

Curly flowers. Ipomoea: description, planting and care (photo)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Wishing to decorate their summer cottage, or maybe just a balcony, many owners prefer bindweed plants. This is not surprising. After all, such plants very beautifully frame objects located on the territory of the site, blooming beautiful flowers. Ipomoea has been known to mankind for a long time. It is considered one of the most delicate varieties of plants that you can choose to decorate your summer cottage

Sumbury - a plant, a miracle of selection

Sumbury - a plant, a miracle of selection

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Sunberry (translated from English as a sunny berry) was bred by crossing African nightshade (which gave the new species large fruits) and European creeping nightshade, which inherited its palatability

What is the largest mammal in the world? The largest representative of mammals

What is the largest mammal in the world? The largest representative of mammals

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The world of animals is amazing and diverse. Is there a legendary chupacabra that terrorizes Puerto Rican farmers? Who lives in the mysterious Mexican jungle? And who, in fact, is the largest mammal in the world?

Vorya is a river in the heart of Russia

Vorya is a river in the heart of Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The river Vorya (Moscow region) originates from the village of Dumino. The barely outlined channel is lost in the swamp behind Lake Ozeretsky, and then again comes to the surface, carrying its fast waters to the Klyazma

Why the sea is blue: opinions and facts

Why the sea is blue: opinions and facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

If you take a glass of water from the sea, we will see a transparent liquid there, but if you look into the depth of the reservoir itself, the water will turn out to be blue. Why is the sea blue in one case and transparent in another?

Wildlife: how does a horse sleep?

Wildlife: how does a horse sleep?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Once my daughter had seen enough of Western cartoons and TV shows devoted to horses, and asked me: "Mom, how does a horse sleep?" To be honest, at first I was confused. The fact is that we are city dwellers, we do not have our own agriculture and barnyard. That is why I could not answer my daughter unambiguously. Shame on me, friends! So, let's look into this interesting question together

Valuy - mushroom, which is popularly called "goby"

Valuy - mushroom, which is popularly called "goby"

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Valui is a mushroom that belongs to the genus Russula. Thanks to his shiny, as if varnished hat, he is clearly visible in the forest. In wet weather, it is slimy and sticky. In the people, this mushroom is called "goby". Freshly cut valui sometimes has a not very pleasant smell. However, it completely disappears after s alting

Milk milk mushroom: photo and description

Milk milk mushroom: photo and description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the autumn period, the issue of picking mushrooms is always relevant. Not all people are well versed in certain varieties. In our article we want to talk about the common milkweed. What is this mushroom, what does it look like and is it edible?

Anubias barter: types and content

Anubias barter: types and content

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Anubias Bartera will be a wonderful decoration for every aquarium. At the same time, it reproduces easily and does not require any special care

Sights of Iceland: nature, climate and interesting facts

Sights of Iceland: nature, climate and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The territory of Iceland is located on an island with the same name, which is located on the very edge of Europe and is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its icy name, the country is not Arctic, its climate is softened by the North Atlantic Current closer to the coast, and the Gulf Stream does not allow the island to turn into a cold desert with eternal ice

Saturn's favorite stones are sapphires

Saturn's favorite stones are sapphires

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Sapphire stones are the highest grade of precious minerals along with diamonds, emeralds and rubies. It is a type of corundum. It has a lot of "fantasy" shades (green, yellow, orange, pink), but intense blue sapphires are most valued

Tsimlyansky Sands Natural Park - an island of unique nature on the border of two regions

Tsimlyansky Sands Natural Park - an island of unique nature on the border of two regions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Tsimlyansky Sands Natural Park: flora and fauna, unique plant species on scarce sandy land and a herd of wild horses. Legends of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir

Canadian pine is an evergreen coniferous tree with flat needles. Canadian hemlock

Canadian pine is an evergreen coniferous tree with flat needles. Canadian hemlock

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Like many coniferous trees, the name of these pines has changed several times. The first representatives of the genus became known to European botanists in the 18th century. These were the hemlocks of North America. Around the same time, they received the name "hemlock"

Glandular impatience, or glandular balsam: description

Glandular impatience, or glandular balsam: description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A beautiful and very delicate plant of touchy (Balsamic family) belongs to a large genus, which is called Touchy. It has over 500 plant species. The garden "career" of these plants developed with varying degrees of success: there was a time when they were admired, and then undeservedly forgotten

How long does a horse live at home and in nature?

How long does a horse live at home and in nature?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

It is generally accepted that natural conditions are the most suitable for animals. Some especially impressionable people think that only there they live happily ever after. Is it really?

The sky is so glowing that the day looks like it will be windy

The sky is so glowing that the day looks like it will be windy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Sometimes the sky is illuminated by the reflection of fires burning on the ground (fire, illumination). Sometimes the reflection of the sunset paints the atmosphere in a variety of colors. This phenomenon is called a glow. With its beauty, it invariably inspires creative people, and mystics look for secret signs in this. The word is often used as romantic names

Markakol - a lake in East Kazakhstan: description. Water resources of Kazakhstan

Markakol - a lake in East Kazakhstan: description. Water resources of Kazakhstan

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Markakol and its shores are fabulously picturesque: the purest transparent water, the shores are rich in various vegetation (fir, larch and herbs). With a light breath of wind, the lake is covered with scallops of white small waves, which resembles the wavy delicate skin of a young lamb. Perhaps that is why this lake has such a funny name

Lifestyle, development and reproduction of leeches in nature

Lifestyle, development and reproduction of leeches in nature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Leeches have been known to man as little healers since ancient times. They were used in the treatment of any ailment. About how these annelids live, how they reproduce and develop in their natural environment - this article will tell

The most dangerous snake on the planet: rating, features and interesting facts

The most dangerous snake on the planet: rating, features and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Snakes never attack a person just like that. The aggression of reptiles is always justified, but if she bit, then there was a reason. And at this time it is important not to panic, but to have time to see the pattern on the back of the attacker. Suddenly, this is the most dangerous snake in the world

Rivers of the Czech Republic: which river connects the Czech Republic and Germany, the longest river in the Czech Republic

Rivers of the Czech Republic: which river connects the Czech Republic and Germany, the longest river in the Czech Republic

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Czech Republic is intertwined with a network of rivers. In total, there are more than eight dozen water streams in the country. Many of them are of economic importance for the population, while others are places of cultural recreation or are historical sites. The largest river in the Czech Republic is the Vltava. And the Elbe River connects two countries, the Czech Republic and Germany

What is a grin? Terminology and examples

What is a grin? Terminology and examples

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Having found out what the grin of a predator is, we should separately dwell on a vivid example. An animal that everyone knows. This is a wolf. The grin of the animal is very clear. Showing aggression and growling, the wolf usually exposes the upper jaw very much. It seems as if all the skin, along with the hair, has completely shifted back, leaving only the mouth itself with teeth

Unicorn fish: photo, description. whale fish unicorn

Unicorn fish: photo, description. whale fish unicorn

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Since the past, among many peoples, one of the most popular fictional creatures has been a unicorn. Although they described it in different ways, they always represented it as a horse with one horn coming out of its forehead. Perhaps for this reason, some representatives of the animal world with similar outgrowths on their heads, including fish, began to be called unicorns

How does a tiger hunt? Interesting observations

How does a tiger hunt? Interesting observations

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the article, we will consider how a tiger hunts, how and when it lies in wait for prey, we will study the hunting techniques of this large and dangerous predator. You will learn the details of the life of the king of the jungle, his interesting habits and habits, how much fresh meat this predator needs to eat per day to be he althy, and how lucky this hunter really is

Bioindicator - what is it? Definition, types and types of bioindicators

Bioindicator - what is it? Definition, types and types of bioindicators

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Different methods are used in environmental research. One of them may be bioindication. This approach involves studying the state of certain living organisms to obtain information about their habitat. To understand the features of conducting such studies, one should consider what a bioindicator is. This will provide the necessary information about a similar research methodology

What do lions eat in the wild

What do lions eat in the wild

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the article, we will consider what lions eat, who they decide to attack in the wild, and which animals are bypassed to avoid injury and death. We will tell you how the lion hunt goes, follow the ritual and the sequence of eating the prey

Acanthoscuria geniculata spider: lifestyle and maintenance rules

Acanthoscuria geniculata spider: lifestyle and maintenance rules

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many lovers of arachnids are familiar with the spider acanthoscuria geniculata, or the white-kneed Brazilian tarantula. Perhaps he is one of the most popular representatives of arachnids kept in captivity. Which is not surprising - he is quite beautiful, has large dimensions and at the same time is not too picky about the conditions of detention

The den is a convenient wintering place for bears

The den is a convenient wintering place for bears

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A den is a place where a bear hibernates. This is a temporary shelter of the beast for the period of hibernation. As you know, bears are large animals that find it difficult to find food in the winter. Although bears are considered predators, however, when observing the behavior of these mammals in natural conditions, one can understand that most of their diet is plant foods and even grass

Kravtsovo lake in Stavropol. What is unique?

Kravtsovo lake in Stavropol. What is unique?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Geographers claim that there are more than two million lakes in our country! And each of them is unique in its own way. Each of them is worthy of attention and study and can become the object of the most interesting research… If your path lies to Kravtsov Lake in Stavropol, then this article is for you. From it you will learn the history of the origin of the reservoir, the features of the flora and fauna of the lake and much more useful and interesting

Osveyskoye lake - the pearl of the Vitebsk region

Osveyskoye lake - the pearl of the Vitebsk region

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Recreation in nature… What could be better for an inhabitant of a metropolis who is tired of the bustling city life? Only outdoor recreation on the shores of a picturesque lake. This will bring you peace, help you find harmony in yourself, or it will turn out to be an educational ecological expedition, during which you can explore the flora and fauna of the surroundings of the reservoir, visit various natural monuments, unique objects

Deepness of Baikal: 1637 meters of purest water

Deepness of Baikal: 1637 meters of purest water

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Baikal Lake Basin as an orographic unit is a complex formation of the earth's crust. It began to form 25-30 million years ago, and recent studies show that the process of lake formation continues. According to geologists, Baikal is the embryo of the future ocean. Its shores "scatter", and after some time (several million years), a new ocean will replace the lake. But this is a matter of the distant future. Why is Baikal interesting for us today?

How many tributaries the Danube has - we will find out for sure

How many tributaries the Danube has - we will find out for sure

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

An ancient Greek historian in the second book of his work "History" indicates that the Ister River originates in the country of the Celts and crosses Europe in the middle. The scientist also wrote about where the river flows and how many tributaries the Danube has

The fastest animal in the world - who is it

The fastest animal in the world - who is it

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Among the land mammals, the cheetah is recognized as the fastest in the world, because in pursuit of its prey it can develop amazing speed in a matter of seconds. What else is interesting about these fastest animals and what is their fate on our planet?

How many teeth does a shark have? Can't be counted

How many teeth does a shark have? Can't be counted

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Shark, a bloodthirsty predator, a thunderstorm of the seas and oceans, attacks with lightning speed, knows no pity, is deadly. This short but true characterization only applies to three varieties of sharks

Where ducks winter in nature and what are the features of their wintering in the city

Where ducks winter in nature and what are the features of their wintering in the city

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

According to the latest data from ornithologists, more and more often wild ducks, mastering the warm sometimes city ponds and other water bodies in parks and squares, prefer to stay in the city in winter. They do not leave their usual habitat. Why this happens, where and how ducks winter, we will tell in this article

Animals of the Far East: rare specimens

Animals of the Far East: rare specimens

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Far East is the most remote region of Russia, which has a rather harsh climate. The Ussuri taiga is a unique natural heritage, in which more than 400 species of trees grow (including Korean oak, Mongolian velvet). Many endemic, that is, not found anywhere else in the world, representatives of the fauna also live here. Animals of the Far East of Russia are interesting and unique, many of their species are listed in the Red Book

Ferrous quartzites: properties, origin, rock composition and main deposits

Ferrous quartzites: properties, origin, rock composition and main deposits

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Earth's crust is made up of many rocks and minerals. Some of them were formed relatively recently, others - several billion years ago. In this article, we will introduce you to one of the oldest rocks on our planet - ferruginous quartzites. What do they look like and what properties do they have? And how are they used by humans?