Large rivers of the Lipetsk region: Don, Voronezh, Pine, Stanovaya Ryasa, Matyra. Map of the region's rivers

Large rivers of the Lipetsk region: Don, Voronezh, Pine, Stanovaya Ryasa, Matyra. Map of the region's rivers
Large rivers of the Lipetsk region: Don, Voronezh, Pine, Stanovaya Ryasa, Matyra. Map of the region's rivers

Lipetsk region is a subject of the Russian Federation, located in the European part of the country, one of the regions of the Central Black Earth Region. The presence of fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions contributed to the development of crop production and horticulture here. In our article you will find detailed information about the largest rivers of the Lipetsk region - Voronezh, Matyr, Ryas, Pine and others.

A brief geographical overview of the region

Lipetsk region is part of the Central Federal District. It borders on the Ryazan, Orel, Voronezh, Tambov, Kursk and Tula regions. The total area of the region is 24,047 sq. km, population - 1.15 million people. The main city is Lipetsk.

rivers of the Lipetsk region
rivers of the Lipetsk region

The western part of the region is occupied by the Central Russian Upland, the eastern part - by the Oka-Don Plain. Erosion relief prevails: the territory of the region is quite densely “dissected” by ravines, gullies andriver valleys. The Lipetsk region is completely located within the forest-steppe natural zone. Forests cover only 7% of its territory. The climate of the region is temperate continental with a pronounced seasonality. The average annual rainfall is 400-500 mm.

Practically all rivers of the Lipetsk region belong to the Don basin. The only exception is the Ranov River, which flows in the northeastern part of the region. It belongs to the Volga basin.

Main rivers of the Lipetsk region (list)

The region has an extensive and well-developed hydrographic network. On its territory, a total of 127 rivers and over two hundred streams flow. In most cases, their sources are underground springs. The largest rivers of the Lipetsk region are listed below:

  • Matyra.
  • Voronezh.
  • Don.
  • Standing Cassock.
  • Beautiful Mecha.
  • Pine.
  • Olym.
  • Again.
  • Plavica.
  • Ptan.
  • Baygora.

The total length of the region's river network exceeds 5,000 kilometers.

rivers of lipetsk region map
rivers of lipetsk region map

Many rivers of the Lipetsk region are full-flowing. They are characterized by a mixed type of food with a clear predominance of snow (from 60% to 80%). The spring flood occurs in mid-April. Summer low water is often interrupted by rain floods. The rivers are covered with ice in early December, with the freeze-up, as a rule, lasting 125-130 days.

By the nature of the flow, all watercourses in this region can be conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Rivers flowing from the Central Russian Upland. They are characterized by a relatively fast current and significant slopes.
  2. Rivers of the Oka-Don Plain. They are characterized by slight slopes and a low speed of water flow in the channel.


The largest river in the region is, of course, the Don. It crosses the region from north to south almost in the middle. The total length of the river is 1870 km (within the Lipetsk region - only 315 km).

Don begins in the Tula region, flows through the territories of four regions of Russia and flows into the Sea of Azov, forming a large multi-branched delta. The upper course of the river falls on the Lipetsk region. The Don here is narrow, very winding and shallow. For the inhabitants of the region, the river is of great recreational importance, because its channel provides excellent opportunities for kayaking and summer holidays on numerous sandy beaches.

Don river Lipetsk region
Don river Lipetsk region


The Voronezh River originates in the Tambov region, then flows through the Lipetsk region and flows into the Don already in the Voronezh region. Of the total length of 342 km, the region of interest to us accounts for 223 kilometers of its length. It is on this river that two large regional centers stand - the cities of Lipetsk and, in fact, Voronezh.

Voronezh is one of the most polluted rivers in the region. Back in the 30s of the last century, the Soviet writer and publicist Andrei Platonov described it as follows:

The once abundant and strong river has become decrepit, exhausted, descended to a filthy puddle. And to a large extentdegree it happened because a man put his hand to the river.

According to long-term observations, the maximum permissible concentrations of some harmful substances at the mouth of the Voronezh exceed the norms for phosphates by 1.7 times, for oil products by 5.3 times, and for manganese oxides by more than 13 times.


The largest tributary of Voronezh, the Matyra River, is also not environmentally friendly. The presence of the above substances in its waters was recorded in approximately the same proportions. Matyra flows into Voronezh near the city of Lipetsk. In its lower reaches is the largest freshwater reservoir in the region - Matyrskoye. It was created in 1976 for the needs of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. The area of the reservoir is 45 square kilometers.

Stanovaya Cassock

This is the second tributary of the Voronezh in terms of size and water content. Stanovaya Ryasa is a river in the Lipetsk region, as well as in the Tambov and Ryazan regions. The total length of the stream is only one hundred kilometers. The name of the river comes from the word "cassock". So in this area they call a swampy, marshy place. “Stanovaya” means main, main. Indeed, in the hydrographic system of this river there are other Ryases - Moskovaya, Yagodnaya and Rakovaya.


In the Lipetsk region, the river is the largest tributary of the Don. Its length within the region is about a hundred kilometers. The river is fed by spring and melted snow waters. It is distinguished by a very winding channel with numerous reaches and rifts, as well as a significant flow rate for a flat watercourse. For this, the Pine River receivedbailiff - Fast.

Sosna river Lipetsk region
Sosna river Lipetsk region

Beautiful Mecha

Another major tributary of the Don, flowing into the main river on the right side (near the village of Tyutchevo). The total length of the Beautiful Sword is 244 km, within the Lipetsk region - 54 km. The river is distinguished by clean clear water (due to the predominantly rocky bottom) and rich fish fauna. Pike, dace, perch, bream, burbot, roach and many other species of fish live in its waters.

River Beautiful Mecha
River Beautiful Mecha

It is curious that in some historical sources the river appears under the name "Beautiful Sword". The origin of the hydronym is explained in one of the local legends. Allegedly, the Horde temnik Mamai lost his beautiful sword while crossing this river.
