There is an opinion in the world community that a Russian person cannot be imagined without a mat. Swearing in our country people belonging to almost all social strata. Often, swear words can be heard on TV screens, on the radio, and even in kindergarten from a very young child. Most of us treat profanity quite normally, considering it just a means of expressing our emotions. However, in fact, foul language carries a serious destructive force, which, according to scientists, can lead to the degeneration of an entire nation. Moreover, this process is quite difficult to stop, because it goes unnoticed, covering an ever larger circle of the Russian-speaking population of the planet. Today we will try to explain to readers why you should not swear under any life circumstances.

Whatis checkmate?
Before trying to understand why you can't swear in principle, you need to find out what falls under the category of "checkmate". If you carefully read the definition of this word in different dictionaries, it becomes clear that swearing is one of the most rude and ancient forms of profanity in Russia and in related languages.
Based on this definition, we can conclude that swear words were actively used by our ancestors. Most likely, you are now thinking that since great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers sometimes allowed themselves to swear with a strong word, then there is nothing wrong with that. But do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps in the old days with profanity, everything was not so simple.
History of checkmate
Many people are so accustomed to swearing in their daily speech that they don’t even think about why it’s impossible to swear and where these strange words came from in our culture. However, scientists have been interested in profanity for a very long time, and they have been studying this issue for decades.
Initially, there was a widespread opinion that mate came to the Slavs from the Mongols and Turkic tribes. But a more thorough analysis of these languages showed that there was nothing resembling swearing in them. Therefore, it is worth looking for the roots of foul language in more ancient times.
Ethnopsychologists were very surprised by the similarity of Russian swearing with the spells of the ancient Sumerians. Many words were almost identical, which led scientists to think about the sacred meaning of profanity. And as it turned out they wereon the right track. After much research, it was revealed that swearing is nothing more than an appeal to pagan spirits, demons and demons. It was widely used in pagan cults and rituals, but even then only special people who used their power to achieve certain goals could swear. Still do not understand why you can not swear? Then you should read the article to the end.
Many of the words that we use today several hundred times a day are the names of ancient demons, while others are a terrible curse sent in ancient times only on the heads of enemies. That is, using the mat every day, we consciously turn to the dark forces and call on them for help. And they are always happy to provide it, and then present an invoice for payment, which can be overwhelming for many.
It is noteworthy that even our ancestors were clearly aware of the harm of swear words. They didn't need to be told why they shouldn't swear in public places. An ordinary person could use profanity no more than ten times a year and only in the most exceptional cases. At the same time, everyone understood that retribution for this weakness would be inevitable.
Of course, many of our explanation will seem like a fairy tale. After all, modern man believes only in facts and figures. But well, we are ready to consider this issue from the point of view of science.

Science experiments with profanity
Even in Soviet times, scientists became interested in how the word affects living organisms. WithSince childhood, we know a lot of folk proverbs and sayings on this subject. For example, “a kind word is also pleasant for a cat” or “a word is not swollen, but people die from it.” This should teach us to be careful about what comes out of our mouths. However, most people take their speech extremely lightly. And, according to scientists, very in vain.
Scientific research institutes of our country have been testing the hypothesis for several years about how much a word can affect the psychophysical state of a living organism. Experiments were carried out on seeds intended for planting. Three experimental groups were created. The first one was exposed to the most selective swearing for several hours a day, the second “listened” to the usual abuse, and the third was slandered only with thanksgiving words and prayers. To the surprise of the scientists, the seeds that were hit with the mat showed a germination rate of only forty-nine percent. In the second group, the figures were higher - fifty-three percent. But the seeds from the third group sprouted ninety-six percent!
No wonder our ancestors knew that in no case should one approach cooking and planting with foul language. In this case, you should not even expect a good result. But how exactly does checkmate work? This process was maximally revealed by the Russian geneticist Petr Goryaev.

The impact of profanity on the human body
We think many of us have read the Bible and remember that "in the beginning was the Word." But most people don't even think about what it is.contained in this important line. But Petr Goryaev managed to reveal this secret.
After many years of research that he conducted in Russian and foreign scientific institutions, it was proved that our DNA chain can be represented as a meaningful text, consisting of words grouped with a special meaning. The scientist himself called this phenomenon "the speech of the Creator." Thus, Goryaev confirmed that with our speech we can both heal ourselves and destroy ourselves. He claims that thought forms, and especially spoken words, are perceived by the genetic apparatus through special electromagnetic channels. Therefore, they can heal and support us, and in other cases literally blow up DNA, causing certain disorders and mutations. And checkmate is the most destructive force of all. Pyotr Goryaev believes that a frivolous attitude to profanity leads not only to cultural, but also to the physical degeneration of the nation.
Surprisingly, doctors partly confirm Goryaev's hypothesis. They have long noticed that patients with a stroke or patients after severe traumatic brain injuries who lose the ability to speak can quite freely pronounce long sentences consisting entirely of swear words. And this means that at this moment in the body the signals pass through completely different nerve chains and endings.

The opinion of the clergy
Why can't you swear? In Orthodoxy, there has always been a consensus on this matter. Any church-going person can explain that non-normativeVocabulary is primarily a sin that is not pleasing to God. With swear words, we amuse the unclean and call on the help of demons. And they do not miss the opportunity to lead a person into an even more difficult and difficult situation. Thus, we move further and further away from the Lord and cannot fully open our hearts to him.
In addition, many swear words are a real and terrible insult to the Mother of God and the entire feminine gender in general. That's why girls shouldn't swear in any case. As future mothers, they should carry only a bright program in themselves, and not be “stained” with curses and blasphemous words. And this includes the whole mat and any swearing speech.
Priests are always trying to convey that the word is God's special gift to man. With it, he connects himself with the space surrounding him with invisible threads, and it depends only on the personality itself what exactly will happen to it. Often even believing people allow foul language, and then they are surprised that troubles, misfortunes, poverty and illness come to their house. The Church sees a direct relationship in this and advises carefully control your speech even in moments of intense anger.

The impact of swearing on expectant mothers
Scientists say that foul language has the ability to spoil the he alth and condition of a person not only in a momentary situation, but also completely change his genetic program, laid down by nature. Swearing seems to knock out certain links from DNA or completely change them. Every spoken word representsa certain wave genetic program, which in most cases does not have retroactive effect. Therefore, women in a position should especially carefully monitor not only their own speech, but also the society in which they are located. After all, the influence of the mat extends not only to those who use foul language themselves, but also to the category that can be called "passive listeners." Even one person in a company using profanity can bring great harm to everyone present.
If you still do not understand why pregnant women should not swear, then you should turn to the latest research scientists. They became interested in the data that in some countries cerebral palsy and Down's disease are extremely rare, while in others it is regularly included in the statistics of diseases of newborns. It turned out that in countries where there is no such thing as "swearing", congenital childhood diseases are much less than where foul language is a natural everyday speech of almost every person.

Children and mate
Many adults do not consider it necessary to think about why one should not swear in front of children. They believe that kids still don’t remember or understand anything, which means they won’t perceive profanity as something harmful. But this position is fundamentally wrong.
Swearing is very dangerous for children of any age. First of all, he is a conductor of violence in the life of a child. Foul language most often becomes a companion of fights and any kind of aggression. Therefore childrenvery quickly imbued with this energy and begin to actively broadcast it to the outside world, surprising their behavior sometimes quite prosperous parents.
Secondly, swear words almost instantly develop dependence. Psychologists quite often draw a parallel between it and alcohol or nicotine addiction. A child who uses profanity from a very early age will be able to get rid of this habit with great difficulty. The process will require incredible efforts from him.
Thirdly, foul language reduces the chances of your child to be able to find happiness in the future and become a happy parent of a he althy baby yourself. Therefore, try to convey to the children as clearly as possible why it is impossible to swear.

Interesting fact about profanity
Many are wondering why you shouldn't swear in prison. This rule has several explanations. The first is the fact that many swear words contain understandable insults. And in prison jargon they are interpreted literally. Therefore, a couple of such words can be perceived as a deadly insult, it is quite possible to pay for it with your life.
Besides, prisons have their own language - Fenya. It carries quite a lot of negative energy and psychologists consider its effect on the body to be much more powerful than the mat.
Instead of a conclusion
We hope that our article was at least a little useful to you. And now you will choose your words carefully. Everyday life. After all, if every person begins to follow the speech and exclude foul language from it, then society as a whole will turn its back on swearing. And at the same time - from the evil that she carries in herself.