Monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow: reviews (photo)

Monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow: reviews (photo)
Monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow: reviews (photo)

Great excitement and the widest discussion in the media and social networks caused the appearance of a monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow. The reviews were extremely unfavorable. And all because the architect made a gross mistake, unforgivable inattention and showed his absolute absence in this topic.

monument to kalashnikov in moscow reviews
monument to kalashnikov in moscow reviews


The fact is that the mistakes were discovered already on the second day after the appearance of the monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow. The reviews were not just emotional, since one of the biggest reasons for pride in their native country was literally offended. The sculptor placed a drawing on the pedestal. Allegedly the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle. In fact, apparently, not particularly bothering, the "master" downloaded the first scheme that came across from the Internet. It turned out to be a German Hugo Schmeisser rifle. At such moments, almost the entire country rears up: there was no limit to the indignation. The people hope that the sculptor didn't do it on purpose.

But how liberal citizens defend him! How the right is defendedfor such freedom! Moreover, before the discovery of a terrible mistake from these same people, the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow collected the most unfavorable reviews: they say, another monster that adorned the capital. Well, the expected estimates are unambiguous. Kalashnikov is not their hero at all. The sculptor, after discovering the mistake, did not defend the right to it, but said that it was not for amateurs to judge professionals. The Internet is still overflowing with definitions that are forbidden for use by parliamentarians, addressed to the author of the monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow … Oh, Salavat Shcherbakov, how serene you are!

monument to kalashnikov in moscow
monument to kalashnikov in moscow

About responsibility

"Well, it happens … - the sculptor shrugged his shoulders when he was informed about a wave of indignation about the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow, - I can fix it." The author, as young people say, is “purple”, what kind of scheme is there on the monument, but a real master must not only think it over, he must suffer every stroke, because the work is creative, I suppose it’s not gypsum piggy bank stamps, where, how it seems to many that there is much greater authorial responsibility and even some flight of creative thought is present (you will have to sell, you need to like it).

Is it possible that the sculptor worked without the application of his soul when creating a monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow? Conjunctural, trying to break the bonus on the people's love for a wonderful person? How could you take on a job without understanding its essence to such an extent? Even if Vysotsky had not been painted notes of his songs on a pedestal, such mass indignation would havedid not cause. And here is a monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow! Legend man! In the capital! Not a bohemian dissident, but a man through whose efforts the Great Patriotic War was won! All this is only a small part of the content of reviews about the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow.

About customers

The customer of the monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow is the Military Historical Society, where there were no specialists who are able to detect such a plan of error. Now experts have been found, recognized. The plate with someone else's scheme was removed and sent for rework. But even in this form, the six-meter monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow looks majestic. When the stove will be installed back, there is no information yet. However, reviews on the Internet are asked to hurry up, because the indignation among the people does not fade away. A huge resonance was caused by the monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow. I must say that the place for the monument, according to the majority of those discussing it, was chosen well.

This is the Garden Ring, Armory Lane. The Kalashnikov monument in Moscow has successfully blended into the urban landscape. The owner of this site - the city mayor's office - also noted this moment. According to information on the Internet, the monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov cost Moscow thirty-five million rubles. In 2016, the Military Historical Society launched a special campaign to raise money for this monument, something was collected, the rest was paid by sponsors. However, the specific sources that financed the opening of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow are unknown.

monument to kalashnikov in moscow opening
monument to kalashnikov in moscow opening

What do liberals write?

Long beforethe opening, it was noted that when a monument to Kalashnikov was erected in Moscow, there would be more sculptural monsters in the capital. Tsereteli's sculptures were meant, and connections with this moment were maximally (no, above the maximum!) Witty played up. The address of the monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov in Moscow was also not liked by many of the liberal public. Although the lane is called Armory, there is no place for weapons here, as the brightest representatives of this community said. Go to the Ministry of Defense, creators of machine guns, machine guns, rockets, planes!

The sculptor, to his misfortune, compared the machine gun in the hands of Kalashnikov with a violin, they say, Mikhail Timofeevich holds it just as carefully. The liberal public immediately and joyfully picked up this comparison. The least offensive was the praise that the sculptor is a man of culture, he even saw the violin at least twice. It was noted just as venomously that in the rear of the Kalashnikov monument in Oruzheiny Lane in Moscow (the "man with a violin", as it was written), a certain horseman was hiding, killing a vile snake. Probably, according to their assumptions, this is again St. George the Victorious, who will soon defeat Vladimir Ilyich in terms of the number of monuments.

Where is the monument?

The photo of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow shows its grand opening on September 19, 2017. The square at the intersection of Sadovaya-Karetnaya and Dolgorukovskaya received many people that day, who were looking forward to this bright day. But, as it was discovered on the second day after the holiday, not all the weapons depicted on the monument belong to Kalashnikov. The drawing of the StG 44 - the German automatic rifle of 1944 - was discovered by the attentive historian Yuri Pasholok. A photo of the Kalashnikov monument in Moscow may well confirm this opinion.

As a result, the sculptor was forced to seek help from colleagues, the same professionals, so that they discussed his creation and expressed their point of view. Of course, the noise that has risen around the monument cannot but bother the creator of the monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov in Moscow. The photo shows that on this wave, people who were completely far from such a situation began to promote themselves, whose arguments boiled down to the following formula: "If a work is scolded, then these are amateurs, and if they are praised, it is the people."

monument to kalashnikov in moscow when will be installed
monument to kalashnikov in moscow when will be installed

And the worst part

A lot of reasoning in the reviews is completely unacceptable from the point of view of Soviet people especially, and Russians in general. In them, absolutely "non-local" people say that it is generally impossible to glorify the creators of weapons, and Mikhail Kalashnikov is not worthy of any monument. A lot of people appeared foaming at the mouth to prove the suspicious similarities of the Kalashnikov assault rifle and other examples of this genre (“here, even the sculptor made a mistake!”), And even today these discussions have not yet stopped.

These non-Russian people explained with contempt that Kalashnikov himself could not invent an automatic machine, he had a five-grade education, and therefore he could not draw. They said that Hugo Schmeisser himself was moved after the war to Izhevsk, where Kalashnikov settled, so he created this perfect Sovietmachine. Moreover, they call our indisputable pride and glory - Kalashnikov - a village trickster, a self-promoter, a symbol of the regime of that country that is all woven from lies and myths. Apparently, the Victory on May 9 is also a day of mourning for them.


Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov was born in Kurya in Altai, and everyone who knows him will say that the lieutenant general and twice hero of the USSR was really modest, did not wear any masks, never lived in a big way and constantly worked. Almost every man held an AKM in his hands. And many women too. And Kalashnikov himself said that it would be better if he invented a good mower. But at that moment, a weapon was needed. He did what he had to - by virtue of talent. Sholokhov, these same people - you can list by name! are accused of plagiarism. Just as emotional. But they have about the same real arguments. That is, there are none.

Americans for some reason recognize the creation of AKM by Kalashnikov, moreover, he is one of the hundred geniuses of the twentieth century. Of ours in this list, there are also chess player Kasparov and Perelman, a mathematician who recently proved the unsolvable Poincaré conjecture. This means that we all have a right to be proud that our gunsmiths are unsurpassed, and therefore a monument was erected to the best of them - Mikhail Kalashnikov - in Moscow. The photo well conveys the festive atmosphere of its opening. And who does not want or cannot rejoice in the achievements and victories of his native country, "let him sit like that," - wasn't Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, a fellow countryman of the great gunsmith, talking about these people?

monument to KalashnikovMoscow weapons lane
monument to KalashnikovMoscow weapons lane

Minister of Culture

Vladimir Medinsky named the Kalashnikov assault rifle a cultural brand of Russia. In some ways, he is right: AKM is the most common small arms on earth. Because the best! The slab at the monument with the scheme of the German "Schmeisser" was also dismantled not without incident. The police came to the call of caring citizens and detained the workers who were engaged in dismantling for vandalism. I had to explain myself at the department.

At the opening of the monument, Vladimir Medinsky said absolutely fair words about Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, calling him "Kulibin of the twentieth century" with the embodiment of the best features that are inherent in a Russian person. And indeed. In addition to his extraordinary talent, Kalashnikov possessed such qualities as honesty, simplicity, and non-covetousness. And what an organizational talent!

Gunsmith Day

The roadway of this section of the Garden Ring was reconstructed in early summer, and in parallel, work was underway to install a monument. The initiator of the erection of the monument, as already mentioned, was the Military Historical Society of Russia. On Tuesday, September 19, the Day of the gunsmith is celebrated, and it was decided to coincide with the solemn ceremony on this day.

The monument was opened by the daughter of Mikhail Timofeevich Elena. Afterwards, the guests of honor laid flowers at the monument. The total height of the monument is impressive - seven and a half meters! In addition to the main figure of the brilliant gunsmith Kalashnikov, the artistic composition includes the image of the globe and GeorgeVictorious, which should symbolize the victory over the forces of evil and the coming peace.

monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow photo
monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow photo

What was the "village cunning"

In the fall of 1938, Mikhail Kalashnikov was drafted into the Red Army and served in Ukraine. He graduated from the courses of junior commanders, became a tank driver. He invented all the time, improved everything that he had a chance to use. For example, an inertial counter for a tank gun, then a device for a TT pistol, from which it was necessary to shoot through the slots of the tank (it turned out much more efficiently!), Then a motor resource counter.

By the way, this counter is an invention of the young Kalashnikov, the first to go into mass production, they just didn’t manage to organize it - the war. He came up with it so well that he was even called for a report to Georgy Zhukov, who sent Mikhail to Kyiv, and then to Moscow with ready-made samples, after which to Leningrad - to the Voroshilov plant to finalize and put into production.

Five-grade dropout?

In 1971, Mikhail Kalashnikov received a doctorate in technical sciences - for inventions. In addition, he was an academician of sixteen foreign academies. He has thirty-five copyright certificates for introduced inventions only. And it is not at all strange that guests from everywhere who come to the capital are first of all interested in where the monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov is located in Moscow.

In 1990, Mikhail Timofeevich visited the United States, and during this visit he was greeted everywhere as they are greetedmovie stars, although no one in the world has ever seen him in person, except that there are a very small number of people in the photo, and those are in the USSR. There he met with historians on weapons, including with the main competitor - Eugene Stoner. And a common language was instantly found.

monument to mikhail kalashnikov in moscow photo
monument to mikhail kalashnikov in moscow photo

How did the Russian cultural brand come about?

Mikhail Kalashnikov met the war from the very beginning - as a tank commander. Near Bryansk, already in October, he was seriously wounded. In the hospital, to distract from the pain, he began to invent his own weapon, namely the machine gun. He drew and drew, compared and analyzed. He summarized both his own impressions and the opinions of his comrades in neighboring hospital beds. Especially helped, unfortunately, by the nameless lieutenant paratrooper, who before the war developed small arms in one of the research institutes. And books were brought to him from the library. Who then could have thought of opening a monument to Kalashnikov in Moscow?

Doctors were not allowed to go back to the front - they were given leave for six months. Kalashnikov visited Matai, where he previously worked at a depot (this is Kazakhstan). Specialists helped there, and after a couple of months a new experimental model of a submachine gun was created. Next - Alma-Ata, where Mikhail worked in the workshops of the MAI evacuated there. Further, the sample was looked at and evaluated by Blagonravov himself - an outstanding scientist, a specialist in small arms.

Start in life

In general, Anatoly Arkadyevich Blagonravov's review was not positive, but the originality of this development delighted him, and Kalashnikov received a referral for furtherstudy. In the GAU (Main Artillery Directorate), the submachine gun was rated much higher. However, for technological reasons, they were not accepted into service. But he served as a prototype for creating a self-loading carbine already in 1944.

In 1945, the Kalashnikov assault rifle was already being finalized. In 1947, he won the competition and was put into service. Currently, AKM is the most sought after weapon in the world, despite the fact that a long seventy years have passed since its creation.
