Does a hooked nose mean a grumpy personality

Does a hooked nose mean a grumpy personality
Does a hooked nose mean a grumpy personality

One Jewish boy hated his hooked nose. He considered it huge and ugly. When he expressed his despair to his mother, she exclaimed: “He is beautiful!” Ideas about beauty are very subjective, and that's good. Otherwise, all people would be unhappy. The canons of beauty are also different: there is the classical grace of Greek statues, there are Hollywood actors. Each country has its own rules, sometimes reaching curiosities.

If we consider only the shape of the nose, then we should determine what its curvature means. Sometimes this is simply a lower landing of the nasal septum than the alar of the nose. This is the nose of Paris Hilton. He does not spoil it, but adds spice. A hooked nose in Europe is considered a sign of the breed and is called noble - many coins with such a profile are known. What determines the shape of the nose and can it be changed?

Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton


Anatomically hooked nose forms a nasal bone that is too high, or a nasal cartilage that is too down. In the first case, a hump will be formed. Often the tip of the nose looks down. If the bridge of the nose cannot be corrected in any way,then the cartilaginous part is possible, and this is often done with rhinoplasty.

Not always the shape of the nose is given by nature. There are factors that affect the change in the structure of bones and cartilage. This is a history of rickets that causes a saddle nose, swelling and injury.


In adulthood, the lowering of tissues (ptosis), softening of cartilage, sagging of the nasal septum, the tip descends. That is why Baba Yaga is depicted with a hooked nose. In his youth, he probably stood out a lot ahead of her. Over time, it went down.


The notion of the dependence of appearance on character originated in ancient China. But in the days of Conan Doyle it was popular among the European intelligentsia. The author endows his hero, Sherlock Holmes, with encyclopedic knowledge. He uses physiognomy to determine nationality.

What does a hooked nose mean in the view of a physiognomist? No definite answer to be found. This is how the various currents explain it:

  1. Such a nose for a skeptic who criticizes everything around. Deep down, this is a vulnerable nature.
  2. This is the nose of a creative person. He is an inventor and a fanatic of his craft.
  3. This is the nose of a rich person, it means a lot of money. He is smart, his every step is connected with enrichment. The nose of a moneylender or a Jew.
  4. Such a nose for a womanizer who knows how to compliment.
crochet nose
crochet nose

Recent experiments at Princeton University in the USA did not leave any chance for adherents of physiognomy. It wasIt has been proven that a person draws conclusions about the nature of the interlocutor based on personal experience. And everyone has their own idea of a certain average image. And the greater the difference, the more negative the reaction.

Spicy signs

In some countries, there is still an idea about the relationship between the size of manhood and the shape of the nose. Moreover, many girls at the first meeting with a guy pay attention to this particular detail. A large hooked nose hanging down in men is considered proof of his unprecedented sexuality. The owners of large noses themselves are proud of them and even compare them with others.

But what does science say about this? Japanese scientists conducted a study and derived a formula by which the proportions of certain parts of the body can be calculated. She links shoe size, nose length and weight.

Indian couple
Indian couple

In fact, the gene program takes part in the formation of body parts. It is she who is responsible for similar signs in races and nationalities. Scientists explain this by a long period of being in a closed system of a certain tribe, when there was no influx of new genes or their recessive forms were encountered.

National Feature

Due to the fact that the humpback detail under study is inherited by the dominant gene, hooked noses are found among Jews, Arabs and Caucasian peoples. This structure of the bones of the skull, or rather, the nasal bone, is manifested in children in a family where one parent has a hooked shape, and the other does not.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

Jews did not enter into mixed marriages for a long time, keeping religious purity. In addition, each tribe of Israel took care of its own interest in the preservation of the lineage. Lists were compiled that stored data on the origin. Under such conditions, the recessive genes responsible for narrow nostrils and snub nose simply could not remain in the people.

Expert Opinion

Anthropologists have found out which Caucasian people have small hooked noses. These are Kazikumukhs, or Laks. They number about one hundred thousand people. On average, the nose of a laksa is 51 mm. Compared to the world's largest nose, which belongs to the Turk Mehmed Ozurek, whose size is 88 mm, this is just a short one.

The secret of the short nose of the Laks lies in the Turkic origin. Scientists believe that Mongoloid features are very noticeable among the people. This is a flat nose bridge, a wide face. For a long time, the Laks retained national features due to traditions, which served as the preservation of a short, often bent down nose. It is noteworthy that in children and young representatives of the nationality, the nose is beautifully shaped and does not bend down.


Should people with large facial features have complexes? How many operations are performed by surgeons, what forces are expended to maintain a new form! Cyrano de Bergerac is listed in history not for his huge nose, but for his courage and talent. Smile and your face will be beautiful. Forget about your physical imperfection, develop spiritual qualities.

imperfect nose
imperfect nose

If a person has a grumpy personality and a hooked nose, it's justcoincidence. You should not attach importance to stupid signs, avoiding people with imperfections in appearance. After all, the character in oneself is brought up by the person himself, and not by his genes.
