Naryn River: photo, description, where it starts

Naryn River: photo, description, where it starts
Naryn River: photo, description, where it starts

This river begins in the high-mountain syrts of Central Asia. These are the places where the flat top glaciers are located, as well as the Kumtor gold deposit. Further, this fast stream, collecting many small streams and rivers, comes out onto a flat surface.

This is the Naryn River. Where does it start and what is it? This is described in the article.


Geography of the region

On the territory of the considered region of Central Asia, more than 800 natural reservoirs with a length of more than 10,000 meters are formed in total. The total length, together with small tributaries, is 30,000 kilometers. All of them belong to the Naryn river basin, to the systems of Balkhash, Tarim, Chu and Lake Issyk-Kul. The western part of the Issyk-Kul basin, poor in precipitation, has a poorly developed river network and a low specific water content.

To the east, where the volume of precipitation increases, the density of the network of reservoirs increases and the rivers are more abundant. These are the rivers of the high-mountainous regions of Naryn (Big and Small), as well as the Sary-Jaz basin. A significant proportion of the food of the latter is melted glacial waters.

The largestlength and water content of the river - Naryn. It takes its name from the confluence of two smaller rivers: the Small and Big Naryn. This place is located 44 kilometers east of the city of the same name.

Naryn in Kyrgyzstan
Naryn in Kyrgyzstan

Source and mouth of the river

The beginning (source) of the Bolshoy Naryn River is the river. Kum Ter, which flows from the Petrov glacier, located on the western part of the Ak-Shyirak massif. After the confluence of the Kum-Ter with the Ara-Bel-Suu river, the river is formed. Tara-gay (according to other Dzhaak-Tash). The latter, taking the waters of the left tributary of the Kara-Sai, forms the Great Naryn. Small Naryn gets its name after the confluence of the Djilanach and Burkan rivers, and then it flows into the Big Naryn on the right.

The Naryn River of Central Asia carries water through the territory of the following regions: Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Jalal-Abad in Kyrgyzstan, as well as Namangan in Uzbekistan. After the confluence of the river with the Karadarya, the Syrdarya river is formed.

Small Naryn
Small Naryn

Description, hydrography, tributaries

The river is 807 kilometers long, the basin area is 59.9 thousand km2. Originating in the vast glaciers of the Central Tien Shan, it flows through the intermountain valley and narrow gorges.

Water discharge at a point located above the city of Uchkurgan averages 480 m³/s. The river is fed by ice and snow. The flood period is from May to August. In June-July, the maximum runoff is observed. In winter, the water in the upper reaches of the river freezes. In the same place, in the upper reaches of the Naryn, the Naryn State Reserve extends, occupying an area of more than 91,023ha.

Before entering the Ketmen-Tebinskaya basin, tributaries flow into the Naryn River: the right - On-Archa, Kekemeren, Kad-zhyrty and the left - At-Bashy, Kek-Irim, Alabuga and others.


The region is rich in flora and fauna. In the Naryn region grow such unique plants as relic blue spruce (Tien Shan) and Turkestan juniper. There are a lot of sea buckthorn, ephedra, St. John's wort, yarrow and valerian.

beauty of nature
beauty of nature

Naryn is a habitat for endangered and rare species of birds and animals: black stork, golden eagle, saker falcon, mountain goose, bearded vulture, steppe eagle, sea eagle, mountain argali "Marco Polo", goitered gazelle, red wolf, lynx, bear and snow leopard.

Economic importance of the river

Mostly used for crop irrigation. Water leaves the Naryn River for the needs of the Northern and Greater Ferghana Canals. The river also has significant energy resources. There are several HPPs with corresponding reservoirs: Uchkurgan, Toktogul, Kurpsai, Tash-Kumyr, Shamaldysai, Kambarata under construction and several Upper Naryn.

Cities are located on the banks: Uchkurgan, Tash-Kumyr, Naryn.

Kambarata HPP
Kambarata HPP

Naryn region

The region is located in the central part of Kyrgyzstan, occupying the valleys and mountain slopes of the inner Tien Shan. This region is the largest in terms of area in the country. The Kirghiz, after resettlement from the Yenisei and Altai in the period of the 11th-13th centuries, constitute the absolute majority of the population. Almost 5% live in the regionthe inhabitants of the country. This region is one of the highest mountains in Kyrgyzstan with a low population density (1,500 meters above sea level).

More than 70% of the territory is occupied by mountain ranges, alternating with deep intramountain and intermountain depressions. Naryn crosses these mountains along an intricate trajectory, merging further with Karadarya in the Ferghana Valley of Uzbekistan.
