Quite often you can hear the expression: "Cobra is the queen of snakes." However, this " title" is also worn by other snakes. The representatives of the scaly class of reptiles that have such a prefix in the name, their features and lifestyle, as well as the Snake Queen from the legend will be discussed in the article.
The snake from the legend
There is a legend among the people about an unusual snake. She is the Snake Queen, has a mind, and on her head is a crown of gold. What is this mythical creature? They say about her that she lives in those places where there are few people. But at the same time, she appears before those who are "chosen". Reptile is testing these people. Those who pass the tests receive a reward that is worth more than gold.
Snakes surround their queen in the forest in summer, protecting her. Anyone who meets this crowd of cold-blooded ones, does not chicken out and rips off the crown from the queen, will also be rewarded. All the castles of the world will be opened to him, and all his wishes will come true.
If we talk about folklore, then there is also a fanfic "The Queen of Snakes", which is written inBased on the Naruto anime. It is dedicated to the romantic relationship between a woman and a man. This genre is an amateur composition based on original popular works - literature, films, mangoes and anime.
The following will be about real snakes called queens.
The king cobra, also known as the Hamadryad, is the largest venomous snake on the planet. There is a misconception that the king cobra snake is the most poisonous representative of this species. However, this is not the case, the most venomous snake is McCoy's Taipan, whose venom is 180 times stronger than that of the king cobra.

Representatives of this species, growing up, can reach a length of about 5.5 m, and the average size ranges from 3 to 4 m. It is worth mentioning that the largest king cobra was caught on the Malaysian Peninsula in 1937. It reached a size of 5.71 m. The reptile was sent to the London Zoo, where it surprised visitors with its length.
Lifestyle and habitat
The king snake mainly lives in tropical forests in South and Southeast Asia, as well as in the Philippines, Indonesia, India and Pakistan. The cobra grows throughout its life, which, on average, is about 30 years.
These snakes prefer to hide in holes, caves, and also find comfortable places in the crowns of trees. Some individuals prefer to live in a strictly delimited territory, while others constantly change their location. Whereinthe latter move several tens of kilometers. Scientists managed to establish this with the help of radio beacons implanted under the skin of snakes.
Royal snakes (cobras) have the ability to raise their head vertically to a height of up to a third of their body. It is amazing that they can even move in such an unusual position for other snakes. If two king cobras meet each other, then they will certainly take this position. At the same time, each of them tries to rise above the other, showing its dominant position. If one snake touches the top of the head of another, then the one that was touched immediately crawls away, recognizing the supremacy of the other individual.

Often, cobras settle next to human habitation. This is due to the fact that agricultural production is increasing significantly, while significantly reducing rainforests, and, consequently, the habitat of the king cobra. Because of this, man and snake collide quite often.
Food and Poison
The neighborhood of a snake with a person is not only a threat to be caught or killed by him, but also a good food base. Where there are crops of various crops, as well as in the zone of human habitation, there is a huge number of small and medium-sized rodents. It is they who make up the diet for this snake.
Occasionally, a cobra also hunts small monitor lizards: after the cobra's venom acts on the victim, it swallows it and may not eat for about three weeks in the future. In the case when the female has laid eggs and guards them, the individualmay not eat for about three months.
An interesting fact is that the king cobra can control the amount of venom it injects into its prey. Poison is an extremely valuable resource for the snake, and she tries not to use it in vain. This is due to the fact that poison is the main element in the hunt for the victim. In other words, the cobra cannot survive without it.
Queen of snakes - anaconda
She received such a title, first of all, for her size. This is a subfamily of boas, found in nature in the form of an ordinary, green and giant anaconda. It was the latter who received the " title" of the royal.

This is the largest snake that is found in the modern world fauna. Its base color varies from grayish green to light black with a gray tint. In this case, the pattern alternates in a checkerboard pattern. The sides of the snake are painted with dark yellow spots that surround the black rings. This coloration is quite effective in helping the anaconda hide both on land and in water.
Lifestyles and habitats
This snake is found throughout tropical South America and is found in Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Guyana, and the island of Trinidad. Anaconda, growing up, reaches a size of about 5 m, although rumors about representatives of this species more than 7 m long are very common. These data have no actual confirmation. The life span of an anaconda is about 30 years.

On average, an anaconda is about 4.5 longmeters reaches a weight of up to 85 kg. They feed on birds, reptiles, and various mammals. Unlike other snakes, the anaconda has no venom and its saliva is completely harmless. These snakes, attacking their prey, simply strangle it, and then eat it. After such a dinner, the anaconda may not eat for more than two months. There are known cases of attacks on their relatives, as well as cougars. However, such meetings often end in death for all of their participants, as serious injuries are inflicted on the opposing sides.
Anaconda is rightfully considered the queen of snakes, not only because of its size, but also because of its strength and beauty.