
Climate of the Bryansk region: features

Climate of the Bryansk region: features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The territory of the Bryansk region is part of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. It is located in the west of the East European Plain. As for the administrative center, this is Bryansk. In this article, we will provide you with information about all seasonal phenomena and climate features of this region

Prickly crab: description, distribution and production

Prickly crab: description, distribution and production

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The spiny crab is a Far Eastern representative of hermit crabs, the weight of which can range from 800 g to 2 kg. Distributed in the northeast Pacific. Its shell is up to 14 cm wide, there are thick spikes on powerful claws and back

Stripe tuna: description, habitat, cooking features, photo

Stripe tuna: description, habitat, cooking features, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Dishes of skipjack tuna can be found all over the world. This large marine fish is highly valued for its elastic meat, small amount of bones and a lot of useful substances that it contains. Its taste does not give off the ocean at all, and, in general, bears little resemblance to fish. How to cook tuna to keep all its best qualities? How not to make a mistake with his choice in the store? We have prepared all the information about this fish for you in our article

Fish Patagonian toothfish - where it lives and what is interesting

Fish Patagonian toothfish - where it lives and what is interesting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Patagonian toothfish is a relatively little-known fish found on the ocean floor. However, it is of considerable interest to seafood lovers and connoisseurs of the inhabitants of the sea, therefore it deserves to be told in more detail about it

What is the name of a crocodile with a narrow muzzle? Brief description of the species

What is the name of a crocodile with a narrow muzzle? Brief description of the species

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In our article we will talk about a crocodile with a narrow muzzle. What is the name of this reptile? Gavial. This is a rather unusual crocodile among others. Today, the Ghanaian gharial is the last of the representatives of this ancient family. They settle in calm muddy waters of deep reservoirs with a fast current

Pygmy anteater - a unique two-toed inhabitant of Central and South America

Pygmy anteater - a unique two-toed inhabitant of Central and South America

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Dwarf anteater: description, characteristics and differences from other members of the family. The area of residence, the creation of a family and the upbringing of offspring. Modern environmental problems that adversely affect animal populations. Latest research by Mexican scientists

Willwood - what is it? What does a willow tree look like?

Willwood - what is it? What does a willow tree look like?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Willow is very common in central Russia. This woody plant is distinguished by a rather unusual crown structure and a matte silver color of its leaves. From our article you will learn where willows grow, what types of this tree are represented in our country, and also what is willow

Where do water lilies grow? Description and photo of the water lily

Where do water lilies grow? Description and photo of the water lily

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Water lily is the most beautiful plant that can be seen on many reservoirs of our Motherland. However, it is also found in some other countries, delighting the locals with its delicate, exquisite beauty. Therefore, the water lily deserves to be told more about it

What is a palm tree? Description of the plant, species, photo

What is a palm tree? Description of the plant, species, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Often, the type of palm plants can be seen on the sea coast of popular resorts or as decorative elements in the interior of a home. At the same time, decorative representatives of this family have no less exotic appearance than their relatives growing in their natural environment. In this article, we will look at what a palm tree is and what types of this plant exist

Palm tree: varieties, description, homeland of the plant

Palm tree: varieties, description, homeland of the plant

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Palm trees are almost all decorative, so they often decorate cities and towns in southern countries. Some species are used as agricultural crops. There are palm trees that can be grown in an apartment or office

Gibbon is an intelligent monkey. Habitat, lifestyle and disposition of the gibbon

Gibbon is an intelligent monkey. Habitat, lifestyle and disposition of the gibbon

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Among the primates, these animals are the most offended by prejudice. Most people, at the mention of them, immediately imagine a huge, ugly and ferocious monkey, not distinguished by quick wits and tact. In fact, gibbons both look and behave very differently

The ship of the desert: 19 and one interesting fact about the camel

The ship of the desert: 19 and one interesting fact about the camel

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

For many inhabitants of the East, this animal is sacred, for example, for the Arabs. This is due to the fact that the prophet Muhammad was fed with her milk by a camel. Most likely, such a respectful attitude towards this animal will exist until the end of time, because the book "Tales of the Prophets" says that the time of the Last Judgment will come after the Arabs give up camels. The most interesting facts about the animals that are called the ships of the desert are presented in this article

What is jasper? Jasper mineral: description, photo, deposits in Russia, properties, application

What is jasper? Jasper mineral: description, photo, deposits in Russia, properties, application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Jasper is one of the most common minerals on Earth. A rich palette of shades, exquisite patterns, physical properties of this stone, unusual texture attract jewelers and stone carvers. We will talk about what jasper is in this material. You will learn what this mineral looks like, how it is formed, when it was mined and where it is used

Badyaga Sponge: description, structure, features, photo

Badyaga Sponge: description, structure, features, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The badyaga sponge is a really unusual and amazing animal in its own way. Many people confuse it with a plant, and even more so they have no idea what benefits it can bring. Therefore, let's talk about badyaga a little more in detail

Kangaroo is Description, habitat, species, features, photos

Kangaroo is Description, habitat, species, features, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Kangaroo is the mammal featured on the Australian national emblem today. It is a symbol and personification of the mainland once discovered by Cook. Kangaroo is an unusual and somewhat fantastic creature

The Alei River in the Altai Territory: location, photo, description

The Alei River in the Altai Territory: location, photo, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This river is the longest in the Altai Territory. Its name comes from the Kyrgyz modified word "ylay", which translates as "muddy". This river, mostly steppe, is very ancient. She carried her waters back in those days when the Scythians lived in these territories

Bride's minke whale: description, nutrition, habitat and reproduction

Bride's minke whale: description, nutrition, habitat and reproduction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Bride's minke whale is a predator that eats a large number of fish living in schools. This cosmopolitan inhabits the oceans, usually only in temperate and tropical latitudes. This mammal, among all other minke whales, is considered thermophilic and therefore lives in the warm zone of the oceans. You can meet him in the waters of Western Australia, South Africa, Indonesia, Japan and other places

Do plants feel pain: assumptions, theories and scientific facts

Do plants feel pain: assumptions, theories and scientific facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Have you ever wondered if plants feel pain? You can often meet a person who mindlessly breaks the stem of a flower or plunges a sharp ax into a birch tree to get juice from it in return. From birth, people have the idea that plants are inanimate, because they do not move, which means that they have no feelings. Is it so? Let's figure it out

Amur tiger: photo, description. How many Amur tigers are left in the world?

Amur tiger: photo, description. How many Amur tigers are left in the world?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The official name of this beautiful animal is the Amur tiger, but it is also called the Ussuri and the Far East. It is the largest and northernmost predator species in the world. Its habitats are the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers

African crocodile: species, distribution

African crocodile: species, distribution

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Africa is one of the largest continents in terms of area, rich in various flora and fauna. It's no secret that dangerous reptiles - crocodiles - live here. There are several types of them on the mainland, which will be discussed further

Large rivers of Kuzbass: Tom, Kiya, Inya, Kondoma. Lake Berchikul: interesting facts

Large rivers of Kuzbass: Tom, Kiya, Inya, Kondoma. Lake Berchikul: interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Kuzbass, as you know, is the unofficial name of the Kemerovo region. This subject of the Russian Federation is part of the Siberian Federal District and is the most densely populated region in the Asian part of the country. In our article we will talk in detail about the main rivers of Kuzbass. In addition, you will learn what is unique about the largest lake in the Kemerovo region

Wolf hunting: why wolves are afraid of red flags

Wolf hunting: why wolves are afraid of red flags

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Wolves are one of the most cruel and strong animals living in Russia and neighboring countries. The population of these beautiful predators is very large here, which causes great damage to the locals. That is why wolf hunting is popular in Russia. In some regions, hunters even receive rewards from local authorities for every wolf they kill

Rivers and lakes of the Kirov region

Rivers and lakes of the Kirov region

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Lakes in the Kirov region are quite diverse in their shape and size. They have a rich ichthyofauna, and this is a bait for lovers of fishing. About the lakes in the Kirov region, their history, features and interesting facts related to them are described in this article

What is smereka? Smereka tree: photo, description, application

What is smereka? Smereka tree: photo, description, application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This long-lived variety of conifers is not uncommon in the Carpathians. Some specimens reach the age of 300-400 years with a trunk diameter of 1.5 meters. Approximately 40% of forest vegetation is smereka, growing mainly in this region

Caucasian mountain goats: description of tours, breeding, diet

Caucasian mountain goats: description of tours, breeding, diet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Caucasian ibex: anatomy, common species and characteristics. How animals behave in life, what they eat and how they reproduce. A bit of history and information about why the tour is in the Red Book. Diet in summer and winter

Mount Ushba, Caucasus: description, history and interesting facts

Mount Ushba, Caucasus: description, history and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mount Ushba, rising high above the Shkhelda gorge, is considered one of the most popular massifs located in the region of the Main Caucasian Range. The two peaks (Northern and Southern) are separated by the Ushba jumper, nicknamed by climbers a "pipe" for the strong winds that constantly walk in it. The mountain with a legendary past is shrouded in a cloud of grandeur and mystery to this day

Irukandji - tyrant jellyfish: description, habitat and danger to humans

Irukandji - tyrant jellyfish: description, habitat and danger to humans

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Irukandji is a jellyfish that can kill a person with just a touch. And this despite the fact that she rarely grows more than a nail on a man's index finger. Agree, this is a very dangerous swimming neighbor. So let's find out a little more about her, because this knowledge can save someone's life

Afghan rat - fact or fiction?

Afghan rat - fact or fiction?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

People love legends about such unpleasant and repulsive animals as rats. These rodents are gaining more and more popularity each time in works of art and local horror stories. People, not stinting on words and chilling details, tell each other scary stories about giant mutant rats that reach incredible sizes and can eat a child or an adult alive

Mountain geese from the Red Book: photo

Mountain geese from the Red Book: photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mountain geese are one of the most remarkable and amazing species of geese. They have incredible abilities and characteristics. Most of the time these birds spend on land, not on water, so they run great, unlike their relatives. These unusual geese are listed in the Red Book and are protected by the Russian Federation

Can people eat acorns: benefits and dishes where they are used

Can people eat acorns: benefits and dishes where they are used

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Autumn brings a lot of useful things, we just don't know how to use everything correctly. For example, oak. Everyone has heard about the healing properties of its bark, but not only it is valuable. Oak fruits - acorns - bring many benefits. Our ancestors knew about them. Today, some doubt whether people can eat acorns? This article will help dispel all doubts and talk about this small but unusual fruit

Wild boar: forest dweller

Wild boar: forest dweller

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Cleaver boar, boar, wild pig - all these are the names of one species of animals, widespread on Earth. Its habitat is extensive, it occupies the entire European continent, extending in the north to Scandinavia, and in Asia to the Far Eastern regions and Transbaikalia

Kabardino-Balkar alpine reserve: photo, description

Kabardino-Balkar alpine reserve: photo, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Kabardino-Balkar Reserve with its rich vegetation and diverse fauna, as well as with special climatic conditions, is of great scientific value. This is a kind of natural natural laboratory. Its employees, together with educational and scientific institutions, monitor all the changes taking place on its territory

Islands of the Caspian Sea: general information, description, photo

Islands of the Caspian Sea: general information, description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Few people know that there are more than 50 islands of different sizes in the Caspian Sea, the total area of which is about 350 km2. The islands are usually located near the coast in the Volga delta. They are also known to be uninhabited. Some of them will be described in the article

Unique plants and animals of Khakassia

Unique plants and animals of Khakassia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Khakassia is a land of picturesque and truly unique nature. The republic is located in the central part of Eurasia. The complex relief with elevation changes from 250 m above sea level in the flat part to 2969 m in the Western Sayan Mountains, combined with the sharply continental climate of the region, made it possible to preserve the unique natural landscapes in their original form

Panther male: description, features, lifestyle, photo

Panther male: description, features, lifestyle, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The world surprises in its own way. If you consciously look around, you can see the huge biological diversity of living beings that surrounds us every day throughout our lives. Panthers are among the amazing creatures of nature

Amboseli National Park, Kenya: photos, history, features

Amboseli National Park, Kenya: photos, history, features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This protected area is one of the most popular places in Kenya. It is famous for the elephants living in it, the number of which is 650 individuals. There are also huge herds of impalas and zebras. There are also cheetahs and endangered black rhinos. The magnificent backdrop of the reserve is the peak of Kilimanjaro majestically rising above the clouds, located 40 kilometers from the national park

Eruslan River: flow and features

Eruslan River: flow and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the south-western part of the hilly upland of the General Syrt, the Yeruslan River originates, which is the last left tributary of the Volga. Flowing mainly through the Saratov region, the river also paves the way for the Volgograd territory. Many different towns and cities are scattered along its banks. Here you can find beautiful picturesque places for a quiet rest and fruitful fishing

Who is stronger - a shark or a killer whale? Who will win the fight?

Who is stronger - a shark or a killer whale? Who will win the fight?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Survival in the ocean is an endless struggle. And billions of years of evolution for some inhabitants of the seas were not in vain. The arms race is still going on, and the pretenders to the underwater supremacy find out who is stronger among them. Meanwhile, scientists are watching them

Aksu-Dzhabagly nature reserve: photos, sights, flora and fauna

Aksu-Dzhabagly nature reserve: photos, sights, flora and fauna

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve is one of the first and largest in the whole of Central Asia. Visiting it, you can get acquainted with some rare representatives of flora and fauna, which are not found anywhere else in the world

Pride of Siberia: Anabar River

Pride of Siberia: Anabar River

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the north-eastern part of Siberia, across the vast expanses of Yakutia, the Anabar River flows, the waters of which are rich in fish, and the rocky shores in places resemble the ruins of ancient cities. Despite the fact that the river basin is quite picturesque, this place is just beginning to be discovered by travelers